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Special in this Issue:

Color portraits and

biographies of:

New Apostle

Patriarch to the Church

Assistants to the Twelve

First Council of Seventy

Presiding Bishopric

November 1967


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Memo to the reader, November 1967

Twelve years ago, in 1955, the first of our special November issues appeared. It featured a section containing 14 full- color reproductions of the beautiful murals in the newly completed Los Angeles Temple.

This issue also started a tradition of special November magazines. Over the years the following subjects have been treated:

1956 Quorums of Leadership and the Aux- iliaries

1957 The Saga of Mormonism, featuring the murals from the Cody, V\/yoming, ward chapel

1958 The Presidents of the Church

1959 The Apostles of Jesus Christ

1960 The Book of Mormon, featuring paint- ings by Arnold Friberg

1961 In the Footsteps of Jesus, featuring the photographs of the Holy Land today

1962 The Life of Jesus, from paintings by Carl Bloch

1963 Latter-day Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ

1964 The Story of the Church, with photo- graphs of places important in Church history

1965 Signs of the True Church, with art from the New York V^orld's Fair

1966 The First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve

Special November issues for 1960, 1963, 1965 are still available today, for 50 cents each. A special packet con- taining the pictures of the First Presi- dency and the Council of the Twelve is available for $1.50.

In the fine tradition of the November Eras of the past, we are pleased to fea- ture in this issue 23 color photographs and brief biographies of a new apostle, the Patriarch to the Church, the Assis- tants to the Council of the Twelve, the First Council of the Seventy, and the Presiding Bishopric. New photographs of all of these brethren were taken for this purpose. Biographies were written by members of the Era staff.


Managing Editor

Official organ of the Priesthood Quorums, Mutual Improvement Associations. Home Teactiing Committee. Music Committee. Churcti School System, and ottier agencies of Tfie Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Samts.

The Improvement Era, 79 South State, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

November 1967

The Voice of the Church

November 1967

Volume 70, Number 11

Special Features

2 Editor's Page: A True Thanksgiving, President David 0. McKay

4 The Era Asks Seven Questions of Latter-day Saints in Congress (Part 2)

30 Put Heart in Your Hello, Val Camenish Wilcox

40 Servants in the Lord's Kingdom

41-63 Color Portraits and Biographies of General Authorities of the Church

64 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Church Office Building

72 And Liberty for All, Li Nielsdatter

Regular Features

9, 78 LDS Scene

15 The Presiding Bishopric's Page: The Sacrament, Bishop John H. Vandenberg

21 Lest We Forget: In Everything Give Thanks, Albert L. Zobell, Jr.

26 Best of Movies, Howard Pearson

28, 32, 34, 38 The Spoken Word, Richard L. Evans

36 Buffs and Rebuffs

66 Melchizedek Priesthood: The Home Teacher and Understanding Hu- man Nature, Wilford D. Lee

74 The Church Moves On

80 Today's Family: Thanks for the Memory, Florence B. Pinnock

86 These Times: Morals and Politics in International Life, G. Homer Durham

90 End of an Era

Era of Youth

91-104 Marion D. Hanks and ElBlne Cannon, Editors

Fiction, Poetry

10 Within the Heart, Ida M. Barken 8, 34, 38, 70, 90 Poetry

David 0- McKay and Richard L. Evans. Editors; Doyle L- Green, Managing Edrtor; Alberl L- Zobeli, Jr., Research Editor; Mabel Jones Gabbott, Jay M. Todd, Eleanor Knowles. William T. Sykes. Editorial Associates; Florence B, Pinnock. Today's Family Editor; Marion D. Hanks. Era of Youth Editor; Elaine Cannon. Era of Youth Associate Editor; Ralph Reynolds, Art Director; Norman F. Price, Staff Artist.

G. Homer Durham. Franklin S. Harris, Jr.. Hugh Nifaley. Sidney B, Sperry, Alma A, Gardiner, Contributing Editors.

G. Carlos Smith. Jr., General Manager; Florence S. Jacobsen, Associate General Manager; Verl F. Scott, Business Manager; A, Glen Snarr, Acting Business

Manager and Subscription Director; Thayer Evans, S. Glenn Smith, Advertising Representatives.

©General Superintendent, Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1967, and published by the Mutual Improvement Associations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All rights reserved. Subscription price. $3,00 a year, in advance; multiple substripiions, 2 years, $5.75: 3 years, $8.25; each succeeding year, $2,50 a year added to the three-year price; 35c single copy, except for special issues.

Entered at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, as second-class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 - act of October 1917, authorized July 2, 1918. The Improvement Era' is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts but welcomes contributions. Manuscripts are paid for on acceptance and must be accompanied by sufficient postage for delivery and return.

Thirfy days' notice i& required for change of address. When ordering a change, please include address slip from a recent issue of the magazine. Address changes cannot be made unless the old address as well as the new one is included.




By President David 0. McKay


hree hundred forty-six years ago a proclamation was issued to a little group on the bleak shores of Plymouth to meet and worship and render thanks- giving to God. That has been said to be the first Thanksgiving in modern America.

It is well for us to think on that for which those Pilgrims had to be thankful. They had landed in the previous November, in 1620, and many had to live on the Mayflower throughout that winter, for they had neither suitable clothing nor shelter. Many of their number died that first year, and yet those sturdy Pilgrims had gratitude in their hearts for the blessings of God.

They had not forgotten his Divine Providence in their behalf. They had not forgotten their faith and their freedom, and the privilege of worshiping God as their consciences dictated.

Gratitude is deeper than thanks. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the comple- tion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts,

I think it is well for us to consider our attitude toward blessings for which we should be most grate- ful, not just such temporal blessings as our harvests and our profits. Our thanksgiving might be entirely selfish, if we are thinking only of the success that has attended our investments, if we are grateful only for good crops, if we are going to express thanks only for sufficient income to pay our taxes.

The observance of Thanksgiving Day should be, in the best sense, religious. When President George Washington issued the first proclamation of thanks- giving, he called attention to reliance upon God.

It might be well to review the feelings and emo- tions with which we approach Thanksgiving Day. There are some with whom things have gone well. The family circle has remained unbroken. No wasting sickness has come into their home. Prosperity has left its blessing. The festive table is laden with plenty. There is meat in the larder and grain in the storehouse. Because of these things, they imagine they are grateful; but such gratitude is the essence of selfishness. It finds its basis in circumstances; it draws its inspiration from clear skies and smooth sailing, and hence it is as fitful and efflorescent as the alterna- tions of sunlight and shadow. If these conditions of personal comfort and prosperity are in themselves the grounds for thankfulness, where in the hour of ad- versity shall we find occasion for rejoicing?

A True

Improvement Era

The record of the past has its graver side. There have been pain and losses, and disappointments and bereavements, and heartaches. Where in those things are there reason and grounds for gratitude? Has the empty larder, the bare table, the desolate home, the vacant chair, the first mound in the cemetery no place for thanksgiving?

This is the point of stumbling with many an earnest soul. We find in the bitter chill of adversity the real test of our gratitude, which, triumphant over condi- tions merely physical and external, finds its ground of thankfulness in God himself. It is independent of circumstances. It goes beneath the surface of life, whether sad or joyous, and founds itself upon God.

Laying aside the thought of prosperity, let us con- sider some points for which everyone, rich or poor, well or sick, may express gratitude. The realities in life, after all, are the things that bring joy and happi- ness; and too many people in the world fail to appre- ciate these realities.

One great reality for which we should be thankful is life itself. Life is a mystery to most of us, but all should be grateful for it. Life is the highest gift that God can give to men. And there is no person so poor, so crippled, who should not be grateful for such a gift.

A second great fundamental for which we should be grateful is the free agency God has given us— freedom and liberty vouchsafed by the fundamental law of the land.

As this Thanksgiving Day approaches, I am thank-

people generally, realizing the fact that material possessions alone do not give happiness, are appreciat- ing more than ever before those things that are of most value. I am happy to enjoy with my friends these most worthwhile possessions. To name only a few, I would say that I am most grateful:

First, for a noble parentage and a worthy name.

Second, for an abiding faith in a Supreme Being and in the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Third, for the abilities and opportunities to enjoy the gifts of God as manifest in nature. All the beauti- ful things of creation are mine merely for the seeing and the seeking.

Fourth, for affectionate family relationships- loved ones and loyal friends. He who has even one friend is rich, and I have many who have proved themselves true and loyal.

Fifth, for opportunities to render helpful service in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

And above all, for the knowledge that a kind and loving Father will give helpful guidance to all who seek him in sincerity.

Let us always express gratitude for opportunities to render helpful service in the Church— service to our fellowmen, not to self. If you would be happy, make somebody else happy. This is a fundamental law of Christ, and the Church is so organized that every person has an opportunity in some organized way to render service to somebody else. Remember that "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

ful to know that members of the Church and so many (Matt. 25:40.)


Thanksgivi ng

November 1967

The Era Asks

Seven Questions

of Latter-day Saints

In Congress


Ten Latter-day Saints serve in the present U.S. Congress three senators and seven representatives. Because of their important public positions and wide influence, we continue their thought-provoking responses to some questions of relevance to Latter-day Saints.

Q How do you feel about the Supreme Court decisions on ob- scenity?

Congressman Clawson of Cali- fornia— This question deals spe- cifically, of course, with the rights guaranteed in the First Amend- ment, wherein it states, among other things, "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . ." and the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides that "no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immuni- ties of citizens of the United States. . . ."

There appears to be no question about the preemption of the areas of speech and press freedom by the Constitution itself. This, then, leaves us the problem of obscenity, its definition, and at what point speech and press become obscene in the constitutional sense. The majority of the members of the Supreme Court have held that a state may not constitutionally in- hibit the distribution of literary material as obscene unless "(a) the dominant theme of the material

taken as a whole appeals to a pru- rient interest in sex; (b) the material is patently offensive be- cause it affronts contemporary community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters; and (c) the mate- rial is utterly without redeeming social value."

Interpretations and opinions will again differ from individual to individual, community to commu- nity, and state to state. The diffi-

prohibition might be much better, with proper concern for juveniles and the right of privacy of the indi- vidual from unwilling exposure to offensive material. To be included also would be the methods of sale and distribution.

Although I am not a lawyer, I have frequently been critical of Supreme Court decisions, but on this subject, the state and local governmental jurisdictions must avoid legislating in the field of free expression, whether oral or literary. Over and over again, the concern, distress, and anxiety of the local community over the publication, sale, and distribution of obscene and offensive material, whether in the form of personal or public per- formance, movies, publications, or any other means, has been assuaged through the firm and constructive action of an aroused citizenry.

Education in the development of high standards of morality, ethics, and cultural appreciation is the best tool for combating obscenity and all of its peripheral problems. The


culty of legislating in the field of obscenity has always been apparent to legislators on all levels of govern- ment whenever they have at- tempted to come to grips with the problem. Regulation rather than

imagination and initiative of mem- bers of civic and service organiza- tions of any given community can, in my humble opinion, devise methods and pressures to deal with such problems on the local level whenever the desire for improve- ment is strong enough. Congressman Hanna of California In this line of Supreme Court decisions, I see the great challenge that faces our American society; that is, how to maintain the highest

Improvement Era

level of freedom and at the same time maintain a level of conduct that encourages the production of a morally strong citizenry. Where the level of conduct is held high by adherence of the people on a volun- tary basis, a voluntary commitment arises out of individual good taste and is driven by individual desire for the highest order of living, and when individual responsibility for conduct is appropriately assumed', the minimum level of law enforce- ment is required in those areas which impinge upon morality. But when individual voluntary commit- ment is lowered, when substantial segments of the population are willing to accept lower standards of behavior, when good taste does not prevail in bringing individual re- straint, then other elements in our society whose sense of decency is thereby offended will press strongly for a greater encroachment of law enforcement into the fields of moral behavior.

If this occurs, true freedom in these areas will be eroded and

Most of the statutes on obscenity turn out to be a struggle with se- mantics, and when it is all over, the basic question, however expressed, is still one of taste and a level of acceptable conduct. These are most difficult to express in the rigid language of criminal statutes. Therefore, it is my opinion that the Supreme Court decision on obscen- ity correctly admonishes a very cautious approach to those who seek the answers to these questions of moral behavior in the sterile and inflexible language of the criminal articles.

Congressman Moss of California The Court has not, in the case of obscenity, drawn precise lines. In fact, the Court has become en- meshed in a quagmire forcing it to deal with the question of obscenity on a case-by-case basis, which in- evitably will lead to an obscurity of definitive lines. Congressman Hansen of Idaho I believe that no individual can adequately develop his talents without complete freedom of self-

Beginning at far left:

Senator Wallace F. Bennett, Utah; Congressman Laurence J. Burton, Utah; Senator Howard W. Cannon, Nevada; Congressman De/w/n M. C/awson, California; Congressman Richard T. Hanna, California.

diminished. This is, in my judg- ment, very unfortunate, for it is in these fields of moral behavior that close and careful definitions, which make the application of criminal statutes acceptable or even toler- able in an open society, are most difficult.

expression, but it must certainly be pointed out that there is a differ- ence between liberty and license. If certain individuals abuse their freedoms to the extent that they harm others, they are, in effect, in- fringing on the rights of others. There cannot be true liberty for all when license is allowed or encour- aged. In this light, I am concerned that recent Supreme Court deci-

sions have not maintained this balance.

Senator Moss of Utah The Court has not drawn the right line be- tween freedom of expression and the right of communities to outlaw pornography, and I deplore it. As we know, for many years it was illegal to send obscene literature through the mail or to sell it in bookstores or on newsstands. Now the Supreme Court has held that some of these books have social value and are protected under the First Amendment. The decisions are based on fear of censorship, since the first act of a dictator is to limit free speech and free press.

There are, however, several bright spots in the picture. First, the Supreme Court recently upheld a lower court decision to fine and jail a New York publisher for pub- lishing an obscene magazine be- cause the advertisement blatantly described the contents of the maga- zine in question as obscene. Second, a federal court in Iowa has recently convicted a California publisher for publishing obscene literature, and this case will now come before the Supreme Court. Furthermore, the Court indicated in one decision that laws passed by states to keep pornographic literature out of the hands of juveniles might be consti- tutional. I hope the individual states will act on this.

Under a bill now pending before the Senate, a citizen may ask the Postmaster General to order the sender of erotic or sexually provoc- ative literature to refrain from sending any further literature, and parents can ask that a similar order be entered for their children.

November 1967

Q How essential is compromise in political decision-making? Senator Bennett of Utah The

word "compromise" has come to have a bad connotation, which it does not deserve. In a body like the Senate, made up of a hundred men,

ministration. Factors reflecting partisan politics are nearly always present. Then, of course, there is the constant potential conflict created by variations in the in- terests of the state a senator repre- sents, divisions of opinion with the

I refer to those incorporated in the 13th Article of Faith: honesty, truthfulness, chastity, and similar virtues. In any given situation, either a man tells the truth as he knows it to be, or he does not; he is either honest or he is not; he is

'You cannot be a good Latter-day Saint without being politically active."

each with his own background and his own opinion, any legislation, in order to secure the needed 51 per- cent of the votes to pass, must be the result of compromise. Some- times there is general agreement on the basic form of the legislation, and the compromise involves de- tails. Sometimes there is head-on disagreement on the problems and philosophy of the legislation, and in that case compromise becomes more serious.

Those who feel that "compro- mise" is a bad word tend to see it in such a phrase as "to compromise one's principles." People who hold that view tend to regard people who do not agree with them as either having no principles or hav- ing surrendered them. Actually, in my long experience in the Senate I have come to realize that when people who have this kind of an idea talk of principles, they are really talking of their self-interest. They are not talking about the basic aspects of character and in- tegrity. Sometimes they are saying that a person who does not agree with their interpretation of a situa- tion has compromised his prin- ciples.

The factors to be weighed in the inevitable compromise change with every problem. Some are economic, some social, some matters of ad-

state or party, what might be called national interest, and the personal philosophy of government a senator may hold. Congressman Burton of Utah The original meaning of "compro- mise," and the one that particularly applies to the legislative process, is "a settlement by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual conces- sions." As one might suspect, there is hardly any issue that comes be- fore the House of Representatives that all 435 members would com- pletely agree upon. In truth, many if not most of the bills that are enacted into law are a synthesis of varying points of view.

For my own part, I have often

either chaste or he is not. I do not believe that it is in any way neces- sary for a legislator to be less prin- cipled than persons engaged in other callings. But— and this is the point that should be understood— an effective legislator can and does compromise with respect to certain legislative goals without doing violence to his personal integrity. Senator Cannon of Nevada Com- promise is an absolutely necessary ingredient of the decision-making process in a democratic form of government. It is the only way by which the needs and demands of divergent sections of the country can be satisfied. It is also the only way by which conflicting view-

found it necessary to vote for measures that embody less than the ideal for which I may have hoped. I have done this because, in my judgment, the measure in question represents the best that the House would approve, and, as a practical matter, "half a loaf is better than no loaf at all."

I am certainly not unmindful, however, that there are certain absolute values that cannot prop- erly be the subject of compromise.

points can be merged in agreement. The job of a member of Congress is to view the entire problem and make an equitable decision as to how our nation's needs can best be met.

This decision should not and need not involve an abandonment of principles, but without compro- mise the governmental processes could not function, and in most in- stances legislative action could not be accomplished.

Improvement Era

Congressman Hansen of Idaho—

A breakdown in the principle of compromise— and therefore a break- down in good government— occurs when a political party in power is so strong numerically that it can ride roughshod over the thoughts and opinions of its opponents with- out giving them due consideration.

Congressman Clawson of Cali- fornia— I prefer to eliminate the word "political" and discuss com- promise and decision-making in a general sense, inasmuch as all deci- sion-making involves "compromise," even in the councils of the Church. The degree of toughness that one holds to a position depends upon the issue and the factors surround- ing it.

I have tried to follow a strict personal guideline that when mat- ters of judgment are involved, com- promise is often required. If the decision imposes a deviation from principle (integrity, rightness, honor, justice), then compromise cannot be countenanced. On the federal legislative level, some of

Q How does political life afford new dimensions for expression of personal integrity? Congressman Hansen of Idaho

Political life affords new dimen- sions for expression of personal integrity by allowing public offi- cials and aspirants to public office considerably more latitude than they would generally experience as private citizens. Because of this, it is often easy to abuse newfound privileges and immunities that may go with the office. Generally, how- ever, there is a great challenge to an individual, who now is respon- sible, not only to himself but also to the people he represents and to the nation, to conduct himself in a manner above reproach and to weigh the issues more carefully and in greater depth before arriv- ing at decisions on them.

Senator Bennett of Utah It seems to me that the basic principles of character that can be summarized by the phrase "personal integrity" should apply in all activities of life, and while the pressures and temp-

Beginning at far left: Congressman George Vernon Hansen, Idaho; Congressman Sherman P. Lloyd, Utah; Senator Frank E. Moss, Utah; Congressman John E. Moss, California; Congressman Morris K. Udall, Arizona.

the factors I use include: Is it con- stitutional? Is it necessary? Is it in the public interest? Is it within the province of the federal govern- ment, or should it be at some other governmental level? And even such a mundane factor as, "Can we af- ford it?"

tations may be a little different in political life, certainly there are none that are new or unique. Congressman Lloyd of Utah I be- lieve that even good men operate within the context of their personal interest, but they also recognize a larger context. I am often asked the question, "If your personal con- victions were in conflict over the wishes of your constituency, how would you vote?" There are many questions on which I believe the

congressman should represent the opinion of his constituency, if it is possible to ascertain what the majority will is.

However, there are other situa- tions in which it is necessary to vote one's convictions. For example, I voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1963, which I viewed as a moral issue, in spite of the fact that my mail was overwhelmingly in opposition. On questions of labor- management relations, education, taxation, and other controversial issues, a congressman has the re- sponsibility, in my opinion, of deciding what is best, and not what is politically expedient. After all, good citizens expect leadership as well as representation from their congressmen.

I believe this is the true test of personal integrity, and I acknowl- edge that two persons, equally honest, might disagree on the defi- nition of personal integrity. For example, one might decide that it is his responsibility to vote the apparent desires of his constituency while the other might decide that it is his responsibility to vote his convictions based on honest study, and to let the chips fall where they may. There is perhaps no other form of activity in which personal integrity is challenged more often than in the field of politics.

Q What advice would you give the thousands of Latter-day Saints as they enter politics on the local, city, state, and national level? Senator Moss of Utah Become an active member of a pohtical party! That is the best advice I can give to those entering the active years

November 1967

of citizenship. Almost every voter sees the election in which he feels he must scratch his ticket, but the task of governing the nation is done largely by our political parties. Those who vote only in general elections exert little influence for either good or bad. Candidates are selected and ideas put into plat- forms through mass meetings, con- ventions, and primaries. Only through them can men of integrity and devotion to the public good be put on a ticket. Many a law or political career has been germi- nated in a meeting of a small group of interested citizens determined to move their party. If you do not participate, you leave to others— often those with axes to grind—the determination of the future of our country.

Congressman Clawson of Cali- fornia— May I say that you cannot be a good Latter-day Saint without being politically active, whether or not you hold office. Read carefully the instructions in the Doctrine and Covenants regarding the selection of public officials. If this counsel is followed, then you are in politics. Congressman Burton of Utah I know of no other church that places such heavy emphasis on good citizenship as does our own. But to make democracy really work, all members of the body poli- tic must participate in it. Every year in thousands of school board, city council, and county commis- sion meetings, highly important de- cisions involving budgets of millions of dollars are made and approved with scarcely any citizen interest whatsoever. This is a shame! Senator Cannon of Nevada I would urge Latter-day Saints to apply the principles that they carry with them through life in the con- duct of their activities at every political level. These principles have been tried and tested and have enabled countless Latter-day

Saints to make valuable contribu- tions to our way of life. My further advice is to apply the principles of fairness and justice to politics in a manner that will make these virtues as meaningful in the political arena as they are in day-to-day life. And there is no effective substitute for active membership and participa- tion in the political party of one's choice. Only through such an or- ganization can ideas be put into motion and find their expression in our laws.

Congressman iVIoss of California Be informed, fully and carefully; be compassionate; be willing to be unpopular if need be in order to render service. Entering politics with the idea of always being pop- ular is a dangerous thing. I per- sonally have been well guided through my years of political ser- vice by the words of Edmund Burke: "But his unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his enlight- ened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. These he does not derive from your pleasure, no, nor from the law and the Con-

stitution. They are a trust from Providence, for the abuse of which he is deeply answerable. Your rep- resentative owes you, not his in- dustry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion." Congressman Udall of Arizona Running through my personal philosophy, and doubtless under- lying my approach to problems of government, are fundamentals that my church teaches and represents: the value of the individual, the im- portance of man's free agency, the belief that problems can be over- come with goodwill, intelligence, and hard work, the vital necessity of our free institutions, respect for authority, and the idea that we are our brother's keeper. By using these and other teachings of the Church, Latter-day Saints should be able to make an immeasurable contribution to mankind. O

(Note: The first response on page 27— October, Part 1—is from Con- gressman John E. Moss instead of Congressman Richard T. Hanna.)


By Solveig Paulson Russell

In late autumn woods the trees are hare, And soggy dead growth is everywhere. No bird song trills, no rabbit leaps. Far underground the gopher sleeps.

Here is no promise of fragrant spring, No clue to say that earth will fling A glad new garment, fresh and green, Over this quiet, lifeless scene.

But deep in the silent roots there lies The making of God's planned surprise. Here miracles of growth, tender and bold. Will, in appointed time, unfold.


Improvement Era

TheLDS Scene

U.S. Indian Claims Commissioner Retires

Former Utah Senator Arthur V. Watkins has retired as chief commissioner of the Indian Claims Commission, an appointment made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1959. The former Sharon (Orem, Utah) Stake president and weekly newspaper publisher is wellknown nationally for his contributions to water resource development and his chairmanship of the select committee to study censure charges against Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1954. in his honor the Arthur V. Watkins Integrity- in-Congress Award, to be given each year to a deserving senator or congressman, has been established. The Washington Post recently editorialized: "This country is deeply grateful to Mr. Watkins. At a time when the orderly conduct of government was in grave peril from the wild and seemingly uncontrollable prairie fire known as McCarthyism, the unassuming Senator from Utah brought the

nightmare to an end. . . . Few episodes in recent history have given the country a stronger feeling of mingled pleasure and surprise." Brother Watkins now plans to write his memoirs.

Number One Middleweight

Don Fullmer, No. 1 ranking middleweight boxing championship contender of the World Boxing Association, dodges blow of Teddy Wright in a ten-round match held at Weber State College, Ogden, Utah. Twenty-eight-year-old Fullmer, Explorer leader in the South Jordan Third Ward, West Jordan, Utah, and younger brother of Gene Fullmer, former world middleweight boxing champion, won by unanimous decision. He will meet Italian Sandro Mazzinghi December 8 in an elimination bout for a chance at the championship.

Home Run Champion

Harmon Killebrew, first baseman for the Minnesota Twins baseball

team, tied for the American League home run title, with 44 home runs this season. Elder Killebrew, a member of the Ontario (Oregon) Ward, joined the Church in February 1966. He has

been American League home run champion four times, once the league's runs-batted-in leader, and is the 14th all-time home run hitter in baseball with a total of 380 home runs.

Many Farms Project

A few of the more than 200 participating Indians who helped harvest 12 different crops on the Church's Many Farms project near Chinle, Arizona, survey their labors. The project, a modern community development concept similar

to early Mormon colonization patterns, is sponsored by the Southwest Indian Mission and is designed to teach Indians to cooperate and work

together. Proceeds from the 60-acre farm go to the project.

November 1967


Within the Heart

By Ida M. Barkan

Karen's eyes fell on the forgotten note Jody had placed on the dresser the day before. "A note from the teacher," Jody had explained, withdrawing to her room and to her solitude. Karen wondered how soon Jody would resume her normal way of life. Or was

this normal under the circumstances? In all her read- ing and discussion she had never explored the subject of a child's grief in the face of death. How long did a child mourn? Karen tore open the envelope and read:

"Dear Mrs. Wilson: I would appreciate your com- ing to see me at your earliest convenience— between 12:30 and 1:00 or after school, whichever is better for you. Sincerely, Mary Jackson."

Your earliest convenience. Miss Jackson knew about Art's death and would not ask for a consultation unless it was urgent. Perhaps Jody was not doing well in



Improvement Era

arithmetic again. Art had always helped her with her problems, Karen thought. She would go to the school today. If Jody needed help with her lessons, she'd help her. She would have to be both father and mother to the child.

Karen had tried to appear brave in front of Jody. Because children were impressionable and some- times had amazing memories, Karen had made an effort to prevent Jody from accumulating too many unhappy memories of this tragic period, even if it meant smiling when her heart was crying, speaking when she wanted to weep. Jody had withdrawn almost from the hour of her father's death, eating her meals in silence, then leaving for school or for her room. But now Karen decided she would get a job; they would resume life together, the two of them. How thankful Karen was that she had Jody. She should have adopted another child. Children should have brothers or sisters, but Art's poor health had kept her from adding to his responsibilities. She smiled faintly, a trace of joy entering her sad heart at the thought of the beautiful relationship between Art and Jody.

Approaching the school two hours later, she recalled the homework sessions Art and Jody often had to- gether. A high school teacher. Art had spent most of his adult life with children and had a deep love for them. To Jody he had been father, teacher, adviser, companion. Now Karen felt inadequate to fill the many vacancies left in Jody's heart by his death. Undoubtedly Miss Jackson would tell her that Jody was not doing her schoolwork satisfactorily. What could one expect of a child who had recently lost a father?

But Miss Jackson had no fault to find with Jody's schoolwork. "It is strange," the teacher said, the lines in her forehead deepening, "how the child has completely withdrawn from everybody."

"Wouldn't you expect her to?" Karen instantly re- gretted her impatience.

"No." The teacher's eyes were wide and frank. "This is your child's first experience with death. But I have seen many children under similar circum- stances. None of them have behaved this way. It isn't natural after so many weeks. A child so young usually cannot resist the surge of life. She should be out there playing with her friends, instead of brood- ing by herself as she is probably doing right now."

"But she was so close to her father." Karen had the odd feeling she was arguing with herself. Reluctant to express her own concern at Jody's detachment, even afraid to admit it, she now agreed there was some- thing odd about Jody's behavior. Wouldn't you think a child, upon losing one parent, would be drawn closer to the other?

"We had a wonderful relationship with our daugh- ter," Karen said quietly, rising and slipping on her

Mrs. Ida M. Barkan, wife of a cantor in the Agudas Achim Synagogue in San Antonio, Texas, wrote this story after viewing a similar incident involving a friend's adopted child.

felt inadequate to fill the void in Jody's heart.

November 1967


gloves. "Our daughter is adopted. An adopted child is sometimes more welcome and more loved than one born to parents. Don't you agree?"

"I am sure you love your child dearly." Miss Jack- son rose, too. "I hope you will be able to pull her out of this appalling gloom."

Appalling gloom. The words rolled over in her mind as she walked home. Incredible that such a description should apply to her usually sunny, cheer- ful, happy child. Incredible, too, that Jody did not cling to her mother these past weeks. At first, too involved in her own grief, Karen had failed to notice. Then she tried to convince herself it was a passing mood. Well, who says the teacher knew everything? Some children may lose a father on one day and go out to play the next day, but not Jody. Not her clever, intelligent, devoted Jody.

But something had to be done. Should she ask directly, "Jody, why do you keep away from me?" From the start she had used the direct approach. The child knew that she was adopted. Karen spoke of it freely, openly, and often, even though this had elicited vehement criticism from some, especially from her friend Hattie, herself the mother of two adopted children. Karen tried not to think now of Hattie, whose recent coolness and neglect still touched a sore spot. When Jody had asked, "Why don't we see Aunt Hattie any more?" Karen replied, "She moved away." But six blocks could hardly be called "away."

Karen still could not understand Hattie's attitude. "But why mustn't we speak of adoption openly?" Karen had asked. "This is a problem we all have, those of us who have adopted children."

"It is no problem!" Hattie objected. "Yes, children should be told. But we shouldn't bring it up at every opportunity! You treat this as you would any delicate subject. But you shouldn't constantly harp on it. I don't care to have my children reminded often that they are adopted."

They did not see eye to eye, but was that reason to break up a friendship? Karen had not realized how much she missed her friend until Hattie came to visit her after Art's death. If Karen hoped they would resume their former relationship, she was wrong. Days were followed by weeks and Hattie did not come again.

Karen did not remember just when she had first discussed the matter of adoption with Jody, but she recalled one day when six-year-old Jody, while eating her supper, asked, "Does Mrs. Norcross next door have a baby growing under her heart?"

"Yes," Karen said.

"Is that where I came from— inside you?"

"No, darling. I adopted you, you know."

"Why didn't I grow in you?"

"For some reason a little baby couldn't grow in me. Remember when we planted our garden— the carrots, tomatoes, and peas? Some grew and some did not. Sometimes babies grow in a mamma and sometimes not. When you did not grow in me I went to the institution I told you about, where there are babies whose mammas can't keep them, and I picked the prettiest, the sweetest one— you!"

"Mommy, can I have more cookies?"

There are times in one's life, Karen reflected, when memories come up that have no direct relationship to the incident that brings them up. Why did she recall the sad day when Spotty, their dog, was killed by a car, leaving a two-week-old litter of four? "What will happen to the puppies?" Jody had cried, her heart broken.

"I'll send them to an institution where the people will take good care of the puppies until they find homes for them, with families who love puppies."

"Just like me! Did the mamma who horned me die? Do the mammas of the 'stitution babies die, like Spotty did?"

"Not always, dear. Sometimes they do. Sometimes the mammas are too sick to take care of the babies, and sometimes they have no daddies. A baby must have a daddy and a mamma to love her, to take care of her. That's what makes a family— a daddy, a mamma, and a child."

Karen unlocked her door, entered the house, and knew that she would not go job hunting today. In the back of her mind, painful thoughts persisted. She had to go through Art's closet and dispose of his clothes. Each time she thought of it she couldn't bring herself to go to the closet. But she'd have to do it. Perhaps tomorrow, after Jody left for school. She must not let Jody see her in distress. Jody must see her calm and brave. Karen must do her crying during the nights, with face pressed into her pillow.

At Art's desk she picked up the cards of condolence she had not yet acknowledged. Ten years of teach- ing in one school added up to a great many students, and Art's affection for his students had resulted in unending friendship with them. She picked up a card, but instead of the words on it she saw her daughter's sad face. How could Karen pull Jody out


Improvement Era

of her depression? Troubled, she gazed, through the window until her eyes rested on her next door neigh- bor, Mrs. Norcross, heavy with child, walking toward her four-year-old son in the yard. With a half-formed thought Karen left her desk and crossed the path to Mrs, Norcross. Hesitantly, she briefly outlined her problem, and together they conspired to get Jody out of the house that afternoon. "I hope it works," Mrs. Norcross said.

"Thank you for your willingness to try."

She now stood by the window, watching Jody strolling down the street until Mrs. Norcross called to her. The two "exchanged some words, and with a smile Jody hastened toward her home.

"Mamma," Jody said, "Mrs. Norcross wants me to take care of Paul. She is tired and wants to lie down. May I?"

"Of course. Have your milk first."

At the table Karen closely studied Jody's face, which slowly started losing its animated look, assuming the brooding, unhappy expression that had covered it for over a month. "Do women always get tired when they are going to have babies?"

"Most of the time." Oh. ask more questions, Karen thought to herself. Say something, anything! Don't loithdraiv from me, my darling!

"I remember. Mamma, when Mrs. Norcross was going to have Paul, and you told me the baby was under her heart."

"Yes. That's where babies grow."

Jody rose slowly and headed toward the door. Without a word or backward glance, she left. Karen looked after her, unhappy, confused, at a complete loss. What has happened to my child? She avoids me! She distrusts me!

'This is a problem we all have those of us who have

adopted children."

She forced herself to Art's desk, answering the con- dolence acknowledgments until it grew dark. Time to get dinner ready. She put two steaks in the broiler, set two places at the kitchen table, and glanced through the window to see whether Jody was coming. The yard was empty. She fixed a salad in the wooden bowls that Jody enjoyed and glanced out again. Undecided, she reached on the shelf for a package of instant mashed potatoes, then determinedly put it back and left the kitchen to go next door. She must not appear distraught. Slowly she crossed the path that connected the two houses. She knocked, then entered the kitchen. Mrs. Norcross was seated in a rocker, reading to her son.

"Where is Jody?" Karen asked.

"Isn't she with you? She left about 30 minutes ago."

A wave of apprehension crept over Karen. She half turned toward the door, then wheeled back, star- ing at Mrs. Norcross. "She never goes anywhere without telling me."

"She may have stopped with some neighbor." Mrs. Norcross tried to sound hopeful. "Why don't you ask? I'd go, but . . ."

"That's all right. I'll go right away."

She rang the bell of one neighbor and the next one, until she had inquired in all the eight houses on both sides of her street. She finally dragged herself back toward her own home, thinking that now she must


November 1967


call the police. In front of her house she saw a wor- ried Mrs. Norcross waiting for her.

"She's not there/' Karen said, tonelessly. As she slowly walked to the door, she heard the telephone ringing. She dashed to answer.

"Karen? . . . This is Hattie."

"Yes?" Happy as she was to hear from Hattie, this was no time for social calls.

"Jody is here."

Her knees buckled but she forced her voice to sound normal. "I couldn't imagine where she had gone. I'll be right over for her."

"I'll bring her to you, if that's all right. Tom is home and I can leave now."

Karen placed the receiver on its cradle and eased herself into the chair. Inert, her strength leaving her, she sat in the quiet, dark house, trying to get her thoughts in order. No amount of thinking could explain why Jody had gone to Hattie. A gentle knock on the door brought her to her feet. Mrs. Norcross was at the door.

"Your house was still dark. I wondered . . ."

"Jody is at a friend's home. My old friend, Hattie Scott."

"Scott? That's the name Jody asked me to look up in the telephone directory. Then she wanted to know where Briggs Street was. She didn't know it was only six blocks away."

"Mrs. Scott moved there recently. We hadn't been to her home yet."

She turned the porch light on for Mrs. Norcross and was glad to be alone again, groping for the elusive threads of thoughts that might weave some pattern into this maze of confusion. Six blocks would not take long to cover, and soon they would be here and Karen would know all. Her impatience was mingled with misgivings. Alerted to their footsteps, she was at the door and on the porch before they reached the first step. Under the light she saw that Jody had been crying and that Hattie's eyes, too, were misty.

"Jody, darling!" She drew the child to her. "I've been so worried!"

"Karen, Jody had a little snack." Hattie's voice had a sound of urgency. "Don't you think she ought to go to her room and get undressed now?"

"A good idea," Karen said. "Put on the new nightie and show Aunt Hattie how pretty it is." With Jody out of the room she turned to Hattie, anguish in her eyes. "What happened?"

"I don't know how to put it to you gently. She simply appeared at my door saying she had run away and asking if she could live with me."

"What— are you saying?"

"I was just as surprised as you. Jody said that

since I have two adopted children already, I could have three."

"I don't understand. I don't understand at all!"

"I do— now. Jody will tell you. I think you'll do better to talk it over without me. And why don't you come over for lunch tomorrow. It's been a long time, Karen."

Karen hurried to Jody's room, feeling more unsure of herself than she had since she was a child. Jody was sitting on the edge of her bed, fumbling at the ribbons on her new nightie.

"Jody," she said, seating herself beside the child and trying to keep the hurt out of her voice. "Why did you run away from our home?"

" 'Cause I didn't want to go back to the institution," she cried. "You're not going to send me back, are you? Aunt Hattie said you never would."

Brushing a hand across her stinging eyes, Karen asked: "Why should I?"

"You told me," Jody spoke falteringly, "that the mother who gave birth to me gave me away because she had no daddy for me. Now my daddy is dead, and I didn't grow under your heart. I thought, if I could stay with Aunt Hattie, because she has adopted children too— I'd still be close to you. And I could still see you sometimes."

"Jody! Jody, baby!" Karen was on her knees, arms wrapped about the child. "Whatever gave you such an idea?"

She started to cry. But Jody needed reassurance now, not tears.

"You had a daddy. For ten years you had him. When you were a little baby, a tiny one, you needed a daddy to help bring you up. He brought you up beautifully, better than any other daddy could have done. I know you'll always remember the daddy who helped make you what you are. Give you away? I need you, darling, more than I ever did. We've lost daddy. We can't lose each other, too. What would I want to live for, without you?"

Karen felt two little hands, one pressing on each of her cheeks. She saw two large, misted blue eyes staring questioningly into her own eyes. "You love me that much . . . even if I did not grow under your heart?"

"More, darling. More. You didn't grow under my heart— you grew in it, so very, very deep in my heart, and I love you more than anything in the world!"

Suddenly the child began to sob, the sounds of a dam finally broken by the force of pent-up emotions. "Oh, Mommy!" she cried.

With Jody cradled in her arms, Karen found her own tears finally flowing freely, and she murmured, "My little girl— my darlingest treasure!" O


Improvement Era

The Presiding Bishop Speaks About The Sacrament

By Bishop John H. Vandenberg


ould you go back with me to that first sacrament meeting in which the Master presided. Before this meeting, the Savior knew that his great suffering and sacrifice was now but a few short hours away, and so he gathered to him the men who had walked with him for the three years of his ministry— the men whom he loved so dearly. These last peaceful moments he wanted to share with them, even though he knew that one of them had already bargained for his life, and that the others would, as he stated, "be offended because of me this night." (Matt. 26:31.)

What he was to accomplish that night and in the ensuing hours was beyond their immediate compre- hension. Yet the Master realized how greatly his sacrifice was to affect them and all who had lived or ever would live upon the earth. And thus, to cause the apostles and all of the people of his Church to reflect seriously and periodically on the events that were shortly to transpire, the Savior introduced the sacrament. It was a very sacred ordinance, so sacred that it was instituted by the Master himself. It was prepared and blessed by the Savior during that first sacrament meeting.

Matthew records this event with these words: ". . .

A new series begins,


counsel from

the Presiding

Bishop to the

youth of the


Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said. Take, eat; this is my body.

"And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying. Drink ye all of it;

"For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (Matt. 26:26-28.)

Today, following the restoration of this ordinance, the Savior has authorized the bearers of his priesthood to act in his stead in blessing these sacred emblems. In this dispensation, young men perform the same function with regard to the sacrament as did the Savior; it is a sacred responsibility and trust.

You young men who bear this responsibility, do you administer, prepare, and pass the sacrament with the thought in mind that you are literally performing the same functions as the Savior did? And does this thought assist you deacons in keeping reverent throughout sacrament meeting, and in passing the sacrament with dignity and respect? With this thought, are you teachers more conscious of being prompt, in having the sacrament prepared well in advance of the beginning of the meeting? And do you priests feel a special responsibility as you call upon the Father in solemn prayer while administering these sacred emblems on behalf of all assembled?

The responsibility with the sacrament isn't limited to the sacrament table or the chapel— it reaches into every moment of our lives. A person must be worthy not only to partake of the sacrament, but priesthood bearers must also be worthy before they can par- ticipate in this sacred ordinance. President McKay referred to this as he addressed the body of priest- hood bearers at a general conference. With regard to the sacrament, he said, "I strongly urge that this sacred ordinance be surrounded with more reverence, with perfect order; that each one who comes to the House of God may meditate upon, and silently and prayerfully -express appreciation for God's goodness. It is up to you bishops to see to it that the sacrament is administered only by boys and young men who are worthy to attend to this sacred ordinance, and that it is done reverently, with a full understanding of its significance to them and to the audience."

From these words of our Prophet, it is clear that the Lord guards this right of handling the sacrament and views it as a sacred privilege. Each young man who holds the priesthood has the responsibility of living worthy to participate in this ordinance. And bishops will need to rely on their Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidencies in the determination of the week- by-week worthiness of these young men.

The sacrament is a wonderful, sacred ordinance

November 1967


—it's not just the passing or administering of bread and water. It's a priesthood function, and as such, it carries with it a grave responsibihty. The Old Testa- ment tells us of a man called Uzza who was struck dead for carelessness in carrying out his instruction concerning the sacred possessions contained in the Ark of the Covenant. It is just as grave an offense for a priesthood bearer today to fail to understand the sacred nature of the sacrament to which he is attend- ing. For a better understanding of the sacredness of the sacrament, let's look a little closer at its meaning.

Shortly after Jesus introduced the sacrament in the meeting to which we previously referred, he walked to a small wooded area called Gethsemane, and there he commenced the greatest of all sacrifices for you and me. In the garden, on the cross, and culminating with the rising from the tomb, the Savior brought the resurrection to all mankind and an escape from the spiritual death brought about by our sins, for those who would qualify through repentance and baptism.

It is difficult to truly envision all that he has done. But without his great sacrifice, life would be without hope or purpose. To further understand his suffering and sacrifice, let's read his own words: "For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

"But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;

"Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—

and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—

"Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men." (D&C 19:16-19.)

When we partake of the sacrament, it is this great contribution he has made to our lives that we should keep foremost in our minds.

' Through the sacrament, members of the Church recommit and re-focus their lives. President McKay said this about partaking of the sacrament: "What a strength there would be in this Church if next Sunday every member who partakes of the sacra- ment would sense the significance of the covenant made in that ordinance; if every member were will- ing to take upon him the name of the Son, to be a true Christian, to be proud of it, and always to re- member him in the home, in business, in society, always remember him and keep his commandments that he has given them. How comprehensive the blessing, and how significant the covenant we make each Sabbath day."

Young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you who are charged with the responsibility of the , sacrament, study its meaning, its sacredness, and the sacred re- sponsibility that comes with this great privilege. O

For behold, L God, have suffered these things for all, that they might

not suffer if they would repent." (D&C 19:16)

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Lest We Forget

I in

'he custom of giv- ing thanks to Deity for the blessings of the year is almost as old as known history. Three thou- sand persons witnessed the Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles, complete with its rituals, choirs, and festivities at the time of the harvest. Thankfulness and thanksgiving are recurrent themes of the scriptures.

The ancient Greeks and Romans had such a season, too, but it is said that they gave thanks for the victorious battles over enemies, for contests that puffed and flattered their pride, and for materia! good fortune. Ancient times of thanksgiving were known among natives of the South Seas.

In England thanksgiving was a har- vest festival, and the struggling colonists of the New World saw the hand of Providence in their daily acts. Among the early thanksgivings in America was one held by the sturdy people of Newfoundland in 1578. The short-lived Popham colony at the

so that life-sustaining crops could be raised? Earlier that year, as the future looked bright, there had been a scourge by the crickets and the long- to-be-remembered deliverance by the sea gulls.

At last the harvests were in, and a harvest feast was held August 10, 1848, under the bowery in the center of the Old Fort, now Pioneer Park. Everyone was invited, and everyone able to be there was there!

In the words of Elder Parley P. Pratt: ". . . we partook freely of a rich variety of bread, beef, butter, cheese, cakes, pastry, green corn, melons, and almost every variety of vegetables. Large sheaves of wheat, rye, barley, oats, and other productions were hoisted on poles for public exhibition, and there was prayer and thanksgiving, congratulations, songs, speeches, mu- sic, dancing, smiling faces, and merry hearts. In short, it was a great day with the people of these valleys, and long to be remembered by those who had suffered and waited anxiously for the results of a first effort to redeem the interior deserts of America, and to

make her hitherto unknown solitudes 'blossom as the rose.' " (Journal His- tory, Aug. 10, 1848, p. 2.)

As the evening's light disappeared into the west and the more vigorous saints continued dancing, others visited together, recalling similar days at Winter Quarters and "back home in New England" where many had first heard the gospel and, believing, had cast their lot with the Church. The consensus was probably that this first thanksgiving in the valley was "the best ever."

And may each thanksgiving be "the best ever" now as blessings are re- counted, determinations renewed, eter- nal goals reset, as we "in every thing give thanks. . . ." (1 Thess. 5:18.) O

By Albert L. Zobell, Jr. Research Editor

mouth of Maine's Kennebec River knew thanksgiving in 1607, and the Pilgrims of Plymouth marked December 20, 1620, "for safe deliverance from the perils of the sea, for the goodly land awaiting . . . , and for the birth of a son to one Susannah White, December 19." Governor Bradford in 1621 called what is usually regarded as the first thanksgiving in the United States.

The year 1848 ^the first complete year in the Salt Lake Valley was a year of work, testing, and contempla- tion for the saints. Would God answer their prayers, tempering the elements

November 1967


Wrap up jour

sHoppmg ew6/^


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Best of Movies

By Howard Pearson


Ivan Tors, who is being char- acterized in the movie and tele- vision industry as the successor to Walt Disney in production of family movies, presents a delightful film in Gentle Giant.

This has outdoor excitement, warmth, humor, and other human values that should appeal to every member of the family.

By now, the television series that was patterned after ii— Gentle Ben— has been seen in millions of homes. In fact, the film actually was the pilot on which the TV series was sold.

Gentle Giant tells the story of a seven-year-old boy who, while playing in a forest preserve, sees poachers kill a mother bear and kidnap the animal's cub. The boy sees where the poachers take the cub; he watches it grow into a giant adult animal that is mistreated by the poachers. Feeling sorry for the bear, the boy wants his parents to buy it from the poachers.

After obtaining the animal, the boy runs into a series of mis- adventures. His father also obtains a job as a game warden in Florida's wilderness area. The bear, mean- while, has been released in the Everglades, but the boy is eventu- ally reunited with his pet.

Little Clinton Howard is the boy in Gentle Giant, as is he also in the TV series. Dennis Weaver, whose father image is one of the nicest in the entertainment industry be- cause he has been such a good example in Hollywood life, is the father. Vera Miles is the mother

Improvement Era

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November 1967


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in the movie, but she isn't in the TV series.

Other films that should appeal to all members of families include Walt Disney's The Happiest Mil- lionaire, starring Fred MacMurray, Greer Garson, and Tommy Steele; Thoroughly Modern Millie, which has met with favorable response from a majority of audiences, who

are delighted with Julie Andrews, Carol Channing, and Mary Tyler Moore, as well as the songs; Palaces of a Queen, a documentary on the royal residences of Eliza- beth II and the masterpieces of art contained in many of them; Walt Disney's The Gnome-Mobile, a de- lightful fantasy about gnomes and the California redwoods; The Perils

Richard L. Evans

The Spoken Word

Up Days and Down Days

The moods of people, the degrees of encouragement and discourage- ment, are all cause for concern. All of us have high and low points in life; and knowing this, we should not become too discouraged merely because we are discouraged. "One who expects completely to escape low moods is asking the impossible . . . ," said Dr. Fosdick. "Like the weather, [life] is essentially variable . . . [and] a healthy person believes in the validity of his high hours even when he is having a low one."^ In all this up and down, there is something of the inner man, something beyond what one can see on the surface. There was never any significant accomplishment of any kind that did not come with overcoming, nor has anyone ever found a way to live an always level, even life. The up days and the down days, the happiness, the heart- aches, and even the deep depressions are all part of the changing pattern. And if we permit circumstances, difficulties, or moods to conquer us, we can't be happy, because we feel defeated. And so, what is called for is faith, courage, confidence— the confidence that comes with a sense of rightness within. Rightness of conduct gives confidence. Sincere prayerfulness gives confidence. Useful work gives confidence. Honest relationships with others give confidence— not hav- ing to explain, not having to avoid, being fair in facing facts, with faith in a divine plan and pattern and a willingness to find it and fit into it. "Do not avoid, but seek the great, deep, simple things of faith," said Phillips Brooks. "In all your personal life, ... it is more thoroughness and depth that you need in order to get . . . peace. . . . You must be thankful that life is great and not little"-— with assurance that even on the most depressed and disappointing days you can find the light that will lead you out again from the low points of life, and remembering that all of us have our difficult days. To cite a previously quoted source: "While each of us, therefore, has depressed hours, none of us needs to be a depressed person."^

^HaiTy Emerson Fosdick, On Being a Real Person: Mastering Depression (Harper & Bros., 1943). 'Phillips Brooks, The Light of the Worhl and Other Sermons: The Seriousness of Life (E. P. Dutton & Co., 1890).

*"The Spoken Word" from Temple Square, presented over KSL and the Columbia Broadcasting System September 10, 1967. Copyright 1967.

Improvement Era

of Pauline, based on oldtime melo- drama situations; Tammy and the Millionaire, telling the further ad- ventures of the delightful teen- ager; and To Sir, With Love, featuring Sidney Poitier as a schoolteacher among underprivi- leged young people of London.

The motion picture scene also features several movies that are suitable for most members of the family, but probably would bore very young audiences because of the subject matter. Among these are The Taming of the Shrew, a superb and shortened version of the Shakespeare comedy, which pre- serves the robust atmosphere of the comedy and is presented against the background of colorful settings and excellent photography; In The Heat of the 'Night, which probably will be nominated for an Academy Award and deals with current social conditions in a most gratifying manner; and Romeo and Juliet, a ballet feature presenting the Royal Ballet of London.

One film that we reviewed in a recent issue of the Era deserves further mention. It is The Young Americans, the heartwarming story of the selection, training, and travels of the group of singers who have appeared in many parts of the country.

This is a family film that features a story with simplicity, inspiration, wide appeal, and wholesomeness. In addition to its general good quality, it features as one of the principals Gordon Harkness, who was a member of the first Young Americans group and who is now serving on a mission in London. Elder Harkness is from Van Nuys, Calif. Other young people shown in the film seem to be equally representative of the best in youth today. O

Motion pictures reviewed on thiis page are neitiier approved nor recommended by the Church or the Era. They are, however, in the judgment of the reviewer, among the least objectionable of the current films.

November 1967



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Put Heart in Your"Hel lo"

By Val Camenish Wilcox

A certain lady remains in my mind as the supreme welcomer of newcomers. I met her only once, but I have thought of her often through the years, especially when I am in a situation with a new- comer.

For instance, when a visitor at- tends our Relief Society meeting and I know I must rush right home to rescue the casserole from the oven, I try to remember her. When my son brings home a timid friend for the first time just as I am dash- ing off to an appointment, I try to remember her. When a new family is being introduced into the ward at sacrament meeting, I try to remember her. I don't recall her name. Her face has long since faded in my memory. But what she did for me I shall always remem- ber.

It was many years ago that my husband and I, with our infant son, moved into a small southern Ne- vada community. Since my hus- band was the new schoolteacher, we felt sure that everyone knew who we were. It would just be a

matter of time before we would get to know them, too. My husband was full of enthusiasm for the pre- dominantly Latter-day Saint town. Though I was equally enthusiastic, I was still suffering some insecuri- ties accompanying my new mother- hood, and so I had a few anxieties about a whole new life full of strangers.

We arrived in midweek, but I felt I shouldn't wait until Sunday to "brave the lions." So I dressed our baby son in his finest, put him into a stroller, and started down the main and almost only street toward the post office. Surely this was a logical place to run into some new friends.

The postmistress was gracious, but busy. The few other persons I saw on the street nodded pleasantly enough, but, except for one, had no time even to introduce themselves. "Oh, well, I'll be meeting them at church on Sunday," I consoled myself. However, my need to be welcomed had not been satisfied at all. As I walked along I rationahzed to myself. After all, no one had

Improvement Era

Her large, warm hands did much more than shake my hands; they engulfed them.





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A Honey-Golden Land

By Frances Hall

On the other side of sorrow Lies a honey-golden land, With heads of clover nodding While the tall trees stand Ringed in a strong maternal peace, With hand in leafy hand.

On the other side of sorrow The world grows kind and small. Its streams are bright with wel- come, And its brown birds call From berry-laden hedges Their convocational.

Always the woods of sorrow Have a path that tunnels round. Past the boles of black trees mouth- ing To the meadow's tranquil ground. Past the thorny branches reaching To the skylark's upward sound.

Somewhere in leaf-dimmed sun- light That gentle path is found.


By Solveig Paulson Russell

/ dream of home, where far away I learned to work and love and

pray. My dreams are patchwork dreams- Gay bits or patterned ones with

sober seams Or brightly stitched with tender

mirth. Embroidered with the hearthstone

threads That gave me birth. My patchwork dreams can comfort

me And somehow help recovery If I falter— and always when I judge and far in the world of

men. Then values that my mother knew In memory come clearly through The bits of dreams; and for me

then My course is righted, and it seems I find a beacon in my dreams.

been unkind, and what did I expect anyway?

But despite my usual level head, my heart ached as I made my way back up the street to our bleak basement apartment. The day was bright enough under the Nevada sun, but my spirit withered in its

unfamiliar glare. Defiantly, I felt I had done my best to be friendly. Now it was up to them— the whole town.

"Hello there!" I heard the heart- felt greeting wonderingly. Looking up, I saw a tall, angular woman striding toward me. Her large


Richard L. Evans

The Spoken Word

for I have done good work'

We may sometimes suppose that other people's work is altogether easier than ours. Or we may sometimes suppose that some occupations, some assignments are always glamorous and exciting or freer from problems than they are. But of this we may be sure: There is no man whose profession or occupation is free from problems, and there is no solid pursuit which does not require preparation, and no position which doesn't have within it tedious routine and repetition at times. "There are dirty jobs, dull jobs, devastating jobs," said Channing Pollock, "but I think there can be few, even of these, that do not give some return outside of the pay-envelope. . . . The unhappiest people I know," he continued, "are the idle people. I've seen them all over the world, . . . fighting boredom, . . . chasing sunshine. ... I never can understand why so many of us are actually afraid of work. . . . Nobody ever did anything well, or got anywhere, without joy in his job. ... It seems to me sometimes that [our] greatest contribution to life [is] our conception of labor as something dignified and desirable for every- one. . . . We can have neither progress nor prosperity, neither opportunity nor democracy, while any considerable number of us regard work as an enemy."^ Life was made for doing, for learning, for action, for activity, for being a productive, creative, participating part. The body, the muscles, the mind, were made to use and not to stagnate or waste away with a minimum of output or activity. Leisure is not the ultimate end or the ideal. And there is no person who receives full satisfaction from his work who always feels that he is doing someone else a favor, when, in fact, the opportunity of work is essential to life's satisfaction— and even salvation in the fullest sense. "I know what happiness is," said Robert Louis Stevenson, "for I have done good work."-

iChanning Pollock, The Adventures of a Happy Man: Work Is Its Own Reward. Published by

ThoniFs Y. Ciowell Co., 1939.

^Robert Louis Stevenson, quoted by Channing Pollock, ibid.

*"The Spoken Word" from Temple Square, presented over KSL and the Columbia Broadcasting System September 3, 1967. Copyright 1967.


Improvement Era

warm hands did much more than shake my hands; they enfolded them. We continued up the street, talking eagerly. It was as though we were meeting again after a long separation. Too soon we were at my door. Here was one person I wanted to remember, so I asked, "May I know your name again? You've been so kind."

"I'm Mrs , wife of

Reverend , and it is

you who have been kind. You see, this is my first morning in town, and I have found that most people are too busy to do more than nod. Thank you for taking time to say more than just, 'How do you do.' Since meeting you, I really feel much more welcome here."

How we laughed when I told her that it was also my first morn- ing in town. There we were, probably the only two strangers in the whole place, and we had found each other and met each other's needs.

The reverend's church did not prosper, and shortly afterward they moved away. In fairness to the townspeople, I must say that as we met in the normal course of events, their welcome was warm and genuine. Looking back, in my youthfulness and eagerness it was probably I who expected— perhaps needed— their welcome to be effu- sive as well.

Recalling all this, how well I know that newcomers need wel- coming. Now, whenever I see a hesitant smile, a small overture of friendship, I meet it gladly. And whenever I find myself in the role of newcomer, I don't wait for others to make the first move. I am the one who approaches a prospective friend with outstretched hand and willing smile. People usually rise to the enthusiasm of others, I've dis- covered. I have made some wonder- ful friends much sooner by taking the lead as the reverend's wife once did with me, bless her. o

November 1967

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Suggested LDS Choir Anthems

Abide With IVle, 'Tis Eventide



All Glory, Laud and Honor



All in tlie April Evening



America tlie Beautiful

As per


Awake! Arise!



Beautiful Zion for Me



Bless Ye the Lord



Brother James Air



Come, Come Ye Saints



Come, Come Ye Saints



For the Beauty of the Earth



Glory to God



God is Holy



God So Loved the World



Gospel Gives Unbounded Strength, The



Gospel Is Truly the Power of God



He Watching Over Israel



Here in This House



Holy City



How Beautiful Upon the Mountains



I Shall Not Pass Again This Way

Ef finger


If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments



In My Father's House



Jerusalem, 0 Turn Thee



Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love



King of Love My Shepherd Is



Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled



Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words



Lo, My Shepherd Is Divine



Lo, What a Beauteous Rose



Lord Bless You and Keep You



Lord Is a Mighty God, The



Lord Hear Our Prayer



Lord Is My Shepherd, The



Lord's Prayer



Lord's Prayer



May IMow Thy Spirit



My Redeemer Lives



Now Let the Heavens Be Joyful



Now Thank We All Our God



Now Thank W? All Our God



0 Brother Man



0 Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord



0 Come, Let Us Worship



0 God, Our Help in Ages Past



0 Lofty Mountains



0 Loving Savior, Slain for Us



0 Worship the King



Onward Ye People



Open Our Eyes



Open the Gates



Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief



Son of Man



Spirit of God



Still, Still With Thee



Thanks to Thee, 0 Lord



That Blessed Easter Morn



Verdant Meadows



We Are Watchmen



With a Voice of Singing



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By Elaine V. Emans

Happiness is a kind of thanksgiving,

Whether a word forms

On the lips or in the heart in gratefulness.

Happiness warms

The being until it knows it has been blessed.

Whether it analyzes

The coming of it, or the reason why.

Happiness surprises

The one in need of it and the one expecting

Recurring good,

Until the realizing of it merges

With gratitude.


Richard L Evans

The Spoken Word

find a way, or make one"

A hundred times every day," said Albert Einstein, "I remind myself ZJa that my inner and outer hfe depend on the labors of other men, / % living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received, and am still receiving."^ Along with dependence on Divine Providence, it is true and humbling that all of us are dependent upon other people— upon the pioneers, the explorers, the discoverers, the patriots of the past; upon the inventors and developers and investors; upon the products that others have produced; upon the skills and services and faithfulness and integrity of untold people who have made possible our past and present. Someone has to do everything: someone has to learn, to work, to save; to do research, to plan, to risk, to believe; to develop, to produce; to increase competence; to remain solvent, to perform profitably. We owe much to many, and there is infinitely much yet to be done everywhere in the world, and any attitude that overly emphasizes ease or idleness is shortsighted and unsafe. We need a sense of history, a re-examination of purposes and principles: of why we have what we have, with respect and gratitude to those who gave us what we have, and the good grace to pass it on, improved upon if possible, remembering that there is no sweeping, easy solution to anything, ever. When Admiral Peary was disabled with the agony of frozen feet, which threatened to defeat his heroic effort to reach the North Pole, he wrote on the wall of his miserable shelter, "I shall find a way or make one."- Earlier he had said: "I shall put into this effort everything there is in me— physical, mental, and moral."^ This is the spirit of those who have made history. We have come by the trial and error and anguish and effort of others, and just waiting for history to happen is not enough. As did our forebears, we must help it to happen, for the right principles, for the right purposes, and "find" a way— or make one.

^Albert Einstein. Copyright 1966 by PostScript.

2Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary, quoted in Beyond Adventure: The Lives of Three Explorers,

by Roy Chapman Andrews.

*"The Spoken Word" from Temple Square, presented over KSL and the Columbia Broadcasting System July 23, 1967. Copyright 1967.

improvement Era

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November 1967 35





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April 67 Era




Camp Oakcrest

Someone goofed! As I read the article in the May "Era of Youth" titled "Crestwood Camp," and as I looked at the pictures, I noticed that this was the very same camp that I went to this summer. The name is Camp Oakcrest. Also, the authors didn't mention the wonderful job that the counselors do. Without them, the camp would be a total failure.

Denise Deleeuw Sandy, Utah

President McKay's Editorial

President McKay's editorial in the August issue was just wonderful. I would hope that it could be brought to the attention of all who are facing problems in their marriages.

Josephine S. Patterson Salt Lake City, Utah

Hezekiah's Tunnel

I was fascinated with the article "Hezekiah's Tunnel" (August). The detailed descriptions, biblical refer- ences, and beautiful photographs really made the past come alive.

Virginia Maughan Kammeyer Seattle, Washington

Helpful to Librarians

May I express my enthusiasm for the new format that began with the January issue. For those of us who, as ward and stake librarians, prepare and maintain reference clipping files, our job is much easier with the new format. The mark that indicates the end of the article is extremely helpful.


Alta N. Hunt Chicago, Illinois

Authors Write

Concerning your purchase of some of my poetry for future use in the Era, I want you to know that I have been very happy, and have felt a con- siderable pride, in having my work appear in such an excellent and at- tractive magazine. I have been for- tunate to have many poems, stories, and articles published in a great variety of magazines, but I can truly say that the Era is my favorite and to my mind excels all others. You might consider this tribute even more when I tell you that I am not a mem- ber of your church, although I admire it and its rules of conduct. So did my late husband. He used to say if he had not been born a "good Scotch Presbyterian," he would have been a Mormon and I agreed!

Mrs. Angus Robertson Mineral Wells, Texas

Improvement Era

Thank you for the beautiful layout given my allegorical story, "The Pearl" (June). I especially would like to express my gratitude to the artist. It is a distinct privilege for a writer to have his work find a setting in the Era. I don't know of anything that could mean more to me.

It was especially wonderful to have it in the June issue. For a dozen years, June meant a conference trek to me and being close to a "holy fire." Conference is special to all of us away from Salt Lake City. Those of us who enjoy the printed word have welcomed with delight the progres- sive format of the Era and all you have done to make it a magazine to be proud of. I am very humble to think I was a part of it for one issue.

Alma Deane Feller Pinole, California

Thanks so much for the beautiful art work for my little piece, "A Song In the Night" (July). I'm afraid I do not look so cool and fresh when I go out into my hot garden these summer nights. Sometimes a tiny piece will bring to the author more joy than a much longer and more ambitious work, and I am glad that this piece has a happy home with you. The neighbor that I wrote about died about a year ago.

Ruth Ikerman Mentone, California

Entire Era Is for Youth!

I've noted the recent format changes of the Era, and for the most part I've enjoyed them. However, I wonder about the wisdom of having the Era of Youth in the center of the maga- zine so the teenage readers can easily pull it out. I think we should encour- age our young people to read the entire magazine, not just that section. Each issue has many thought-provok- ing and challenging articles that should have as much appeal for them as for adult readers.

Mrs. M. L. Morgan Denver, Colorado

From the Mission Field

I have appreciated the Era's service here in the Argentine Mission. Our contacts and members have grown in their gospel knowledge through arti- cles we have shared with them. Many issues have been left with English- speaking contacts; their attitudes to- ward the Church have changed, and their desire to know more has in- creased. The message from the Prophet always gives us the oppor- tunity to tell people that God lives and directs his Church through living men. We often challenge people to read his words and to put them into practice. God is truly putting his hand over the nations of South America.

Sister Pat Holladay Argentine Mission

November 1967

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Prayer By Cynthia M. Trunneil

Oh, God, I pray thee humbly from my heart's Deep pain that thou wilt hear me at this hour. Hear me and heal me with thy holy arts. Oh, help me now, for only thou hast power To free a soul whose twisted roots are wound. Deep in earth's clay, around some stubborn rock Lodged firmly where the light is never found. I cannot learn, alone, to loose, unlock That many-fingered hold that keeps me low When I would reach to clasp thy loving hand Or move across the meadow, where, I know, Another soul has need of strength to stand. Teach me, Oh, God, therefore, that I may free Myself, to lend him strength, and come to thee.


Richard L. Evans

The Spoken Word

Running Fronn— not To

A sentence heard somewhere portrays a restless young person as saying, ^-A'l am running from, not to." Too many, it seems, are running from, / »who don't really seem to know what they are running toward— what end, what accomplishment, what result will be realized by their running; too many not really knowing from what and to what, without any definite or definable destination that one would want to reach. "Let us get our eye clearly, then, on what we are talking of," said Dr. Fosdick, "—not ... an escape from life, but as an indispensable part of life. ... Of all pathetic things few are worse than the familiar sight which one sees on every side . . . people who are trying to substitute thrills for serenity. Having no serenity at home within themselves, they run away into sensations, spend as much time as possible away from themselves amid their thrills, and then at last have to come back again. . . . That is the very essence of unhappiness. . . . Speed becomes a mania and the pace is sometimes frantic, and in the midst of it one who cares about man's happiness and quality looks on the wreckage of that inner grace without which there can be nothing great in life or art. . . . Some of our modern sophisticates might well cease their attacks on our forefathers. . . . While they may have been dour, grim, and unhappy, they were not cynical, flippant, futile, and unhappy, . . . lacking deep wells of quietness, trying to make up for the loss of serene meaning by plunging into sensations."^ Life has purpose and meaning and is everlastingly long— but here and now one cannot always run, for one runs out of time and strength. If it is boredom we run from, it will always catch up with us. If it is duty, it remains whether we run or not. If it is reality we run from, it is with us whether we recognize it or not. If it is ourselves, no man ever leaves himself behind. The antidote to restless running is to choose a solid purpose and pursue it. Whatever we may be running from, we need to be moving toward a solid purpose, without which there is no peace, no serenity inside.

iDr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, The Power to See It Through: The High Uses of Serenity (New York: Harper & Brothers).

*"The Spoken Word" from Temple Square, presented over KSL and the Columbia Broadcasting System August 27, 1967. Copyrighit 1967. /

Improvement Era



9 (Sat.) Texas



14 (Thiir.) 16 (Sat.)

22 (Fri.)

23 (Sat.) Dec. 28-30

(Thur., Fri., Sat.)

Jan. 1 (Mon.) 6 (Sat.)

12 (Fri.)

13 (Sat.) 18 (Thur.) 20 (Sat.)

26 (Fri.)

27 (Sat.) Feb. 1 (Tt)ur.)

3 (Sat.) 10 (Sat.)

16 (Fri.)

17 (Sat.)

24 (Sat.) Mar. 1 (Fri.)

2 (Sat.)

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'•'Western Athletic Conference Games




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November 1967


Servants in the Lord's Kingdom

An Apostle,

Patriarch to the Church,

Assistants to the Council of the Twelve,

First Council of the Seventy,

and the Presiding Bishopric.

# General Authorities of the Church are looked upon with love and respect by Latter-day Saints throughout the world. These are the men chosen by the Lord to help direct his work upon the earth in this day. The Improvement Era is pleased to present on the pages that follow reproductions of color por- traits and biographical sketches of 23 of these brethren an apostle, the Patri- arch to the Church, the Assistants to the Council of the Twelve, the First Council of the Seventy, and the Presiding Bishop- ric. The First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve were similarly treated last November."

The Patriarch to the Church: On June 27, 1839, the Prophet Joseph Smith spoke to the brethren at considerable length and made the following statement:

"AN EVANGELIST is a Patriarch, even the oldest man of the blood of Jo- seph or of the seed of Abraham. Wher- ever the Church of Christ is established in the earth, there should be a Patriarch for the benefit of the posterity of the Saints, as it was with Jacob in giving his patriarchal blessing unto his sons, etc." {Documentary History of the Church, Vol. 3, p. 38L)

The Prophet's father, Joseph Smith, Sen., was ordained Patriarch to the Church December 18, 1833. His direct descendant in the patriarchal lineage, Eldred G. Smith, now holds that office.

The Assistants to the Council of the Twelve: At the April 1941 general con- ference. President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., in reading the names of the General Authorities for sustaining vote, said:

"The rapid growth of the Church in

recent times, the constantly increasing establishment of new wards and stakes, the ever-widening geographical area covered by wards and stakes, the steadily pressing necessity for increasing our missions in numbers and efficiency that the Gospel may be brought to all men, the continual multiplying of Church in- terests and activities calling for more rigid and frequent observation, supervi- sion, and direction, all have built up an apostolic service of the greatest magni- tude.

"The First Presidency and Twelve feel that to meet adequately their great responsibilities and to carry on efficiently this service for the Lord, they should have some help.

"Accordingly it has been decided to appoint assistants to the Twelve, who shall be High Priests, who shall be set apart to act under the direction of the Twelve in the performance of such work as the First Presidency and the Twelve may place upon them.

"There will be no fixed number of these assistants. Their number will be increased or otherwise from time to time as the necessity of carrying on the Lord's work seems to dictate to be wise. . . ." {The Improvement Era, May 1941, p. 269.)

Currently there are 12 Assistants to the Twelve.

The First Council of the Seventy: In the great revelation on priesthood in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 107, the Lord says:

"The Seventy are also called to preach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and in all the world thus differing from other officers in the

church in the duties of their calling.

"And they form a quorum, equal in authority to that of the Twelve special witnesses or Apostles just named. . . .

"The Seventy are to act in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Twelve or the traveling high council, in building up the church and regulating all the affairs of the same in all nations, first unto the Gentiles and then to the Jews." (D&C 107:25-26, 34.)

The quorums of seventy, consecutively numbered, are organized with special reference to their calling and missionary ministry. And, referring again to the revelation, "they should have seven

presidents to preside over them, chosen out of the number of the seventy." (D&C

107:93.) These are the First Council of the Seventy.

The Presiding Bishopric: "The quorum of the Presiding Bishopric consists of the Presiding Bishop and two counselors. All three are High Priests as well as Bishops, They preside over the Aaronic Priesthood. They administer the temp- oral affairs of the Church under the direc- tion of the First Presidency. They super- vise the handling of the tithes, the trans- fer of membership certificates, all finan- cial and statistical reports, and similar matters." (John A. Widtsoe, Program of the Church, p. 156.)

In a few words, then, have been sketched the responsibilities of these councils. Now turn the pages and read of the lives of the brethren who are now sustained by the membership of the Church to these callings. O

'See "The First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve," The Improvement Era, November 1966, pp. 977 ff.


Improvement Era

Forthright, energetic action, and a strong desire to do the will of the Lord characterize the Church's newest apostle. Alvin R. Dyer was born January 1, 1903, in Salt Lake City, to Alfred and Harriet Walsh Dyer. During high school and sub- sequent years he played on several winning baseball teams and sang in a quartet that was much in demand.

Elder Dyer filled a mission to the Eastern States, where he be- came an area leader and in 1923 acted in what was perhaps the first Hill Cumorah pageant. He married May Elizabeth Jackson in June 1926, and they have two chil- dren.

Employment as a sheet metal worker for eight years and corres- pondence courses in mechanical drafting and engineering prepared him for a successful business career. He managed a heating and air conditioning department for a builders' supply firm, and at the age of 46 organized a successful distributing company.

During his business career. Elder Dyer was a member of the Exchange Club, the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, and, during World War II, the American Military Engi- neers, where he served in a civilian advisory capacity on a number of projects

But service to the Lord has always been the joy of Brother Dyer's heart. For nearly six years he was bishop of Salt Lake City's Monument Park Ward. He had previously served in two ward bishoprics and on two stake high councils. During his service as a



bishop he received a call to preside over the Central States Mission.

Disposing of his business interests, he entered the mission field and found a new interest. To satisfy his own mind concerning the history of the Church and its people in Missouri, Elder Dyer researched and wrote an account largely for his own use. The account was later published in book form. Since then Elder Dyer has written seven books on gospel subjects.

In 1958, only five months after being appointed first assistant in the YMMIA gen- eral superintendency. Elder Dyer was called

to be an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve. He was later called to reopen and preside over the European Mission, where he labored for two years. Returning home, he immersed himself in the assignments given him, one of which was the priesthood home teaching program, which he helped direct.

On October 5, 1967, Elder Dyer was or- dained an apostle, to be associated with members of the Council of the Twelve in witnessing the Savior's mission. His strong leadership, yet humble spirit, makes him a valuable servant in the Lord's hands.

November 1967



Patriarch to the Church

The office of Patriarch to the Church is a holy calhng. It is a hereditary calhng, given on personal worthiness to the man receiving it through inspiration of the President of the Church.

Eldred G. Smith is the seventh Patriarch to the Church in this dispensation. Daily he cares for spiritual needs of the saints, giving to many their patriarchal blessings, great personal pronouncements that can, if the recipient is humble and worthy, chart the way to possible achievements in a fruitful lifetime.

Elder Smith was born January 9, 1907, at

Lehi, Utah, a son of Hyrum G. and Martha Gee Smith. When he was five years of age, his father was sustained as Presiding Patri- arch to the Church, and the family moved to Salt Lake City. Young Eldred was edu- cated in the public schools and attended LDS High School and the University of Utah, where he studied engineering.

In 1926 he received a call to serve in the Swiss-German Mission, and upon his release in 1929, he served a stake mission in the Liberty Stake in Salt Lake City.

Elder Smith married Jeanne Ness August 17, 1932, in the Salt Lake Temple, and

they became parents of two sons and three daughters.

Devoted to serving the Lord in whatever capacity he was called. Elder Smith became a member of the Ensign Stake YMMIA board in November 1936, and on May 5, 1938, he was sustained as second counselor in the 20th Ward bish- opric in Salt Lake City. He later served on the Ensign Stake high council. When the North 20th Ward was created in 1941, he be- came its first bishop.

In January 1944 he accepted a war-time position with the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, atomic energy project. On his way there, he stopped at the mission head- quarters in Louisville, Kentucky, where he offered his services to the Church. When he arrived at Oak Ridge, he found that because of the secret nature of the atomic project, he could not gain permis- sion for the saints to hold Church gatherings in military halls. So he invited Church members to his home for services, where they used boxes for table and chairs. The gatherings grow until eventually 35 children and 65 adults were attending. The Oak Ridge Branch was then formed, with Elder Smith as branch president.

After World War II he returned to Salt Lake City. On April 6, 1947, at the general conference of the Church he was sustained as Patriarch to the Church.

Since then he has given literally thousands of blessings. He spends many hours each day at his desk in the Church Administration Building counseling members who come from all parts of the Church.


Improvement Era

One of the distinguishing features of the April confer- ence of 1941 was the calHng of five Assistants to the Council of the Twelve, who were "set apart to act under the direction of the Twelve in the performance of such work as the First Presidency and the Twelve may place upon them." Among them was Alma Sonne.

Elder Sonne was born in Logan, Utah, on March 5, 1884, to Niels Christian and Elisa Peterson Sonne. After his graduation from Brigham Young College in Logan in 1904, he worked for the Logan First National Bank. From 1910 to 1912 he filled a mission in England, where he had charge of emigration work, traffic, and transportation. Returning from the British Isles, he married Geneva Ballantyne on May 16, 1912, and they had five children four sons and a daughter. After the death of his wife in 1941, he married Leona Ballantyne WooUey.

Elder Sonne has played an im- portant role in the business and agricultural development of north- ern Utah. He is president of the First National Bank in Logan and a member of the board of trustees of Utah State University.

When Elder Sonne was called to preside over the European Mission with headquarters in London in 1946, someone asked him: "Why must you go? Isn't the soul at home as precious to save as the soul in Europe?" Elder Sonne answered, "I suppose it is a matter of con- viction. It is very important what we believe." Then he recalled that when he was a young man, he had asked his father, "Why did you join the Church?" the father he.si-


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

tated for a moment and then replied, "Be- cause I read the Book of Mormon." With the conviction that this was the word of God, his father had asked for baptism. Elder Sonne recalled that his mother had walked across the prairie from Council Bluffs to Cache Valley, Utah, behind a yoke of oxen and a covered wagon. "Why?" Elder Sonne asked. Because, he was told, they had the conviction that the Church was true.

The same conviction characterizes the unselfish devotion and service of Alma Sonne. Countless individuals bear personal testimony that he is sincere when he says.

"There is nothing more important than people." He served in two bishoprics in Logan, as stake YMMIA superintendent, on a stake high council, and as counselor in the Cache Stake presidency. He was serving as Cache Stake president and chairman of the Cache welfare region when he was called to be an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve.

Love of people and love of the gospel form the foundation of Elder Sonne's life. "The only infallible guide for men and nations," he says, "is the gospel of Jesus Christ."

November 1967



Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

The spiritual strength and sincerity of Elder ElRay L. Christiansen, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve, have been an influence for good in the lives of innumer- able people, for he has led an active and varied life in Church, civic, cultural, and educational endeavors.

Elder Christiansen was born July 13, 1897, in Mayfield, Utah, to Pariey and Dorothea C. Jensen Scow Christiansen. He majored in agronomy at Utah State Agricul- tural College and continued in graduate studies at the University of Utah and Brig- ham Young University. An agriculturist and

landowner himself, he conducted compre- hensive soil surveys and grazing reconnais- sance for the U.S. government.

Professionally an educator, one of his greatest satisfactions comes from teaching young people. This he has done effectively in the schools, with missionaries, as a Scout leader, and in his extensive service in the temples of the Church.

On June 14, 1922, he married Lewella Rees in the Manti Temple. They have three children. In 1924 the Christiansens accepted a call to the Central States Mission. Thus began a long sequence of Church service for

Elder Christiansen. Later in the East Jordan (Utah) Stake, he served in the stake Sunday School super- intendency, on the high council, and as bishop of the Draper First Ward. In 1936 he became affiliated with the Church School System and moved to Logan, Utah.

In 1937 he was called as presi- dent of the Texas-Louisiana Mis- sion. Returning to Logan four years later, he was sustained as first counselor in the Cache Stake presidency. From 1943-1952 he was president of the Logan Tem- ple, and during four of these years, he also served as first counselor in the East Cache Stake presidency and then as stake president.

On October 6, 1951, he was called as an Assistant to the Coun- cil of the Twelve. In this capacity he has served as chairman of the budget committee of the Church Welfare Committee, was Salt Lake Temple president for eight years, and assisted in preparing the Lon- don Temple for ordinance work. In 1961 he became, under the direction of the First Presidency, coordinator of all Church temples. In addition, he is area supervisor of the four southeast American missions.

In all his works, Elder Christian- sen has been honored and re- spected. When he was sustained in conference as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve, Elder Christiansen emphasized that a genuine testimony must be ac- companied by good works. Cer- tainly this has been the foundation of his own life, for through his firm testimony, he has been moved to good works and has become a dedicated man of strength and solidarity.


Improvement Era

in the early days of the restored Church, the Lord said, in rev- elation through the Prophet Joseph Smith, "For my soul de- lighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me."

Elder John Longden, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve, has literally sung his way into the hearts of the saints wherever he has traveled. A gifted singer, he has willingly shared his musical talents with congregations in many parts of the world as he has visited them on Church assign- ments.

Elder Longden was born in Oldham, Lancashire, England, on November 4, 1898. His parents, Thomas J. and Lizetta Taylor Longden, were converts to the Church, and when John was ten years old, the family immigrated to Utah. He attended LDS High School and LDS Business College and the University of Utah.

His musical talents were recog- nized early, and he studied voice and dramatics and was a member of two theater stock companies. In 1921 he accepted a call to the Central States Mission, and upon his return began his business ca- reer, first in an insurance agency and then in the electrical products business. He climbed the execu- tive ladder to become manager of the Westinghouse Electric Supply Company in Salt Lake City and, in 1952, area manager for National Electric Products Corporation, a position he held until his business retirement in 1960.

On October 15, 1924, Elder Longden married Frances LaRue Carr in the Salt Lake Temple; they


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

are parents of two daughters. Sister Long- den served 13 years as second counselor in the general presidency of the Young Wom- en's Mutual Improvement Association.

Elder Longden has always found time to serve faithfully and willingly in the Church. He was an assistant superintendent and superintendent in ward and stake MIA organizations before being called as bishop of the 19th Ward in Salt Lake City. He then served some 17 years as a stake high councilor and, in 1950, became a member of the General Church Welfare Committee. In October 1951 came the call to serve as an

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve.

In a recent general conference Elder Longden told of attending meetings as a youth in a little corrugated, galvanized meetinghouse in Oldham, Lancashire. Fifty- six years later he had the privilege of return- ing to the land of his birth to dedicate a beautiful chapel in Oldham. "Fifty-six years ago," mused Elder Longden. "It seems like yesterday. How time flies!"

Then he added, "There is nothing we can do about it except to see as far as possible that it passes fruitfully." This he has done most successfully.

November 1967


An impressive experience in Sterling Sill's yoiith was a turning point that greatly influ- enced his later life. He was asked to review in Sunday School class a paragraph from the manual. As he stood up to speak, the 12-year-old youth became panic-stricken. Tears coursed down his face, and he was unable to finish. That same day another youth spoke with such aplomb that Elder Sill still recalls the compelling motivations to seek similar excellence. A guiding hand was already influencing his life, for in a blessing he had been told: "The eye of the Lord shall be upon you . . . and your tongue shall be loosened to your astonishment."

Born March 31, 1903, in Layton, Utah, to Joseph and Marietta Well- ing Sill, Elder Sill still remembers the timidity that troubled him, even during his mission to the Southern States. After attending the University of Utah, he taught school for two years before enter- ing the insurance business in Salt Lake City.

Hard-won success and the con- stant support of his wife, Doris Mary Thornley (they have three children), effected great changes in his self-confidence. He advanced rapidly in his profession, becoming Salt Lake City manager of his firm in 1933 and inspector of agencies in 1940, a position he holds in honorarium today. At the age of 29, he became the first Utahn to address the National Association of Life Underwriters.

In 1936 he was called as bishop of the Garden Park Ward. Stake conference came soon, and think- ing he might be asked to speak, he


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

prepared a talk. He was not asked. For the next conference he had prepared another talk, but again he was not asked. For the next ten years Bishop Sill prepared a talk and never gave one in conference. The Lord was disciplining him for a great ministry. In 1951 he became a Sunday School general board member, and in April 1954 he was called to be an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve. After delivering 12 addresses on the Sunday evening Church radio program in 1959, he was asked to deliver them indefinitely, and for the past eight years he has prepared and delivered

talks for weekly 15-minute and half-hour radio programs aired nationwide over 450 stations.

Over 4,200 letters monthly come from listeners, carrying such heartfelt sentiments as these: "I've joined the Church because of these talks." "You changed my life." "What an excellent Mormon ministry." His ability to serve the Lord in this way has been the fruit of 40 years of preparation. Years ago he began cataloguing his thoughts, and he is now compiling his twenty-first scrapbook of ideas. He is a great public spokesman for the gospel in our time.


Improvement Era


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

CCIt was inevitable that he should reach I high places," was said of Henry D. Taylor when he was called as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve in April 1958. He was trained for leadership from his early days of disciplined farm life in Provo, Utah, where he was born on November 22, 1903, to Arthur N. and Maria Dixon Taylor. Remembering the rich heritage of his home, Elder Taylor said in a general con- ference address, "It was not meant that we should stand alone. We become better indi- viduals when we grow together rather than alone."

After a mission to the Eastern States, Elder Taylor was graduated from Brigham Young University in 1929 and in 1960 received the Y's Alumni Distinguished Service Award. He received a master's degree from New York University School of Retailing in 1937. In Provo, where he was assistant manager of Dixon Taylor Russell Company, Elder Taylor became actively involved in varied com- munity affairs, including the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, and the Utah Valley Hospital board.

On December 26, 1929, he married Alta Hansen of Richfield, Utah. Four sons were

born to them. Active in ward and stake organizations. Sister Taylor charmingly and intelligently sus- tained her husband, sharing with him years of opportunity and ac- complishment. She passed away on July 6, 1967.

Described as a "quiet dynamo," Elder Taylor seemed destined to lead his brethren. He was national president of Delta Phi, a high councilor, and stake clerk, as well as bishop of Pleasant View Ward and president of Sharon and East Sharon stakes. He was serving as president of the California Mission when he was called to become an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve.

Now serving as managing direc- tor of the Church Welfare Program, Elder Taylor has brought to this special calling wide and long ex- perience in welfare work, including experience as chairman of the Mt. Timpanogos and the Central Utah welfare regions.

Elder Taylor approaches the Welfare Program with great com- passion and love for his fellowmen, with fidl, uncompromising faith in revealed truth, and with strength and tolerance. Speaking about the program, he says: "To carry out the purposes of the program, it was intended that all members of the Church should join together and work, giving us a feeling of brother- hood and unity, a sense of be- longing— belonging to one another and to the kingdom of God."

Quiet, unassuming leadership and superior performance with un- wavering faith in his Heavenly Father distinguish Elder Henry D. Taylor.

November 1967


During World War I, William ' James Critchlow, Jr. in service with the U.S. Coast and Geodedic Survey, found himself posted alone for weeks on a mountain peak, where he found time to read the Book of Mormon. "I had 'inherited' the gospel," he recalls, "and my Church membership had come routinely when I was old enough to be baptized. But my conversion that 'I-know-beyond-any-doubt' feeling came to me atop a moun- tain as I read the Book of Mormon and asked God about its truthful- ness."

This witness has been born with great fervency and conviction, particularly in the years since Elder Critchlow was sustained as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve in October 1958.

Born August 12, 1892, a son of William J. and Anna Gregerson Critchlow, Elder CVitchlow has lived all his life in Ogden, Utah. After high school graduation, he entered Weber Academy where, as student body president in 1911, he spearheaded a campaign for a gym- nasium, setting the stage for life- long service to the community. Many years later his dream mate- rialized and the gymnasium was built. When it was returned to the Church and remodeled as a Deseret Gymnasium in June 1967, William J. Critchlow, Jr., the man who had initiated the drive in 1911, was asked to offer the dedicatory prayer.

To prepare for a career in business administration, he enrolled in LaSalle Extension University, Chicago, and also took classes through the University of Utah extension division.

Elder Critchlow entered the


Assistant to Council of the Twelve

electric utility field in 1912 and, except for temporary government assignments, he filled various executive positions with Utah Power & Light Company until his retirement, when he was serving as business development manager.

"The measure of a man's real success in life is his family," he has said. He married Anna Maria Taylor in the Salt Lake Temple in 1924, and they have two sons and a daughter.

Elder Critchlow's influence in Ogden community affairs has been profound, with service on a number of committees and in

civic clubs. He was a founder of the All Faces West pageant, which each year re-enacts the pioneer trek to Great Salt Lake Valley. This project has particular significance for him, since his great-grand- father James Brown was a Mormon Battalion leader and founder of Ogden.

Much of the joy in life. Elder Critchlow believes, is a by-product of service, particu- larly to the Church. He held many positions in the auxiliaries and served 17 years as first president of South Ogden Stake before his call as an Assistant to the Twelve in October 1958.


Improvement Era



{ I ^"ollow the leaders of the Church, and never turn down an opportunity to serve." These words of counsel from his parents have been a guiding phi- losophy for Elder Franklin D. Richards, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve, who has devoted his life to service to his commun- ity, his nation, and his Church.

Elder Richards was bom No- vember 17, 1900, in Ogden, Utah, a son of Charles C. and Letitia Peery Richards. As a boy he was industrious, working on his father's farm to earn school expenses as well as taking an active part in debate activities and school pub- lications.

He was graduated from Weber Academy, Ogden, and then stud- ied at the University of Utah be- fore receiving a call to the Eastern States Mission. After he returned, he completed work on his LL.B. degree at the university in 1923 and entered law practice in Salt Lake City. On August 1, 1923, he married Helen Kearnes in the Salt Lake Temple. They have two sons and two daughters.

Elder Richards was named first Utah director of the Federal Hous- ing Administration in 1934, and later was appointed zone commis- sioner for 13 western states, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 1947 he was appointed national FHA commissioner, and during his term of office the nation en- joyed the largest residential build- ing program of its history. After resigning from the FHA in 1952, he opened his own mortgage bank- ing and brokerage business, with offices in New York, Washington,


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

and Salt Lake City, and in 1954 he returned to Utah.

As a young man Elder Richards received his patriarchal blessing, in which he was blessed that he would be "called to hold offices of presidency and leadership in sacred and civil positions." That promise has truly been fulfilled, for in addition to holding re- sponsible public positions, he has also been a leader in his priesthood quorums and the auxiliary organizations of the Church.

Elder Richards was serving as president of the East Mill Creek Stake mission when, in 1959, he was called to preside over the

Northwestern States Mission. There he di- rected one of the most fruitful mission areas of the Church and developed a new mis- sionary handbook incorporating the mis- sion's most effective teaching plans. On October 8, 1960, just ten months after he be- came mission president, it was announced in general conference that he had been called as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve. His mission activities have continued, for his assignments as a General Authority have included supervision of missions on the East Coast of the United States and, more recently, in South America.

November 1967


A colleague in the Genealogical Society, where Elder Theo- dore M. Burton serves as vice- president as well as managing director of the Priesthood Gene- alogy Committee, describes Elder Burton as a humble man "of honesty, love, dedication, and un- compromising loyalty to the gos- pel and its principles. "

Elder Burton developed these qualities early in his life. He was born March 27, 1907, and his parents, Theodore Taylor and Florence Moyle Burton, encour- aged him to work from the time he was 12 years old. Of them Elder Burton has said, "They provided the opportunities and taught the gospel by setting an example and living it in our home in Salt Lake City."

He successfully completed his education, receiving B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Utah and a Ph.D. degree in chem- istry from Purdue University. From 1932 to 1934 he was assistant bacteriologist for Salt Lake City. Later he was a popular teacher of chemistry at Carbon College in Price, Utah, and then at Utah State University, Logan.

Elder Burton believes that his studies in science have helped him to become more sensitive to God's laws. "My testimony has been strengthened, because in science I was trained to see order. In our religion, God gives us infallible truth that we can prove to our- selves by applying it to our lives."

From 1927-30 Elder Burton served as a missionary in the Swiss-German Mission. He later served as bishop and high councilor


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

in Logan. In 1957 he returned to Europe to preside over the West German Mission. Accompanying him were his wife, Minnie Preece Burton, whom he married in the Salt Lake Temple on February 23, 1933, and his son, Robert, who has since fulfilled a mission in Switzerland. Before becoming European Mission president in 1962, Elder Burton was set apart as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve on October 9, 1960. In June 1965, he became the West Euro- pean Mission supervisor.

Theodore Burton has said, "In the next world the question will not be how many

positions did you hold, but how many people did you help"; and in reference to his work with genealogy he has said, "What Jesus did was done as an example to show us how we too could serve others through our own^ work and sacrifice. In our vicarious work for the salvation of our dead, we do follow our Lord and Savior and become saviors ourselves for those who cannot save them- selves."

These are not mere words for Elder Bur- ton, but rather principles he puts into action. It has been said of him that "he has sworn his loyalty to the kingdom!"


Improvement Era


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

The tenth of eleven children of Ira W. and Emma Jensen Packer, Elder Boyd K. Packer was born September 10, 1924, into a home that was richly endowed with every- thing except ready money. He was well schooled in the family circle in the principles that had made for his people an everyday religion of the restored gospel, and had made their arid homesites blossom as the rose.

During his senior year in high school. Pearl Harbor embroiled the nation in war. Following his graduation, he worked for the contractors building the Bushnell General Hospital at Brigham City, Utah.

He enlisted in the air cadet program of the air force and was graduated as a pilot by the time he was twenty. As a lonely cadet, he recalls, he poured out his soul in prayer, promising that if he could succeed in ac- complishing life's real purpose and resist temptation, he would dedicate himself to the Lord.

After additional training he was stationed in Hawaii, then in the Philippines. In October 1945 he was sent to Japan, where in his leisure time he had the opportunity of aiding other servicemen i teaching the gospel to the Japanese peop e.

After being released from the service, he continued his education at Weber College and Utah State University, receiving his bachelor's and master's degrees in education. He married Donna Edith Smith, and they have nine children.

President George Albert Smith spoke in the Box Elder Tabernacle in 1948, encouraging the citizens of the community to support the use of the Bushnell Hospital facilities for an Indian school and promising that those in attendance would be blessed if they would do all they could to aid and encourage the project.

Elder Packer took this as a personal challenge, as did others. When the first group of Indian students arrived in 1949, Elder Packer, then a member of the seminary faculty, and J. Edwin Baird were appointed to develop a Church program for those students. From this small beginning, the Indian seminary program has grown and developed and is now used throughout the Church.

Elder Packer was sustained as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve at the October 1961 general conference. At that time he was supervisor of seminaries and insti- tutes of religion and was working on his doctorate in education, which he received from the Brigham Young University in June 1962.

Since August 1965 he has been presiding over the New England Mission.

The promise Elder Packer made when a young cadet to dedicate himself to the Lord has been met by his significant contribution to the education of youth in the Church.

November 1967



Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

The spirit of missionary work is evident in the life and personality of Elder Bernard P. Brockbank. Most of his adult life has been devoted to promulgating the gospel, and when he speaks, it is with the enthusiasm and conviction of one who loves the work ( 'f the Lord and wants to share it with his fellowmen.

Elder Brockbank was born May 24, 1909, in Holladay, Utah, a son of Taylor P. and Sarah LeCheminant Brockbank. He at- tended Utah State Agricultural College, the University of Utah, and George Wash- ington University at Washington, D. C. His

studies were interrupted in 1929 when he accepted a call to the British Mission, where he was district president for one year and began the first of his missionary labors. He also served on a stake mission in 1934-35 in Washington, D.C., while he was attend- ing school.

On November 1, 1935, he married Nada Rich, and they became the parents of five sons and one daughter. Sister Brockbank died August 1, 1967.

A wellknown Salt Lake City building con- tractor. Elder Brockbank has been active in building associations as well as civic affairs,

having been a member of the Salt Lake Real Estate Board and the Utah Home Builders Association, as well as past president of the Granite School District Board of Education.

Wherever he has resided. Elder Brockbank has held responsible positions in the Church, including bishop of the Winder Ward in Salt Lake City, stake high councilor, president of the Holladay Stake, and chairman of the Jordan Valley welfare region.

His great love for missionary work has come to fruition most forcefully since 1960, when he was named president of the North British Mission. When the mission was divided in December 1960, he became president of the new Scottish-Irish Mission and, 18 months later, of the new Scottish Mission. He was serving in the latter mission area when, in Octo- ber 1962, he was called as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve.

When the Mormon Pavilion at the New York World's Fair opened in April 1964, its managing direc- tor was Elder Brockbank, whose missionary enthusiasm and zeal were now influencing the many missionaries who labored there under his direction and the mil- lions of visitors who were intro- duced to the restored gospel there.

Since the close of the fair. Elder Brockbank has been assisting in preparing displays for visitors centers throughout the Church. These displays incorporate many of the ideas used so successfully at the fair and are now helping to teach even greater numbers of people the truths of the gospel.


Improvement Era

For years James Alfred Culli- more had been leading and counseling members of the Church as branch president at Sioux City, Iowa, and at Oklahoma City; as president of the West Oklahoma District; and then, beginning October 23, 1960, as president of the new Oklahoma Stake. The Cullimore home was always a haven where missionaries could find a good meal and re- charge their spiritual batteries with quiet talk upon the great principles of the gospel.

But when, in December 1960, Elder CullimoFe was called to preside in the Central British Mission, the people of Oklahoma City, who knew him only as an eminently successful man who had built a thriving furniture business, could hardly understand how he could turn away from personal affairs to accept a church appointment of several years' dur- ation. He did, however, and the stature of the Church grew in Oklahoma. He was sustained as an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve April 6, 1966, and again the image of the Church grew in the Midwest.

Elder Cullimore was born January 17, 1906, at Lindon, Utah, a son of Albert L. and Luella Keetch Cullimore. In December 1924 he was called to the Cali- fornia Mission. He returned to study at Brigham Young Univer- sity, where he was student body president. He married Grace Gardner in the Salt Lake Temple June 3, 1931. They went to New York City, where he had a schol- arship for graduate studies at the New York University School of Retailing.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

He began his long experience as a furni- ture buyer in 1932 with Gimble Brothers, New York City, and held the same position with Mandel Brothers, Chicago. In 1937 he became the buyer and home furnishings merchandise manager for Browns in Okla- homa City.

During their early years in Oklahoma City, the Cullimores had wondered if they should return to Utah to rear their son and two daughters. World War II prevented such a move.

While touring the Central States Mission in 1946, Elder Joseph F. Merrill of the

Council of the Twelve heard the problem and said: "This is where the Lord wants you. Teach your children well and then send them to BYU to school, and they will marry in the Church. Things will work out well for you." Within days, Elder Culli- more had leased a building in Oklahoma City to open his own furniture store, which soon prospered.

Branch president, district president, stake president, mission president, Church welfare committee man, friend! Elder Cullimore is all these and more as he daily goes about the work of the Lord.

November 1967



of the First Council of the Seventy


hat can you say about Antoine R.

Ivins?" a friend was asked. "President Ivins is one of God's noble men, possessing a rare sense of balance or tempera- ment. He is gracious, kind, humble, and cor- dial with all. In the councils of the Church and in his daily life he has an inward and a calming, self-disciplined strength that re- peatedly manifests itself in times of stress." Antoine Ridgeway Ivins was born May 11, 1881, at St. George, Utah, a son of Anthony W. and Elizabeth Ashby Snow Ivins. As a youth, he was often his father's willing com- panion on trips, where the pack on the horse

was sure to contain a fishing pole as well as a book.

When Antoine was 15, the family moved to Mexico, where his father was president of the Juarez Stake and president of the Mexi- can Colonization and Agricultural Company. Antoine continued his schooling at Juarez Academy and later at the School of Juris- prudence, Mexico City. When his father was sustained as a member of the Council of the Twelve at the October 1907 general con- ference, the family moved to Salt Lake City, and Antoine entered the University of Utah. He also studied law at the University of

At press time we learn with great sorrow of the death of President Ivins, who poised i away at his home at 7:05 the B evening of October 18, 1967.

Michigan, Ann Arbor.

He married Vilate Ellen Romney on June 26, 1912. Until her passing December 4, 1964, Sister Ivins often traveled with him as he fulfilled his many assignments.

Elder Ivins was engaged in ranching and agriculture in Utah before becoming manager of the Church sugar plantation at Laie, Hawaii, a position he held from 1921-31.

At the October 1931 semiannual general conference, he was sus- tained as a member of the First Council of the Seventy.

He served as president of the Mexican Mission from August 1931 to March 1934. There he succeeded the late Rey L. Pratt, who had begun the translation of the Doc- trine and Covenants into Spanish. President Ivins continued this activity, assisted by Eduardo Balderas. One part after another was printed until, in 1948, the com- plete Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price in Spanish came from the presses.

Returning from the mission field in 1934, President Ivins plunged with all his vigor into his full-time assignment as a General Authority. He has served as senior president of the First Council since the death of Levi Edgar Young, December 13, 1963.

There is hardly a stake of the Church that has not felt of his warmth as he has spoken the great truths of the gospel from their pulpits, often using stories rich in humor and ways of life. He has aided the Church to grow strong, and has seen its membership and activity increase many fold since being called as a General Authority.


Improvement Era

In April 1945, when S. Dilworth Young was called to the First Council of the Seventy, Elder Richard L. Evans commented editorially in The Improvement Era: "God qualifies men according to the demands of the day and the needs of the Church." In one of his first talks, this new General Authority said, "The need for work with boys entered the valley with the pioneers. "

Here was the need, and here was the man to meet the need. Elder Young was serving as Scout executive of the Ogden, Utah, area council when he received his new calling, and one of his friends said, "Well, that's fine for you, but what will the poor Boy Scouts do?" From that Ogden group. Elder Young's work with boys, with all young people, and with leaders of youth has extended worldwide. President Young was born in Salt Lake City on September 7, 1897, a son of Seymour B. Young, Jr., and Carlie Louine Young

Clawson. He attended Granite High

School, where he was elected president of the student body in 1917. After high school graduation, he successfully passed all the tests for the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, to which he had been appointed, only to find that a minor physical ailment barred his entrance. He joined the 145th Field Artillery, serving in France until 1918.

In 1920 Elder Young was called to the Central States Mission. Re- turning home, he married Gladys Pratt on May 31, 1923. Two chil- dren were born to them: Dilworth


of the First Council of the Seventy

Randolph, who was killed in action in Bel- gium in 1944, and Leonore, who is now Mrs. Blaine P. Parkinson. After the death of his wife Gladys, he married Huldah Parker on January 4, 1965.

In May 1947, President Young was called to preside over the New England Mission. Another dimension was added to his work with the youth of the Church, and returning missionaries reported that President Young's advice was, "Lean on the Lord."

Elder S. Dilworth Young is a gifted writer of prose and poetry. His prose writing has a distinct and beautiful style; his poetry is

sensitive and penetrating.

When he was a young deacon, Seymour Dilworth Young spoke of his supervisor, John D. Giles, as a man "who made the business of being a deacon seem very real." In his years as a member of the First Coun- cil of the Seventy, working with council members and with other seventies through- out the Church, and speaking to the saints assembled in conferences, Elder Young has made the work of the seventies a real and important assignment, one of great signifi- cance to the kingdom and great dignity to the individual.

November 1967



of the First Council of the Seventy

Milton R. Hunter has had a profound influence upon gospel-oriented thought. His writings on such subjects as the Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon archeology, Church history, and the gospel through the ages form an indelible impres- sion in the minds of many Latter-day Saints. Described as one "gifted by a thirst for knowledge," Elder Hunter early impressed others with his potential. After he received his doctorate in history from the University of California at Berkeley in 1935, Elder Hun- ter was chatting with Dr. Herbert Bolton, famous librarian and historian, when the

professor abruptly said, "Hunter, I won't let you throw your career away on some little Mormon seminary in Utah. You have the makings of one of America's great historians. I haven't spent these years in order for you to expend this training fruitlessly. If you will change your mind, we will secure for you a proper place in a great university where expectations, and the training you have re- ceived, may be realized." But Brother Hun- ter turned his attention back to his home and the Church.

Born October 25, 1902, in Holden, Utah, to John Edward and Margaret Teeples Hun-

ter, Elder Hunter was schooled early in gospel precepts by his faithful parents. By high school graduation time. Elder Hunter knew he wanted to gain all the knowledge he could. However, finances were hard to come by, so after some initial college classes, he taught school in the winters and continued his own education during summers, a pattern that increasingly turned his heart to- ward religious education.

When he finally received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Brigham Young University, he had been a principal in Nevada, headed two Utah junior high schools, and had served as prin- cipal of two seminaries.

Elder Hunter married Feme Gardner of Lehi in 1931, and they have six children. He taught semi- nary while he pursued his Ph.D; then he accepted a position at the Logan (Utah) Institute of Religion and entered a lifetime of research and writing.

Within just a few years he had written for many Western America historical journals, his history of Utah had been chosen as and still is a text for Utah schools, and he had written several note- worthy books on the subject of Church history.

On April 6, 1945, Elder Hunter was called to the First Council of the Seventy, and his search for truth and its promulgation took on new dimensions. Now, 22 books and hundreds of articles later, rather than having expended "his training fruitlessly," Elder Hunter has created a lasting memory for his labors.


Improvement Era

i I ^P here is nothing in this world I that I would rather do than have the privilege of preaching the gospel and of devoting such time and abilities as the Lord may bless me with to the building up of his kingdom." These words of Bruce R. McConkie of the First Council of the Seventy strike the guiding keynote of his life.

Elder McConkie was bom to Oscar W. and Vivian Redd Mc- Conkie on July 29, 1915, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where his father was studying law at the University of Michigan. At age 11, young Bruce would gather his brothers and sisters about him to read to them the Book of Mormon.

After retvuning to Salt Lake City, he attended LDS High School during its last two years of exis- tence, and in 1934-36 he served in the Eastern States Mission. He was graduated from the University of Utah in 1937 with a bachelor of arts degree and in 1939 with a bachelor of laws degree. In June 1967 he received his doctorate in the same field. On October 13, 1937, he married Amelia Smith, daughter of President Joseph Field- ing Smith. They have nine children. He was set apart on October 10, 1946, as a member of the First Council of the Seventy.

Elder McConkie has been a member of the Utah State Bar and a practicing attorney, assistant city attorney and city prosecutor, and a security and intelligence officer in the U.S. Army's Ninth Service Command. He joined the American Legion and at present holds the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Field Artillery Reserves.


of the First Council of the Seventy

For many years he was servicemen's coor- dinator for the Church. He has also served as president of the Southern Australian Mission. His knowledge and continual study of the scriptures have thrilled Church audiences and classes, and his keen sense of humor adds reality to his teachings.

In a conference address President McCon- kie said, "The great compelling necessity, the overwhelming obligation that rests upon us as members of this great latter-day king- dom is to come to a knowledge of the law of the Lord." To this end Elder McConkie has worked and studied diligently.

In October 1951 general conference, he reported the following experience: "Six months ago in the solemn assembly, when the First Presidency of the Church were sustained, as I sat here, the voice of the Lord came into my mind as certainly, I am sure, as the voice of the Lord came into the mind of Enos, as it said: 'These are they whom I have chosen as the First Presidency of my Church. Follow them.' That witness was an added assurance of the divinity of the work." To this theme, "follow the brethren," Bruce McConkie has dedicated his life.


November 1967



ou don't get an ivory tower feeling about him,"

replied a young returned mission- ary when asked about his relation- ship with Marion DuflF Hanks. "President Hanks is very much in contact with the world ordinary people live in. He seems to come to grips with daily excitements and opportunities and experi- ences."

Talk to building custodians, sec- retarial help, childhood friends, fellow General Authorities, or the soldier just home from Vietnam, and you'll learn that Brother Hanks is loved because he has shown his concern for their welfare. Many a quiet battle he has fought to bring peace to his fellowman. Many a courageous stand he's taken to insure fair judgment of a person or a problem.

Marion D. Hanks was born October 13, 1921, in Salt Lake City to Stanley A. and Maude Frame Hanks. He married the former Maxine Christensen of Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1949, and they have five children. Their home has always been open to people in need of a place to stay, a place to be comforted, a place to be healed. Regardless of his race, religious belief, station, or problem in life, the stranger is warmly welcomed into their home.

A desire to serve his Heavenly Father has been the motivating force of President Hanks' life. When just a young deacon, he be- gan staying up long past midnight to read the standard works.

Though a fine athlete, he gave up a college athletic scholarship to serve the Lord as a missionary. He


of the First Council of the Seventy

was graduated from the University of Utah Law School and has his juris doctor degree from that institution. But rather than practice law, he decided to teach institute and seminary classes. His Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants classes, which he teaches at the University of Utah Institute of Religion, attract large crowds, often filling the institute chapel. In October 1953 he was called to serve in the First Council of the Seventy. President Hanks finds his greatest joy is to assist and encourage people in their search for en- lightenment and truth, and as editor of the

Era of Youth, he has had a wide influence on the youth of the Church.

Ask about Marion D. Hanks and the an- swers reflect the many facets of his person- ality and the depth of his contribution: "He listens. " "His conference talks are always so relevant." "I've noticed how com- fortable he seems among the greatest souls and the most brilliant minds." "Do you re- member this quote, T could tell where the lamplighter was by the trail he left be- hind'? Well, you can tell where Duff Hanks has been, too people are better. He cares about people."


Improvement Era


of the First Council of the Seventy

The mother of Elder A. Theodore Tiittle could not have know that when she insisted on her six-year-old son's memoriz- ing his Sunday School talks, she was prepar- ing him for speaking assignments that would carry his words around the world. But such was her faith in her only son that she often referred to him as a "child of promise," impressing upon him the need to be worthy for a life of service.

Elder Tuttle was born March 2, 1919, at Manti, Utah, to Albert Mervin and Clarice Montez Beal. He developed an early repu- tation as an orator and debater, and during

his school days in high school and at nearby Snow College he won the leads in plays and operettas and was a student leader.

So close had been his relationship with his seminary teacher that when Elder Tuttle transferred to Brigham Young University after a Northern States mission, he de- cided to concentrate in religious education. His senior year was highlighted by his re- ceiving an award as outstanding student in religious education, and by his marriage on July 26, 1943, to Marne Whitaker. They are the parents of seven children.

Shortly after marriage, he entered the

Marines and served two and a half years as a line officer in the Pacific theater. He was the person who returned to the ship to obtain the American flag that was to be raised on Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima. The raising of the flag has been the subject of legends, sculptures, pic- tures, and even motion pictures.

Returning home, he began teach- ing in the seminary system, serving in Utah and Idaho communities while he pursued his master of education degree at Stanford Uni- versity in the summers. After serv- ing as director of the institute of religion at Reno, Nevada, he was appointed in 1953 as supervisor of seminaries and institutes for the Church Schools.

A colleague describes him as one blessed with the "unusual ability for administrative procedures, one who has the rare ability to stand back and look at a complete organi- zation and get the whole picture." Another longtime acquaintance has said, "His depth of scholarship and thoughtful reflection are greatly admired, as are his qualities of compassion and concern for others."

On April 10, 1958, Elder Tuttle was called to the First Council of the Seventy. Three years later he was appointed president of the missions in South America, where he helped direct the growth of Church membership from 20,000 to 40,000 in four years. Among his present assignments is supervising Spanish-speaking missions in North America. His lifelong love for teaching the gospel has indeed been recognized by the Lord. Elder Tuttle is a great educator in the Lord's kingdom.

November 1967


of the First Council of the Seventy

To the frightened and wounded young soldier in a foxhole on the island of Guam during World War II, there came an overpowering desire to have answers to some serious questions. Death had wasted the lives of many of his companions, and there kept coming into his mind with recurring intensity the thoughts: Is there a God? Is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the true church? In deep concern and fear. Elder Paul H. Dunn prayed with earnestness and humility. Of this experience he says, "Immediately there came into my soul a sweet spirit, a feeling of comfort, a

feeling of assurance that God did exist and the Church of Jesus Christ was again on earth."

Elder Dunn was born April 24, 1924, at Provo, Utah, to Joshua Harold and Geneva Roberts Dunn. He early developed a love for sports, and did so well in baseball that after playing on his high school team in Los Angeles, he signed a contract with the St. Louis Cardinals as a pitcher and was farmed out to the Pioneer and Pacific Coast leagues. The war interrupted his baseball career.

Following the war, while again pitching

under his Cardinal contract. Elder Dunn broke his collarbone. With his chances dim for full recovery, and a growing concern about Sun- day baseball, he turned to another field education.

Elder Dunn attended Chap- man College and graduated in 1953 with a bachelor's degree in religion. The following year he received his master's degree from the University of Southern California. In the meantime he had converted, bap- tized, and married the Chapman College president's daughter, Jeanne Cheverton (they are the parents of three daughters) and had begun his career with the Church School System as a seminary teacher in Los Angeles.

He served as southern California assistant coordinator of seminaries, then as director of the institute of religion adjacent to the University of Southern California. In 1959 he also received his doctorate in education from USC. He was serving as coordinator of all in- stitutes of religion in southern California when he was called to the First Council of the Seventy on April 6, 1964.

President Dunn's experience in the educational programs of the Church has given him keen insights into the needs and concerns of contemporary youth and adults. He has written many lessons for use in the auxiliaries, drawing upon his own experiences and his knowledge of youth and their problems. These insights and his pleasant personality are valuable assets in his present assignments in the Church, which include serv- ing as international president of the LDS Student Association.


Improvement Era


Presiding Bishop

In the late nineteenth century a band of devout immigrants from the Netherlands, converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, boarded a ship at Rotter- dam to begin their journey to far-off Salt Lake Valley. Aboard the ship was hand- some young Dirk Vandenberg, who was soon attracted to Maria Alkema. Their romance blossomed, and after they arrived in Utah, they were married in the Salt Lake Endow- ment House. From this union came six children, including a son, John Henry, born December 18, 1904, who was to become the ninth Presiding Bishop of the Church

in this dispensation.

The Vandenbergs settled in Ogden, and Bishop Vandenberg later declared that per- haps the thing that influenced him most and set the pattern for his whole life was the example of love and service set by his parents.

He decided early that accounting would be his life's work. He studied at Weber Academy and, through correspondence courses and additional study at night school, became proficient in business and finance. In 1925 he was called to serve a mission in the Netherlands. While there he served as

mission secretary, and it was in the mission home in Rotterdam that he met a lovely Netherlands girl, Ariena Stok. She later emi- grated to Utah, and the couple were married in the Salt Lake Temple Jxme 18, 1930. They now have two daughters.

Returning to Ogden, Bishop Vandenberg became associated with a livestock firm at the Ogden Union Stockyards. In 1940 he was transferred to Denver, where his interests also included textiles and ranching. He entered the audio- visual business in 1950. In 1955, he became vice chairman of the Church Building Committee, in charge of finances.

Throughout his life Bishop Vandenberg has been completely devoted to the Church, serving willingly in every position to which he has been called ward choir di- rector, elders quorum counselor, seventies quorum president, stake mission president. He was first counselor in the Denver Stake presidency and then second coun- selor in the Ensign Stake presi- dency, a position he held when, on September 30, 1961, he was sustained as Presiding Bishop.

As Presiding Bishop, he is holder of the keys of presidency over the Aaronic Priesthood. Asked what advice he would give to young boys today, he replied, "Live close to your parents and heed their counsel." Bishop John Vandenberg knows whereof he speaks, for re- membering and following through the years the wise counsel and ex- ample of his immigrant parents has been one of the strongest moti- vating forces in his own life.

November 1967


Bishop Robert L. Simpson pos- sesses an engaging smile, one that says, "I know something that can make you better, and I'm just seeking an opportunity to share it with you."

Bishop Simpson was born August 8, 1915, at Salt Lake City, the son of Heber C. and Lille C. Leatham Simpson. The family moved to southern California when he was five. After graduating from Santa Monica City College, he was called to serve in the New Zealand Mission; and in being set apart, on April 14, 1937, he was blessed "with a knowledge of the people amongst whom you will labor."

During the second month of his mission he dreamed that he had returned home and found his family and the people of his ward all speaking the Maori tongue and that he could not understand a word they said. Awakening, he had two thoughts: he must put forth more effort to learn the language, and this knowledge of the language would be of value to him beyond the term of his mis- sion. He worked at it, and in a short time the promise of his bless- ing was fulfilled.

When World War II began. Bishop Simpson was commissioned in the air force. Knowing that he might be assigned to a fighting front, he hoped it would be the South Seas, where he might again work with the Maori people. In- stead, his air force unit was sent to Egypt. Within 48 hours he had dis- covered that at an adjacent base was an entire Maori battalion from New Zealand. Many of the South Sea islanders were homesick, and they welcomed the leisure-time


First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

counsel in their own tongue that he was able to give.

On June 24, 1942, he married in the Arizona Temple Jelaire Kathryn Chandler, a native of Ogden who, like himself, had grown up in southern California. They have two sons and a daughter.

Bishop Simpson served as a member of the Inglewood (California) Stake high council, then as counselor in his ward bishopric, stake mission president, and stake YMMIA superintendent. His vocation for 20 years was with the Pacific Telephone Company.

Many returned missionaries have a desire

to return to their mission area with their families. For Robert Simpson, this came true, for he was set apart as president of the New Zealand Mission July 28, 1958. He saw a temple and a college dedicated and two stakes organized, all within the confines of the mission.

He was called as first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric at the October 1961 general conference. In this position he is concerned with the temporal affairs of the Church; he is concerned with youth; and his is concerned with people all the people of the Church.


Improvement Era

When he was nine years old, Victor L. Brown was taken, with his brother, to the Alberta Temple to be sealed to his par- ents. "I can still remember, just as distinctly as though it were yesterday, the meaning of that ordinance. It brought the greatest peace into my heart that any ex- perience has ever accomplished," he recalls. "On the appointed day I became very ill with a high fever. My parents considered postponing the appointment, but I pleaded with them not to delay one day. I wanted the assurance as a child that I would have my parents for time and all eternity."

This experience as a youth set the stage for a lifetime of service and love for the Church for Bishop Victor L. Brown, who is today second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric. He was born July 31, 1914, at Cardston, Al- berta, Canada, a son of Gerald S. and Maggie Lee Brown and a nephew of President Hugh B. Brown. When he was 16 years old, the family moved to Salt Lake City, and he attended South High School, the University of Utah, and LDS Business College. He also studied at the University of California at Berkeley. In Novem- ber 1936 he was married to Lois Kjar, and they are the parents of five children.

Bishop Brown's growth in the Church has been steady, his service including executive posi- tions in the priesthood quorums and auxiliaries, bishop of the Den- ver Fourth Ward, and counselor in the Denver Stake presidency, where his fellow counselor was


Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

the man with whom he was later to serve in the Presiding Bishopric Bishop John H. Vandenberg.

In 1940 he began working for United Air Lines and served for the next 21 years in supervisory and management capacities in Washington, D.C., Denver, and Chicago. He was assistant to the director of reserva- tions at Chicago when, in September 1961, he received a telephone call asking him if he could meet with President McKay in Salt Lake City early the next morning.

In President McKay's private office, he re- calls, the Prophet's eyes penetrated deeply

into his own as he was asked to serve as counselor in the Presiding Bishopric. "At that moment, this thought went through my mind: 'Only one greater could be asking me to serve, and that would be the Savior himself.' "

Bishop Brown was sustained to his new calling on September 30, 1961, and set apart October 6, 1961. Among his new responsi- bilities and challenges has been establishing a translation, publication, and distribution organization for the Church, covering more than a dozen languages and spanning most of the mission areas of the world.

November 1967


Fiftieth Anniversary of the Church Office Building

The Church Administration Building, 47 East South Temple, has been called one of the most beautiful office buildings in the world. But it is more than that. It is where the authorities of the Church have their offices and make many signifi- cant decisions that affect the entire Church membership. It is where many stake presidents and bishops come for counsel, and where members come, when so directed, to seek additional guidance. It is where missionaries come, in youth- ful eagerness, to the missionary depart- ment on the fourth floor. It is where

President David O. McKay has greeted many leaders of the nation and the world.

The cornerstone was laid in 1914, and the building was opened in 1917 during the administration of President Joseph F. Smith, sixth President of the Church. President Smith had his office there until his passing in November 1918.

The building, built on land once be- longing to President Brigham Young, is directly west of the pioneer leader's two homes, the Beehive House and the Lion House. The exterior is granite, taken from the same area, some 25 miles south-

east of the site, as the granite for the Salt Lake Temple. The building's grace- ful and pleasing architectural style is Grecian Ionic. Twenty-four Ionic col- umns form a colonnade around the build- ing, with heavy masses of masonry at each corner. A massive entablature, featuring many beautiful carvings, rests on the columns.

The building, five stories high plus the basement, is rectangular in shape, measuring 101 feet 11 inches on the front side and 165 feet 3 inches in depth, with a height above the ground of 80


Improvement Era

feet, A total of 4,517 granite stones make up the structure. The largest stone, which served as the cornerstone, is at the southwest corner and weighs eight tons. The entire weight of the stone work is 6,205 tons.

Across the main entrance at the south of the building are bronze grills, which slide into the wall when the building is open. Beyond these, a pair of solid bronze and plate glass doors, hung in a frame of the same bronze material, open into a spacious entry hall whose floor is of white marble and whose walls are of Utah golden travise marble.

North of the entrance area is the main reception hall, which is also floored in marble, with 16 fluted monoliths made of golden travise marble.

At the extreme north end of this floor is a room for the First Presidency that is beautifully finished in walnut and marble. Along the east wall is a fireplace with a mantel of white travertine.

At the west side of the first floor is a board room where the General Authori- ties meet to discuss the affairs of the Church. This room, approximately the same size as the First Presidency's room, is characterized by a large Utah traver- tine mantel and fireplace with a marble hearth, reminiscent of the fact that an open fire was often needed in the days when the building was new.

The private office of President David O. McKay is in the northeast corner of the first floor. In this office, President Joseph F. Smith, President Heber J. Grant, and President George Albert Smith each also labored with the decisions that the

Prophet must make as he directs the Church and the kingdom here upon the earth.

From the entry hall of the first floor, an exquisitely curved marble staircase leads to the offices of the members of the Council of the Twelve, the Patriarch to the Church, the Assistants to the Council of the Twelve, the First Coun- cil of the Seventy, the Presiding Bishop- ric, the Church Historian, and others.

At general conference time, the build- ing literally overflows with members of the Church who find occasion to enter it. At other times, groups of seminary students and others may be found tour- ing the building and seeing for them- selves some of the historic records stored there. Tourists, who are always welcome, may receive a pamphlet stating that Utah marble and onyx and rare wood from parts of the United States, Hon- duras, Caucasiis (southeastern Russia), and elsewhere lend their beauty to the interior of the building.

The address of the Church Adminis- tration Building 47 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah has come to have much meaning for members of the Church. To a prospective missionary, an envelope bearing this return address is something to be anticipated with joy, to be read and reread until its contents are memorized, and then to be placed away among life's keepsakes. Third and even fourth generations of Church members are receiving direction and guidance that come from within this beautiful granite building as it begins its second half century of service. O

November 1967




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The Home

Teacher and


Human Nature


By Wilford D. Lee

fome teaching to- day is one of the most challenging undertakings in the Church. However, many home teachers do not realize either the difficulty or the complexity of their work, because most of them do not recognize the per- sonal and social problems with which they must deal. As a result, many frustrated home teachers feel inade- quate and disoriented because they do not know how to proceed.

The work of the home teacher falls into two general divisions diagnosis and treatment. Each of these divisions contains difficulties which, unless the teacher understands them, make his teaching ineffective. Some failures stem from the fact that teachers are not acquainted with the laws that con- trol human behavior.

Some of the ills that the teacher must diagnose are similar to the dis- abilities that confront the physician. Neither the physician nor the home teacher can proceed with successful treatment unless he knows what is wrong. When the patient is ill, the doctor subjects him to a series of tests. Having properly diagnosed the case, he proceeds with the treatment. The same is true with the home teacher. The point to remember is that neither the doctor nor the home teacher should attempt treatment until he is

If home teachers had a knowledge of attitudes, there would be less "flying blind" and

perfunctory visiting.

sure of what causes the patient's symptoms. Thus, correct diagnosis is the first step.

Although the home teacher is not usually a counselor who is trained to diagnose personality problems, he is not completely without tools. He has some effective strengths and resources that many trained counselors do not have. In the first place, he is endowed with the priesthood, an important facet of which is the gift of discernment. This gift, when used by a gifted and devoted teacher, is a remarkable instrument. To further help in the process of diagnosis, the home teacher can use honest and sincere friendship, deep love, and the other gifts of the Holy Ghost.

Moreover, the home teacher would be more confident and less confused if he were aware of some of the principles of human behavior that he is attempt- ing to diagnose. Often the home teacher must "fly blind"; he hesitates before entering the home of an inactive member, wondering how to proceed. Or perhaps the home teacher, unable to understand the attitudes of the in- active family, goes into the home.

makes a perfunctory visit, and hopes for the best.

But the wise home teacher, under- standing what controls human behavior and working through the Spirit, will begin to explore the question, "What causes this person to be inactive?"

By and large, people's actions are controlled by their desires. If their desires coincide with the principles and practices of the gospel, all is well and good. But often when people follow their desires, they find themselves act- ing contrary to the teachings of the gospel. Adults, as well as children, tend to do those things that they like to do and avoid doing those things that they dislike. While there are no- table exceptions to this rule, the home teacher would do well to study the likes and dislikes of each member of the inactive family. If he can discover what each family member does to ob- tain satisfaction, he may have a win- dow into his soul.

In order to learn why a person acts as he does, the home teacher must

AAelchizedek Priesthood


also study such inner urges as whom he loves, what are his ambitions and aspirations, what are his ideals, 'his hopes, and his dreams. Usually people do not act because of what they know; rather, they act because of how they feel. Thus, feelings, or the emo- tionally charged forces within them, stimulate and control action. These motivating forces are called attitudes. Many observers are convinced that all human actions are activated by atti- tudes. For this reason home teachers must develop a knowledge of attitudes where they come from, how they develop, and especially how they can be changed if they are negative.

One of the first things the home teacher should know is that while atti- tudes always contain some information, they are strongly emotional in nature; and it is the emotion, not the informa- tion, that causes the person to act.

Thus, when an attitude is fully devel- oped, its emotional content is the sum total of all the feelings that the person experienced while it was developing. That is, attitudes develop as the result of one or a series of emotionally charged experiences. If the experiences were pleasant, the attitude will be pleasant and favorable, and the action that results will also be pleasant and favorable. On the other hand, if the experiences were unpleasant and un- favorable, the resulting attitude will also be unpleasant and unfavorable, and the actions or the refusal to act will be in accordance with the attitude. Thus, depending upon the pleasant- ness or unpleasantness of the ex- periences, two persons having the same information can have oppo- site attitudes. It is not the informa- tion that causes the person to act; it is the favorableness or unfavor- ableness of the attitude. Therefore, if

Photo by Etdon Linschoten

the home teacher is to bring about a change of behavior, he must first change the feeling. And in this con- nection, in diagnosing the person's attitudes, the home teacher must dis- cover how the person really feels. It may be that, for convention's sake, he will try to cover up his real attitudes; but careful observation of his un- guarded speech and actions will usually reveal his true feelings.

The specialized attitudes that we call likes and dislikes are extremely impor- tant, because they control action. As long as a person likes good things and dislikes bad ones, all is well. It is only when a person learns to dislike good things and to like bad things that trouble begins. The home teacher has a real problem if he finds a member who has learned to dislike Sunday School, who does not support the Church authorities, and who has learned to like things that are bad for him. His difficulties are multiplied if these feelings have become fixed. It is not easy to change deeply imbedded likes and dislikes.

Perhaps the best way to become ac- quainted with peoples' attitudes is to listen attentively. The home teacher


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should not go into a home primarily to talk or to deliver a message; rather, he should listen to what the family mem- bers have to say. By intelligent ques- tioning, he can get them to talk about themselves and their experiences. In this way he can discover the feelings that have caused the person to become inactive. This knowledge will help him to formulate a program of treatment. Little by little, as he listens with per- ception and understanding, he will gain skill in diagnosis; and through his own experiences with people, he will become more sensitive to the personal and so- cial ills that may have caused a person to become indifferent to the Church. When the home teacher gains a per- son's confidence, that person will often reveal the innermost secrets of his heart. It is at this time that the most effective diagnosis can be made.

What can the home teacher do once he has completed his diagnosis? Can attitudes really be changed? Of course they can! Every day people repent and alter their lives in conformity to gospel ideals. But it is not easy. However, here is a rule that will bring about the desired change if it is followed long enough and applied strongly enough: Since an attitude is developed by hav- ing an experience, it can be changed only by having a stronger, opposite experience. An attitude is changed by the application of a strong, contrasting feeling. A strong, positive feeling will erase and destroy a negative feel- ing. A good feeling, if it is applied long enough, will destroy a bad feeling. But these feelings must be applied in the form of experiences. What experi- ences can a home teacher create and apply to an inactive person so as to destroy his antagonistic attitudes?

First, he can be a good friend. The emotional impact of real friendship is powerful, but any friendship is only as strong as the person who offers It. The home teacher who develops real friendship with an inactive person has a force working for him that is beyond price. Often friendship alone can work wonders in changing an inactive person's attitudes.

improvement Era

Second, the home teacher can apply love. In its purest form, love is the strongest force in the universe. How- ever, it takes a really great person to love in the way Jesus loved. A man's ability to help his fellowman by his love is limited only by his power to grow.

The third and most powerful re- source available to the home teacher is the Spirit of God. If the home teacher is honest in his search for spirituality, and if he uses the gifts of the Holy Ghost to counteract bad atti- tudes, he will find that he greatly in- creases his ability to substitute good feelings for bad feelings.

It is obvious, then, that every home teacher should become an expert on attitudes. He must not only learn to recognize both good and bad attitudes, but he must also discover their causes. Then he must create experiences that, when applied with friendship, love, and the Spirit of God, will bring about re- generation. Not until he has gained such knowledge and power will he be as effective a home teacher as he should be. If he hopes to succeed, he must act in accordance with the laws that control human behavior.

"There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated

"And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." (D&C 130:20-21.)

The most effective home teacher is the one who studies carefully the laws that control human behavior. By de- veloping skill in the application of these laws, he can influence for good those families assigned to him.

But every home teacher should be warned: do not weary in well doing. The man who has spent 40 years de- veloping bad attitudes, whose likes and dislikes are contrary to the principles of the gospel, is not likely to change overnight. Probably, his regeneration will be long and painful. Nevertheless, now is the time to start. If a teacher truly loves his brother as himself, he can do no less. O

November .1967



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By Orma Wallengren

He came to drink. Each step so slight

No twig gave sign.

And in one blink

Of wooded light

His eyes caught mine;

And all, I think. In that one sight Beneath the pine

Did silent link The day and night: His world and mine.

We bridged a stream With eyes that held the dawn; Then, lifting velvet antlers. He was gone.

Improvement Era






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November 1967

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Liberty for All

By Li Nielsdatter




When Grandma Zaphras arrived from Greece back in 1950, I met her in New York at Idlewild Airport.

"Be sure to treat her to dinner before her flight west," Mother had written from Oregon. But Grandma— or Yiayia, as we called her— had other plans. No sooner had the customs man inspected her modest valise than she turned to me, smiling.

"Now I'll see the Statue of Lib- erty," she said.

"But your dinner . . ."

Yiayia's wrinkled chin sharpened between the folds of her black shawl. She stood her ground. "Food can wait. Liberty cannot."

So I changed her ticket and wired home, then hustled her through the city and on to the ferry toward Bedloe Island. Yiayia never flinched. But when we stood looking up at the statue, her pep- pery eyes turned moist.

"Eleftheria," she said. Tears flowed down the old face, and her rolling village dialect made the words ring. "Liberty— oh, my Liberty!"

I waited before I said, "Maybe we ought to go inside."

"Inside? And for what, I ask? Inside we see nothing!" Her anger lashed out unexpectedly. Then she smiled again. "Out here we see Liberty."

"Would you like a picture of it?"

Her face was as strong, as proud as the statue's own, yet very much alive. "Liberty doesn't live on paper. Only in a heart. Do you understand?"

When I finally led her away, she turned to look back once more. "Efharisto," she said, but to the statue and not to me. "Thank you, thank you." O



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Here's an idea! Give Tiie Improvement Era this Cliristmas.

The Church Moves On

August 1967



Long Island Stake was created from parts of New York Stake by Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve and Elder EIRay L. Chris- tiansen, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve. Gordon E. Crandall was sus- tained as president with David D. Paine and Charles E. Neaman as counselors. Long Island Stake is the 439th now functioning. Elder Parley P. Pratt brought the gospel to New York City in July 1837. New York Stake was organized December 9, 1934.

George E. Watkins was sustained as president of New York Stake with Victor B. Jex and Harold D. Clawson as counselors.

Beginning this morning at 7:30, 96 teams began competition in the annual all-Church softball tournament. Members of the Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir departed from the Salt Lake Air- port for a whirlwind tour that would take them to Expo 67 at Montreal, Canada. Tonight the choir sang in con- cert at Omaha, as part of Nebraska's statehood centennial, and received a standing ovation.

The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir gave the first of two evening con- certs in the Theatre Maisonneuve at Expo 67, Montreal, Canada. The hall was packed to capacity and reviewers termed the performance "majestic."

lAnother well-received concert was I presented by members of the Tab- ernacle Choir at Montreal this evening. The first of several shipments of sup- plies from the Church Welfare Program left Salt Lake City by air to be used in flood-stricken Fairbanks, Alaska.

'The Tabernacle Choir presented a I concert before 25,000 to 35,000 enthusiastic listeners at Narragansett Park, Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Improvement Era

Salinas (California) Ward won the all-Church junior fast-pitch softball title by defeating Chandler (Arizona) 1st Ward, 5-2. Monument Park 5th Ward of Salt Lake City won the all- Church senior fast-pitch title in their game with Chandler (Arizona) 2nd Ward, 4-2.

I President David 0. McKay an- Inounced sites for the Ogden and Provo temples: Tabernacle Square in downtown Ogden, and Church-owned property northeast of the Brigham Young University campus in Provo, bounded by 2320 North and Rock Can- yon Road, extending from about 800 to 1200 East.

The Tabernacle Choir sang at Chautauqua, New York.

Kearns (Utah) 4th Ward took the extra-inning championship all-Church junior slow-ball softball game from Midvale (Utah) 3rd Ward, 2-1. Price (Utah) 5th Ward outplayed Provo (Utah) 6th Ward in the senior slow- pitch game, 17-5.

The Tabernacle Choir joined the IPhiladelphia Orchestra and its con- 1 ductor Eugene Ormandy at Saratoga ' Springs, New York, for a performance of Brahms' Requiem.

IOIympia Stake was organized from portions of Puget Sound (Wash- ington) Stake, with Herbert Springer Anderson sustained as president and Leslie W. Gilbert and Robert G. Davey as counselors. The stake was orga- nized under the direction of Elder LeGrand Richards of the Council of the Twelve and Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve.

LuDene P. Snow was sustained as president of Puget Sound Stake with Walter Behring and James M. Green- halgh as counselors.

Palm Springs Stake was organized from the Palm Springs District of the California South Mission, with Quinten Hunsaker as president and John H. Lake and Charles Ronald Green as

November 1967

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Salt Lake City, Utah 84111


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Here's an idea! Give The Improvement Era this Christmas.


counselors. This stake was organized under the direction of Elder Howard W. Hunter of the Council of the Twelve and Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr., Assistant to the Council of the Twelve. The two new stakes bring the total now func- tioning to 441.

Thomas Leonard Hall was sustained as president of Riverside (Salt Lake City) Stake, succeeding Robert L. Bridge, deceased. Counselors are Floyd Hill Gowans and Lowell Lavar Leishman.

The Tabernacle Choir joined the Philadelphia Orchestra and guest solo- ists to present Messiah, with Eugene Ormandy directing, at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center.


Detroit, Michigan, music-lovers played hosts to the Salt Lake Tab- ernacle Choir this evening as the Choir's tour continued.


Tulsa, Oklahoma, was the scene of I tonight's Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir concert. An estimated 9,000 persons were in attendance.


Shortly after midnight members of I the Tabernacle Choir returned to Salt Lake City from their nine-day, 6,300-mile, ten-concert tour.

Promised Valley, the musical de- picting the pioneers coming to the Salt Lake Valley, closed for the season after a two-month run in the Temple View outdoor theater. It is estimated that 147,000 persons saw the perform- ances this summer.

September 1967

President David 0. McKay spent a quiet day in Huntsville on the 94th anniversary of his birth. Here, on the farm where he was born, and sur- rounded by his family, he received thousands of congratulatory messages.

improvement Era

This evening a half-hour program on KSL-TV featured the life of the President.

Norman H. Bangerter was sus- Itained as president of Granger (Salt Lake County) Stake with Maurice M. Harmon and Wesley P. Thompson, Jr., as counselors.

El Monte Stake, the 442nd now [functioning, was organized from parts of West Covina (California) Stake by Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Council of the Twelve and Patriarch Eldred G. Smith. James C. Brown was sustained as stake president with Richard E. Miner and Mayo W. Smith as counselors.

This was the annual David 0. I McKay Day in Ogden and Weber County, Utah. Speakers at a meeting in the Ogden Tabernacle included Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve. Representing the family was President McKay's son, David Lawrence McKay, general superintendent of the Sunday School.

Fort Worth (Texas) Stake was organized from parts of Dallas Stake by Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve and Elder Theodore M. Burton, Assistant to the Twelve. John Kelley, Jr., was sustained as president of this, the 443rd stake, v^ith John W. Porter and Mark R. Berrett as coun- selors.



I The first Italian branch in Rome I was organized, with Elder John Abner, a missionary, as president. Counselors are Robert Bollingbroke and Irnerio Maffi. Rome was opened to missionary work in January, 1967; 87 persons have been baptized since the Italian Mission was organized in August 1966.

I The annual conference of the Re- lief Society convened at 9:30 this morning in the Tabernacle.

November 1967

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National Rugby Champions

The Seasiders of the Church College of Hawaii have been selected as the 1967 U.S. national rugby champions in the first national rugby poll ranking, which included 264 teams. The Seasiders' record last year was an unbeaten string of 13 victories, including well-publicized defeats of four

highly ranked Southern California teams: Occidental, Loyola, UCLA, and Los Angeles Rugby Club. Coach Pene Ruruku forecasts an even stronger team this year. Most team members are from widely scattered Pacific islands. Out of 15 starting players, 12 have been through the temple.

Scholarly Journal editor named

Dr. Charles D. Tate, Jr., assistant professor of English at Brigham Young University, has been appointed editor of Brigham Young University Studies, quarterly scholarly journal

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Innprovement Era

for Latter-day Saints. The autumn issue features topics on "iVlormonism and the Germans," "The Origin, Structure, and Evolution of the Stars," "Vietnam, the different War," and "The New Morality." Though the journal is sponsored by BYU, manuscripts are welcomed from all sources. The editorial board consists of experts from several universities.

George R. Hill YMMIA Assistant

George Richard Hill has been appointed second assistant in the general

superintendency of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association. Brother Hill, dean of the college of mines and mineral industries at the University of Utah, suc- ceeds Elder Carl W. Buehner, who has been called to be a Regional Rep- resentative of the Twelve.

Superintendent Smith Honored

General Superintendent G. Carlos Smith, Jr., of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association holds a citation presented to him by the Los Angeles City Council for his "outstanding spiritual and temporal leadership and for his devotion and great contribution to the youth of this city, our state, our nation, and the world. . . ." City Councilman Robert M. Wilkinson, left, presented the commendation at an Explorer leadership conference held in Los Angeles.



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November 1967

Today's Family

By Florence B. Pinnock

Thanks for the Memory


e are what we are now doing, plus what we have done that has sHpped into memories. This is a strange combination, because what we are now doing changes instantly into the memory category, and we step into new action. Memories stack up one upon another as the years pass, until late in life the "now" action comes to a near halt and the memories take over. But in the in-between years there is a balance. Memories are important, but they will never compare with the "now" action. Potent memories, nevertheless, constantly guide our actions.

Looking back to the very first glimpse of you, what do you see? I remember being in my aunt's arms as she walked down a narrow boardwalk to the end of the garden. As she carried me, I was screaming at the top of my lungs. A new baby had just been born in our home, and I wanted to be present. This aunt kept telling me that if I'd be quiet she would take me to the house, and I kept crying to her, "If you'll take me to the new baby, I'll be quiet." The memory ends there, and to this day I don't know who won the battle, but this really is the beginning of me in my mind's

eye today. This minute other memories are crowding. Some are happy and warm and gay, and others are made of stronger ma- terials but are rewarding.

I can remember parents, kind and understanding and always proud when I did my best. They kept telling me that the only per- son I had to compete with was myself. I was always to do better today than I did yesterday. This memory of them has many times made me stand tall when I really wanted to run and hide. Then there are memories of a father and mother trying so hard to do their best that we children could not let them down. There was the time a block was thrown and a hand ready to hit, and a parent's voice said, "In our family we do not hit anyone; we're bigger and stronger and smarter than that. There are other ways to convince."

Tradition is a memory builder. Someone recently said, "This generation does not believe in tra- dition. It wants new ways to do things, new thoughts, and new ac- tions." The young people I know prove this false. Maybe they want longer hair and purple Christmas trees, but stepping out from their desires come the words: "Our family always does. . . ." These traditions have many facets. For instance, one family always goes to grandma's and grandpa's home

early on Halloween evenin^all dressed in their eerie costumes. There they have supper and are then on their way to ring bells and knock on neighbors' doors. An- other family never fails to meet in a friendly garden early on the Fourth of July. There they have a trout breakfast combined with a togetherness that colors the entire summer.

Then, of course, through the years families have other wonder- ful memories of prayers around the breakfast and dinner tables, of meeting together to gain strength from each other as problems arise, and of praying together when a family member is about to leave on a journey.

Words also form memories, such as: "Remember who you are," said by parents as their sons and daugh- ters go on dates, or "Have a happy day." These cheerful words from mother as each leaves for school or work always seem to start the day off just right.

Food as a tradition enters the picture, and memories are made of crusty bread biscuits and chili on the first snowy winter night, pink divinity in a heart-shaped satin box centering the dinner table on Valentine's Day, Yorkshire pudding making the Sunday dinner delec- table, homemade caramels and pecan rolls as a holiday treat, Sun- day evening gatherings around an ice cream freezer. And so families go on and on from taste buds to memory lane.

Material things are also stacked up in memory's image : books given as prizes and rewards, for helping in the home, colorfuL/new dresses on Christmas morniiig, a little money and a great ^eal of elbow grease spent to make the big room downstairs attractive and fun to bring dates home to, trees to climb, ropes to jump, fences to walk, and games to play— all en- rich memories.


Improvement Era


Each minute holds memories to make rich the future moments. As we are giving thanks this Novem- ber, let's include a thanks for our memories.


Hard, dry crumbs add body when added to dips. Use only a small amount.

Especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, stale bread reaches its peak of popularity. It seems that


Do you find yourself throwing away stale bread? Small children often discard their crusts, toast is left over at breakfast time, and bread becomes stale when not stored correctly or when not used up quickly. The result is waste, and there is a remedy for this. Every crumb can be used for nourishment in some way. Stale white, whole wheat, rye, and com bread can be used in a variety of dishes— some in the form of soft bread crumbs, others as finely ground hard crumbs, still others as slices or cubes of bread. Play a gaine of discovering new ways to use up stale bread.

Suggestions to Use Every Crumb

store all leftover semi-soft bread in a cool, dry, clean place. Do not use an air-tight container, or mold will form.

Soft crumbs may be kept in a perfo- rated plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Fine, hard bread crumbs are best stored in the refrigerator in a jar with a lid. To make these crumbs, use bread that "has dried out in a warm oven or in a dry open place. Break one slice at a time into the electric blender and it will crumb immediately, or grind the hard, crisp bread in the food grinder, or drop slices of bread in a plastic bag and crush with the rolling pin.

Bread crumbs act as thickeners when added to casseroles or gravies.

Illustrated by Dale Kilbourn

"In our family we do not hit anyone;

we're bigger and

stronger and snnarter

than that."

there are never enough soft or hard bread crumbs to make all the dressing needed to fill the turkeys. Start sav- ing bread weeks in advance.

Crumbs are a popular topping for cas- seroles. Always mix them with melted butter and seasonings before sprinkling them over the casserole.

Nothing has been found that is better to coat meats, fish, and poultry than seasoned bread crumbs. Season with paprika, pepper, parsley, onion salt, minced green onions, garlic salt, nut- meg, cinnamon, cloves, sage, oregano, etc.

Croquettes are made easier to handle for baking and frying if they are rolled in crisp, seasoned bread crumbs.

Crumbs are a binder, filler, and ex- tender when used in meat loaves, meat balls, etc. >-

November 1967




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Winning praises from LDS women everywhere, this dress is the ultimate in beauty and comfort. Draped back, adjustable waist and cuffs, front zip- per. White, drip-dry 64% Polyester 36% Nylon. P, S, M, L, #SSD-C.

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Bread crumbs can take the place of part of the flour in griddle cakes, cookies, and cakes. The crumbs seem to add to the lightness of the finished product.

Try adding a few crisp crumbs to brown sugar, nuts, and butter to use as a topping for muffins, breakfast cakes, and fruit crisp desserts.

Make croutons from stale bread and and fish. Trim crusts from 2- or 3-day- old white bread. Cut each slice into Vs" inch cubes. Saute in melted butter until golden brown on all sides, or butter and toast in a 250° F. oven until brown.

Bread Crumb Cooking

Crumb Griddlecakes

(Very light with texture)

a delightful


lYz cups scalded milk

3 tablespoons melted butter IVz cups fine dry bread crumbs

2 eggs, well beaten 14 cup flour V2 teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons baking powder

Soak the crumbs in the milk and but- ter until soft; add the other ingredients and mix lightly. Bake on hot griddle.

Day-After Croquettes

(5 servings)

3 tablespoons butter

6 tablespoons flour

1 cup hot milk

1 egg yolk

1 tablespoon minced onion

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon lemon juice

2 cups finely diced turkey 1 cup dry bread crumbs

1 egg

salad oil or melted shortening

Melt the butter and blend in the flour. Gradually add the milk and cook until very thick, stirring. Take from heat and stir in the egg yolk. Return to heat and cook, stirring, about 1 minute. Add the seasonings and turkey; spread the mix- ture in a shallow pan and refrigerate at least 2 hours. Form into croquettes and roll in crumbs. Chill again. Beat the egg with 3 tablespoons water. Dip the croquettes into egg; roll again in crumbs and chill well. Deep fry in 300° F. shortening or salad oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Serve with a sauce made of one can of cream of mushroom soup and V2 cup milk, seasoned with pepper and a dash of sage.

Herb Chicken

(5 servings)

1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup

% cup milk

1 tablespoon minced onion

1 tablespoon minced parsley

1 teaspoon paprika

2 pounds chicken parts

1 cup fine dry bread crumbs Yz teaspoon poultry seasoning V2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix V3 cup soup, Vi cup milk, onion, parsley, and paprika. Dip chicken in the soup mixture, then roll in a mix- ture of the dry bread crumbs, poultry seasoning, and salt. Place in shallow baking dish. Pour butter on chicken. Bake at 400° F. for 1 hour. Combine remaining soup, milk, and the lemon juice and heat. Stir. Serve over hot chicken.

Family Casserole

(6 servings)

14 pound chipped beef 1 cup diced celery

1 cup finely diced onion

2 tablespoons shortening 2 tablespoons flour

2 cups milk 14 teaspoon pepper 2/3 cup grated American cheese

1 cup chopped ripe olives

2 ounces wide egg noodles, cooked,

drained, and seasoned % cup soft bread crumbs 2 tablespoons melted butter

Cut the chipped beef into small pieces. Cook celery and onion in the shortening until tender. Stir in flour. Add the milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add the pepper. Remove from heat. Add the cheese and stir until melted. Add the dried beef and olives. Combine with noodles and pour into a greased 2-quart casserole. Mix crumbs and butter and sprinkle over the mixture. Bake in a 350° F. oven for 20 to 30 minutes.

Supper Eggs

(3 servings)

1 cup whole milk

1 cup cream

1 teaspoon onion salt Dash cayenne, Tabasco, paprika

6 eggs

14 cup fine dry buttered crumbs 2/3 cup grated American or Parmesan cheese

Heat the cream and milk over low heat; add the seasonings. When mix- ture is hot, break each egg, one at a time, in a saucer and slip carefully into the mixture. As the eggs begin to set, sprinkle the crumbs and cheese

Improvement Era

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With new improved Fleischmann's Yeast. And this new No-Dissolve, Rapidmix method.

Now, for the first time ever, you don't have to start by dissolving the yeast. There's no need to warm the bowl. No worrying about the right water temperature. No risk of killing the yeast.

You just mix the yeast with the dry ingredients when you bake the new No-Dissolve Rapidmix way.

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Want new recipes? You'll find 65 great new Rapidmix ideas in Fleischmann's New Treasury of Yeast Baking. Plus a wealth of handy how-to hints. And this exciting, colorful, lavishly illustrated 32-page cookbook is yours FREE. How to get it? See details on Fleischmann's Yeast packages, Quickly, get some today. You'll surprise your family— and yourself!

This revolutionary new No-Dissolve Rapidmix method has been developed for you by the makers of Fleischmann's Yeast, the people who brought yeast to this country 100 years ago. Today, with new improved Fleischmann's Yeast and the new Rapidmix method, you can start a revolution ... the most delicious revolution in history!



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, 79 South State Street

Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

over them. Keep dipping the sauce over the eggs until they are firmly set. Serve on toasted English muffins.

Breaded Pork Cutlets

(4 servings)

1 pound lean loin pork cutlets

1 egg, slightly beaten

% cup dry bread crumbs Y2 teaspoon poultry seasoning Ys teaspoon salt Yk teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoons salad oil

1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup Y2 soup can milk

Pound the cutlets very thin. Dip each one Into egg, then into a mixture of the crumbs and seasonings. Heat the oil in skillet. Saute the cutlets over medium heat until golden on both sides. Combine soup and milk and add to cutlets. Reduce heat, simmer gently covered for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve with the sauce.

Sunny Pudding

(6 servings)

2Y2 cups ly^-inch stale bread cubes 2 cups milk ^3 cup sugar 2 eggs, slightly beaten Dash of salt and nutmeg

1 lemon ^juice and grated rind Y2 teaspoon lemon extract 5 tablespoons melted butter 14 cup coconut

Soak the bread in the milk for about one-half hour. Combine remaining in- gredients and mix with bread cubes. Bake in a buttered casserole set in a shallow pan of water at 350° F. for about 45 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream.

Top Stove Pudding

(6 servings)

^Yz slices stale white bread

1 tablespoon butter 1% cups light brown sugar, packed firmly

4 eggs IY2 cups evaporated milk Dash salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

Trim crusts from bread and spread bread with butter. Cut Into V^-inch squares. Butter top section of double boiler. Pour in brown sugar; add bread cubes. Beat eggs and add remaining ingredients, and then pour over the bread cubes; don't stir. Cover and cook over boiling water about 1 hour or until silver knife Inserted in center comes out clean. Add water to bottom of double boiler when needed. Serve warm with the butterscotch sauce from the bottom of pudding poured over. Garnish with chopped nuts. O

Improvement Era


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There can be little question of the dynamic impact that photo composition is having on the printing industry. We are proud to offer our customers the best.

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Anyone interested in going to the Mexico City 1968 Olympics will be pleased to know that there will be housing available at a very economical rate. Fifty cottages with four bedrooms each (four beds to each bedroom, are avail- able on a reservation basis to those individuals who maintain

LDS Standards

Inasmuch as housing will be criti- ■J cal during the Olympics, those "■ desiring reservations should make 5; application without delay, enclos- ing a deposit of $25.00.


October 12


October 27


Rates will be $6.50 per person for housing per day, which will include breakfast each morning. There will be bus service for $1.50 per day from the residences at El Arbolillo to the main Olympic events.

Bus Service

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Attn. Olympics Committee

Apartado Postal 14-181


Mexico 14, D. F.



These Times

By Dr. G. Homer Durham

President, Arizona State University


and Politics in



immanuel Kant (1724-1804) pos- ited a "universal rule" of "right behavior" based on the Christian ethic. Men, he said, should treat humanity "in every case as an end withal, never as a means only." Civil society should be based on "the liberty of every member of the society. . . ,"

We refer to this doctrine in everyday speech as human dignity, the golden rule, the moral law, the categorical imperative, and so forth. Kant felt the "rule" constituted a "spontaneous rule of action" for all

men. Alas, it is not, even in western Christianity, Hellenism, and Judaism, whence Kant derived his inspiration, Rather, "power politics," the use of force (or the threat of its use ) , is the means em- ployed in world affairs,

American foreign policy is often encased and expressed in Kantian terms. Viewing the world as an organized system of states, Ameri- cans expect other nations, all too often, to behave in terms of Kant's categorical imperatives, to spon- taneously seek to uphold human dignity and liberty. It is a long road to such ends. In an address to the United Nations September 25, 1961, President John F. Ken- nedy said: "My country favors a world of free and equal states." Woodrow Wilson made popular the phrase "self-determination of peoples." Both expressions under- lie America's justification for being in Korea and South Vietnam— to help the South Koreans and the South Vietnamese maintain "their liberty and freedom." But the world of free and equal states is not yet.

In domestic politics, Americans generally pay hp service to the ideals of Kantian doctrine. There are woeful exceptions. But as pragmatists and idealists, Ameri- cans extol the politics of peaceful

Although Communism will pass, totalitarian states will not

disappear soon, the author claims.

Improvement Era

adjustment. They regard obtaining agreement as high civic virtue, and compromise as the essence of poHtical skill.

In foreign affairs Americans can attain some degree of rational compromise in dealing with na- tions that have the same accul- turation. Others see only the alternative of recognizing Ameri- can power as the necessity for compromise. Despite systems and regimes that glorify human dignity as an end in itself, the world con- tinues to operate on the principles of power politics or force.

Communist states are a 20th century version of such states. Com- munism will eventually take its place with all the other heresies that have arisen in the past. But the problem— and totalitarian states —will not disappear soon. New heresies will arise, backed by weapons, armies, force, economic power, and powerful states for support.

The thing that has made con- temporary Communism a real threat is the existence of Russian power and Chinese power. A situ- ation that makes for hope in the world is that Russian power and Chinese power have tended to be divided and tend to confront each other. This pluralism in the Com- munist camp, rather than mono- lithic and centralized unity, has been a real blessing. The fact that France, led by a devout Catholic general, does not confuse morals and politics internationally, but uses French power and influence to further intercede between Kantian westerners and eastern Marxists, has, on occasion, also been a tacti- cal, if not a strategic, blessing.

The statesmen and politicians of the world, no matter what the domestic political situation, tend to be practical men. Stalin's re- puted query about the Pope, "How many divisions has he?" illustrates this, as did the Cuban missile crisis, and as has President Charles

November 1967





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P.O. Box 8224 A. Salt Lake City.Utah 84108

Also "Qjiz-ettes" 300 Flash Cards on LPS Church history $3.00

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CJ\ow GjvauaDLe . . .

Volume 1 of C^ke Jjook of JnormoYL On l^mn(j (yoior I I

PROMISED LAND PUBLICATIONS. INC. introduces a new fully illus- trated, multi-colored, pictorial reconstruction of the historical record called The Book of Mormon. It is presented in several volumes and is entitled "ILLUSTRATED STORIES from the BOOK OF MOR- MON." The price of each volume is $6.00. This publication will entail about I50G pictorial accounts which illustrate the various cultures sustained by popu- lations spoken of in The Book of Mormon. A reconstruc- tion of their geography, natural resources, architec- ture, art, textiles, ceramics, tools, weapons, etc. has been conducted by prominent archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and theologians. . Immediately associated with each pictorial scene is a digested narrative explaining it. Adjacent to both is the entire Book of Mormon text relating the events.


Each volume is a large 9" by 12" and is printed on heavy weight, high quality paper and bound in a hard back cloth cover. The first volume is 120 pages; it contains 77 individual pictures, many of which are two-page spreads measuring 12" by 18". Printed by Deseret News Press. Mr. Raymond H. Jacobs, for many years associated with Walt Dis- ney Productions, prepared the art work. Dr. Clinton F. Larson compiled the narrative.

Volume I is available novr only through the firm's direct sales representatives or by mail order. Subsequent volumes will be offered as soon as they are ready. There remain some ter- ritories available for individual or group sales representation. A special program has been developed for fund- raising projects. If interested indicate on £9upon below.





Please send copies of VOLUME 1 "Illustrated Stories from the

Book of Mormon @ $6.00 plus 21c tax and 50g for postage and packing.

I enclose $ for Volume 1. Or send C.O.D.

( ) I am interested in being a sales representative for this product. Please contact me.

{ ) I am interested in the group fund-roising program.

Name _...._ __ Ward...

Address Stake

de Gaulle. George Washington, in accepting French aid against his British forebears, also illustrated the point.

Single-will, single-doctrine, non- tolerant states will continue for some time. Their heritage and background runs deeper and wider than the politics of pluralism, compromise, and human dignity. This does not justify their behavior in our eyes. But it should help us understand and therefore deal with them more intelligently.

International politics are made difficult by the fact that indi- viduals who make up tolerant states intrude their private and domestic moral expectations into the inter- national field. This makes states- manship very difficult for leaders of America and nations having similar value systems. Political science argues that America would progress further, and get along better in the world, if she viewed foreign affairs coldly, in the light of the facts of power, influence, force, and not "overreact" in the light of what constitutes acceptable behavior from her point of view.

Human beings should not forget these moral differences. Business may occasionally be necessary with "the bad guys" as well as with "the good guys." However, no one should think business is done with these different forces in the same way. An American-Canadian deal is very different from an American- Chinese deal. A deal with Spain's Franco may produce an air base, but has not yet created opportuni- ties for evangelical churches.

Politicians generally "deal" on the basis of power politics. It is easier when done in one's own language and within comparable value systems. According to the Sermon on the Mount, hallmark of

western morality, God sends the rain to fall on the just and the un- just, and tares grow with the wheat. In international politics the United States of America may have to reckon with the divine nature, which has not killed the devil. Rather, God permits Lucifer to co- exist in our realm, in order to chal- lenge men's virtue and abilities. Maybe Communism and other heresies are realistically seen as challenges, opportunities for our ingenuity to overcome, rather than as embodiments before which to fear and tremble. The power of evil cannot be overestimated. Nor can it be ignored. But to deal with it on "power" terms may be better than misspent moral fury.

Such an attitude may be quite essential in these times of mass destruction and interdependency.

Catholic and Protestant relations in France, from Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes ( April 1598 ) to its revocation by Louis XIV (October 18, 1685), to the final separation of church and state December 9, 1905, are instructive. Communist- capitalist relations have never been as bitter for so long as among Protestant and Catholic French- men during those centuries. The resolution was first bitter and bloody. Then followed protracted tension and, finally, equilibrium. The hope of power politics in the last decades of the 20th century is that the resolution of current ideological differences, whether racial antagonisms in our domestic life or in international affairs, may be less bloody and destructive. That the hope exists is important. We must remember that such hopes are relatively new to history. Thomas Hobbes' description of man's life as "nasty, brutish, and short" is still the norm in most

parts of the world today.

The inexorable processes of power politics, of states seeking advantages here, advantages there; wheeling, dealing, threatening; ap- plying economic, psychological, and military pressures, may accom- plish more if the process is not complicated by moral outcries. I believe this lesson was learned on the American frontier by the settler, in his besieged cabin, with his Springfield rifle. Practical self-preservation was the first law. Moral indignation directed at the aborigine's beliefs did not get him very far, except to organize others for the better exertion of "power politics."

We will cope with the problems of international politics more intel- ligently if we view them as political, rather than as moral problems only. To do so, I believe, is the moral thing to do. It will conserve our own moral energies for places where we can put them to work best, beginning with our- selves and our homes. This is an- other way to make politics more moral, in the sense of recognizing human dignity and value as cate- gorical imperatives, in the long run. But what a difficult road to travel— especially for people filled with prejudices, biases, values, and personal convictions of special truth, as most people are! And as we are stimulated and provoked to react by modern mass communi- cations!

But let us keep cool, calm, and rational. In the interests of both morals and politics, let us confuse them as little as" possible. Let us keep both strong, vital, and inter- acting by not confusing them. Perhaps this is one way toward treating men "in every case" as ends, "never as means only." O

November 1967


End of an Era

My two young sons were playing chess. The ten-year-old was attempting to teach the eight-year-old the rules as they proceeded to play their first game. Upon the older boy's capturing his brother's "bishop," the younger boy asked, "Now, do I go after your counselors?"

Richard G. Buckmiller, San Mateo, California

This is your only chance to fill today with blessings; what are you doing about it?

ISina Willis Walter

Man is an eternal being; his body is eternal. It may die and slumber, but it will burst the barriers of the tomb and come forth in the resurrection of the just. —President John Taylor

Life Among the Mormons

Fathers' and Sons' Outing By Virginia Maughan Kammeyer

They slept on the ground for two whole nights And lay and scratched mosquito bites.

They swam, and both got sunburned faces. They came in last in all the races.

At dinner they sat down to eat Half-raw potatoes, frizzled meat.

It rained, and so one day was spent Huddled and soaking in their tent.

And what did they say, this son and dad, When they got home? "Best time we've hadi"

A small boy rushed home from school one afternoon to announce breathlessly that his class was going to be divided into two sections. 'I'm going to be in the top one; the other one is for backward readers," he explained. "But," he added, 'Ve don't know who's going to be in it because there's not a kid in the room who can read backwards!" Dorothea Kent, Lansing, Michigan

So once in every year we throng

Upon a day apart, To praise the Lord with feast and song

In thankfulness of heart.

Arthur Guiterman, "The First Thanksgiving"

A little thing may he perfect, hut, perfection is not a little thing. Thomas B. Aldrich

"Can you operate a typewriter?" "Yes, sir. I use the biblical system: seek and ye shall find."

// took me 15 years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous. —Robert Benchley

"End of an Era" will pay $3 for humorous anecdotes and experiences relating to Latter-day Saint way of life. Maximum length 150 words.


Improvement Era

Marion D. Hanks, Editor Elaine Cannon,

Associate Editor


A Story Called Kindness

Face to Face (An interview with Sister Jessie Evans Smith

Dear Family

What Every LDS Youth Should Know

Writing Contest (1967-68)

November 1967


Era of Youth

one but Larry and I knew that the reason he was late for school and had lost credit on his English theme was because I hadn't stopped to offer him a ride this morning. Mother had been trying for days to get me to enter a writing contest, and this morning at breakfast I told her I just couldn't. History finals were coming up, I was spending three hours a day on the ball field, and the English theme, due this morning, had taken two weeks of hard research to complete. No, I just couldn't enter that contest, and with these things on my mind I had forgotten to give Larry a ride to school.

Larry Smith was lame from birth. This morning as he limped into class he was chastised severely for being late, and he lost credit on his theme. He placed the tardy work on Mr. Jensen's desk and edged toward his seat. As he stooped to pick up a pencil I saw the tear in his eye. But he looked over toward me with a big smile and said, "Hi, Joe." I knew the reason for the tear and felt a twinge of conscience that because of my lack of thought fulness he had lost credit on the theme that he had spent so many hours preparing.

A winner in tlie 1967 Era of Youth

Writing Contest,

Elder Lee Moe Christensen is now

a missionary in

Australia. He is 20, and his home is

in Spanish Fork,


After class Larry was waiting for me by the door. "Hey, Joe," he said, "I just wanted to tell you that surely was a fine article you wrote for the school paper. Good luck in the game." Then he hobbled down the hall.

Everyivhere I went today I saw Larry. I noticed him at the back of the lunch line at noon, and sitting by himself in the afternoon assembly. And tonight after school, there was Larry cheering at the baseball game for the boy who hadn't bothered to give him a ride to school.

After the game and a shower I looked for Larry. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was about his English theme and my not offering him a ride to school. I wanted to thank him for complimenting me on my paper article and wish- ing me luck on my game. I wanted to thank him for cheering during the ball game. I just wanted to be his friend. But Larry wasn't to be found. They told me he was at the library. As I drove past I knew that somewhere inside Larry would have his head buried in textbooks, trying with all his heart to make up some lost English credit.

As I pulled into our driveway there was Mom with a smile on her face. "Oh, hello. Son. Glad you're home. Did you learn lots today?"

"Oh yes, Mom," I cried. "If you only kneiv how much I learned today. Mom, will you help me? I ivant to enter that writing contest after all. I want to write a story called 'Kindness.' "

November 1967


ace to Face

. . . with someone you've always wanted to meet.

"Happiness isn't always doing what you WANT to do. Sometimes it's doing what you don't want to do, and being glad you did."

That's the last thing Sister Jessie Evans Smith said to us as we left the interesting apartment where she and her husband. President Joseph Fielding Smith, live. As you know, he is a mem- ber of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Listening to her speak this truth so fervently, we couldn't help considering that just visiting her was something we'd always wanted to do.


(Pictured with Sister Jessie Evans Smith are Cindy Bodir)e and Michelle Moench)

Q: When did you start singing?

A: I sang my first song

when I was six years old.

It was '1 Think When I Read

That Sweet Story of Old";

and when I came

to the part about

his hands could have been

placed on my head/' I wept.

The next time I was asked to sing

my brother said he wouldn't go

if I sang because I'd bawl

and he'd be embarrassed.

My father told him he'd pay

to hear me sing some day

. . . and he didl

and how glad we are we did it! There just isn't anybody like her anywhere. It was arranged by the Era of Youth editors for us aspiring musicians to learn some lessons from someone who has really had success in this field. We asked her questions. We looked at her fabulous magnifying glass in- vention. We noted souvenirs from their travels all over the world. We fingered the elegant quilt that Sister Smith has made from ties donated by the men of the Tabernacle Choir. (What a novel idea!) We looked at clippings from her opera days and lis- tened to the stories of the exciting people she's met. We listened to her read from President Smith's books. We felt her spirit as we blended voices in a hymn of worship. What a thrill that was! Her diction is perfect. And before we left, we must have asked her a hundred questions.

Q: Do you believe a talent

like yours is a gift of God?

A: Oh, yes!

One of my favorite sayings is

"A song from the heart

will be answered with a blessing

on your head."

I've taken the gift of song

given to me and tried to repay my Father

in heaven by serving him.

And how I've been blessedl

Q: What advice can you give

to a young musician?

Practice and prayer and service-

those are the key words

to put into your life.

Always rememterJhat the Lord

has the power to do for us

what we can^^o ourselves.

If we do our part and prayerfully seek him,

he'll be with us, to our success in his work.

Q: Have you ever had to make

a choice between the pursuit of music

and the Church?

A: Well, when I was asked

to become a contralto

^^ with the Metropolitan Opera,

T told them I'd have to pray about it.

And I did.

I also studied my patriarchal blessing,

which said that my name

would be heard at home

d abroad for my ability to entertain

but that success would come

in the service of the Lord.

That was my answer.

I came home and joined

^ the Tabernacle Choir,

and I've sung all over the world.

I try to learn at least one song

in the native tongue

of each country we visit.

And I have more requests to sing

on radio programs than I can fill.



amily :

June 25, 1967

Well, as time goes on things are becoming better and better.

I have really enjoyed the army the last couple of weeks. Last night on guard duty when I was alone, I asked myself why. The reason is all 100 percent attitude. When I first arrived I had a desire for

a good attitude, but it takes time. got it now, I believe, for sure.


learned something. It was great ! My biggest thrill came tonight when retreat sounded. I saluted while the colors slowly came to the ground. It made chills go up and down my spine. As the color guard was folding the colors I felt se^lfish because I had thoughts of wishing I were home. When I came back to the barracks, I had a good feeling, and I thanked God for giving me a great country and wonderful parents to help me appreciate it.

After my mind-wandering on guard duty, I went to bed. Today as I woke up I promised myself that during the day I would at all times keep a wholesome attitude and try to absorb everything that was offered. First of all, we had reveille and saluted as the music played and the flag went upward. As I watched it I thought of all the fabulous opportunities those three beautiful colors symbolize. During the day we were taught first aid and more gun-and-weapon assembly. As I took my M-14 apart, cleaned it, and then reassembled it, I had a feeling of satisfaction as though I had really

Probably the most important thing this

country has given me is the freedom to

belong to the Church. It has given me

the right to worship how, where, or

what I may, and gives every other man that

same privilege. How great it is ! The

army is doing nothing but good for

me, which I realize now. The things I am

learning each day are things I can

use in just about anything I do. Is it

too much to ask of me to spend four

and one-half months, or two years if need

be, serving the country that has

given me 18 years of happiness? I don't

think so.

John Westwood was in basic training at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, when he wrote this letter to his parents. It was not meant for publication, but with their permission we are printing it.


Era of Youth


Well, I want to thank you for putting

in my mind the right ideas about

this great country in which we live, and

thanks for the Church you've brought

me up in, and, last of all, thank you

for being you. May God bless you all

and may he give me the desire to use in my

day-to-day life the things that you've

taught me, because it is just now

that I realize that the advice I sometimes

thought was old-fashioned and out of

it is essential to my being a balanced


I've also learned how much I need my Heavenly Father and am so grateful for him,

Thanks for everything.

Sure love you all !


November 1967


What Every LDS Youth Should Know

your Prophets

Presidents Joseph Smith, and Young; Taylor next,

then Woodruff, Snow; Joseph F. Smith

followed him. Then Grant and Smith

(George Albert, you know) And the Prophet we revere today, President David 0. McKay.


)now the^gospel

Read the books Heed the word Love thy neighbor Serve the Lord, ^^ril serve the Lord

while I am young^' IS what we sing in church; And if we try to do his will, He^ll help us in our search.

Where do you come from? Which family shoot? Do you know all your cousins From each sire's root ?


November 1967

family tree


your missionary


BonjoiiT (French)

Konichi-wa (Japanese)


Era of Youth


There's more to you than limb and part, Don't shrink or fear or cower; Inside your youthful mind and heart Are faith and strength and power.

November 1967


Scholarships and Cash Awards

Writing Contest

We want you to enter . . .

Three separate competitions

Enter the one for the college you are interested in attending :

Brigham Young University

Ricks College

Church College of Hawaii

All three schools are awarding full and partial scholarships

for the best young writers.

(Please note: No entries from the mainland USA will be accepted for the Church College of Hawaii scholarships.)

Eligible Entrants:

High school seniors (1967-68) College-age (under 25 years of age on January 1, 1968)

Original poetry, short stories, or fea- ture articles should be typewritten on white paper 8^^ x 11 inches, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only.

Each entry must be designated by a pen name and must be accompanied by a sealed envelope containing:

1. The author's actual name, age, home address, title of entry, and a wallet-size photo.

2. The following statement: "This work is original," signed by the


author. (Original means that it is the work of the writer and not something copied from some other source or planned or writ- ten by others.)

At the top of the first page of the manuscript, the author should write either BYU, RICKS, or CHURCH COLLEGE OF HAWAII, to desig- nate which school he/she would be interested in attending if the entry merits a scholarship award.

Entries must be mailed to the Era of

Youth Writing Contest, The Im- provement Era, 79 South State street. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, postmarked not later than Decem- ber 31, 1967.

Winning entries become the property of The Improvement Era. The Era reserves first publication rights to all entries. Payment for non-winning entries will be made upon publica- tion. No entries will be returned.

All entries should be suitable for publication in The Improvement Era.

Three teenagers from Payneham Ward in Australia won prizes in The Era's Youtin Writing Contest.

At a recent Adelaide Stake confer- ence, Superintendent G. Carlos Smith, Jr., of the YMMIA presented special medallions to David Sturt, George Watt,

and Orlandina Bonavita.

George Watt is the Payneham Ward Era director and the enthusiast who encouraged all three to enter. He is 18 years of age and a priest.

Also 18 and holding the office of priest is David Sturt, the ward Instruc-

tor director. The other winner, Orlan- dina Bonavita, 17, is the Primary secre- tary for the ward.

The three members of the Payneham Ward hope to make use of their prizes part scholarships to the Church Col- lege of Hawaii.


Era of Youth

(^i/^^iamWfi^mf' %Amf^U^^ /9^S'

liFa^el ^ Wy feski^



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Choose from one of three fascinating places to study for one full semester. Music and literature will provide an exciting semester lor you at Salzburg, Austria, where "The Sound of Music" was filmed. At Grenoble, history, political science and creative writing will help you learn what France is all about. Or you may wish to live where each day makes modern history in the ancient city of Jerusafem. Political science, religion and actual work on a kibbutz will make your dream of overseas study come true.


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