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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> now at 6.30, a major pro-palestine rally is happening right now in oakland. hundreds of people are gathered at frank ogawa plaza. that's right in front of oakland city hall. and that's where we find kron four's. dan thorn live with the latest. dan. >> yeah, ken vicki, this group was out marching to the streets of downtown oakland, oakland earlier pro-palestinian group, but also a number of union organizations and labor organizations around here as well. the focus is on trying to make sure that the united states government and united states companies understand that they do not want the funding going to israel in this situation, this war that in we heard from a number of speakers out here already that
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are coming together talking about the connections the labor movement and also that pro-palestinian protests and also the protests in support of the situation that's happening in significantly smaller group than what we had here earlier. people have been coming out here waving palestinian flags. also holding up signs talking about the connections between workers and also the we were down at the west oakland bart station. earlier. there were a number of people there celebrating what they called a victory rally because their plans were to go to west oakland bart station and then marched down to the port of oakland and shut down the port. but the in anticipation, this protested closed down. so the group was saying, hey, look, this is fantastic because it kept about 12 million dollars in revenue being generated today at the port. lot of that money, the millions of dollars they get made there. they say the united states government uses to spend supporting israel in
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what they're calling a genocide. so they're happy that that money is not going to go in that direction. and also union workers that were part of that port. we're out there protesting at the west oakland, bart station and also out here tonight. so right now there's positive feeling things are being heard, that people are being heard. their message is being heard. but of course, some more needs to happen because that cease-fire resolution has not become official. the warning does continue out here and they are hoping that more of their message gets out there and that they're in support what's happening colleges and universities in downtown's all across again, these groups are going to be out probably for a little bit longer, just making sure that they're getting their message out and anything more happens. we'll bring the latest kentucky back to you. dan, earlier we we saw about 1000 people that were marching
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down broadway. are these the same folks that you're with right now? >> and yeah, i believe that is that this same group that was marching through the streets of downtown oakland. they gathered here so that they can have music and then thay could also have speakers come out and part of this. but again, as the sun is going down, more people have been dispersing. and that's similar situation to what we saw over at the west oakland, bart, bart station as well. but you can expect more protests and more rallies will happen as this war continues to go you know, they do not want the funding from the united states government to be going to israel. and if that continues, these protests will continue. and movements will continue. it is something somewhat remarkable, dan, that we have multiple protest sites taking place right now. we have. >> san francisco state stanford, uc berkeley, this one in oakland. have you had a chance to talk with any of the folks there? are they going to different locations? this is the only one they're participating in. are they
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from oakland? what we know about the people who are participating in this particular event? yeah. most of the people that are here at this event are from oakland, their organizations that are from oakland, they are worker organizations from oakland. >> they are community organizations that are from oakland. so they have been moving from event to event. a lot of people that were here at this one. what specifically organized so that people would march through downtown oakland and then eventually end up here at the plaza. the other group that was at the west oakland bart station was the arab resource and organizing center sunday. responsible for a lot of the protests that happened in a san francisco. also, the protests that we've seen in the freeways and on the bridges. so a lot of these people, yes, there from here in the bay area and the organizing with people here in the bay area again, we should expect more protests are going to happen here and whether it's in oakland, san francisco, san jose or even in the north bay campuses like sonoma state university as
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this war just continues to go on. >> and so east where you are, it looks peaceful. all right. dan thorn reporting live for us from frank ogawa plaza in oakland. >> meantime, a southern california right now, a massive protest is taking place on the campus of ucla. this comes after violence broke out overnight between different groups of protesters. you can see here there are at least hundreds of people gathered on the campus last night for about 2 hours there was some violence, heated confrontations between different groups of students and police didn't actually lapd didn't get there for about 2 hours and finally stepped in to break up the violent acts that were taking place or there are fireworks being thrown. there were there was pepper spray. people were pushing down some taking time. there intense and so on and and of course, physical fist fights that were taking place. but finally, it was all broken up and there was not a single arrest that we're aware by
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lapd. things are much calmer right now as we see in this picture. campus authorities are asking the students and the protesters to disperse. and of course, that has not happened. all right. we'll keep our eye on this. and meantime, kron 4 is your local election headquarters now. the big development in the silicon valley congressional race that and it in an astonishing primary tie. >> and recount of 2 those recounts have been completed. tonight, we're learning that assemblyman below is heading to the november election. >> yes, going to join a san jose mayor sam liccardo on the ballot. santa clara county supervisor joe submitting and is now out of the running kron four's. catherine heenan in our newsroom with the very latest. catherine, this vote was. 5, only 5 votes. to mean first of all, the exact tied to the in the primary. >> yeah. and then ended up 5 votes in the after all of
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this. i have a low is calling it a wild ride to the kind of an understatement. after more than 2 weeks of intense recounting in both santa clara county san mateo county. and again, yes, it came down to a 5 vote edge for low over joe. submit ian before that, a lot of drama in recent weeks with lows campaign at one point trying to halt the recount. they blamed former san jose mayor sam liccardo for indirectly asking for the recount to improve his chances. the cargo denies that they even accuse the look campaign of dirty tricks. it did kind of nasty. i asked to explain. >> democracy oftentimes is a full contact sport, but we must always have our eye on the ball and maintaining voter integrity and also addressing the issues most pressing to everyday voters. all right. but what was the promise just for people who didn't follow very >> closely, evan, not everybody does. were you concerned? was the thought being that it was easier and a
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3 person race for says a 2 person race. what was basic concern? >> yes, for those who may not have followed concern was that of a super pac without that type of financial disclosures of who's paying for this utilizing the recount process for political gain associated with a particular candidate. and that was the significant concern that has been brought up by many other stakeholders in this regard. and that's why it's important to be reminded about what art district expects. we expect accountability. we expect transparency and we also want to make sure that we're attacking this issue of making sure that address most pressing issues impacting everyday voters as well. >> the calls for mandating automatic recounts in close races are getting louder and louder after this messy expensive process. if it happens at the state or the county would pay not the donors, not the candidate. i
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asked quote, if that makes sense. >> absolutely. it does make sense. and that's why i'm in a unique position as a state legislator or to carry that legislation. in fact, we have this policy in place at the local level to have an automatic recount. it's important that taking politics out of the system of the electoral process itself when it comes down to counting to dispel any type perceptions that it might be in flux in any way. that's what our residence wants. that's what expect. and that's also uncovered the importance of maintaining that integrity. >> supervisor joe submitting in meantime, issued a very gracious statement tonight. he's congratulating both evan low and sam liccardo and some of says he's disappointed but not sad saying that he has had wonderful work to keep him engaged in santa clara keep doing that. by the way, he really did seem to stay above the fray and all of reserving any statements for after the vote count. can. all right.
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thank you, catherine. of the city of oakland auditor released a more than 30 page reported details. how and why oakland missed out on millions of dollars in funding to tackle crime. our first resist osseo has the story. >> and so that's what stuck out to to me is >> no process guide. it buy a policy insistent on wednesday city auditor michael houston explaining his department's findings. >> and analyzing why missed out on applying for the state's organized retail theft prevention grant program or rtp the state budget act of 2022. allocated 242 million dollars to support local law enforcement agencies such as opd to help prevent and respond to organized retail theft motor vehicle theft and cargo theft. the audit showed
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38 separate oakland city officials were emailed alerting them of grant monies ranging from 6 million to 15 million dollars at stake months before the deadline. however, auditor houston said that his team discovered a process that was at times chaotic and in the end, never successfully submitted the required documents. he adds, although various departments played a role, he says that the mayor could have made a difference in the final outcome. say the but half and it's a size more of the direct leadership in making sure that the grant application process was carried out successfully. you need to make sure that someone is in charge. and we spent, example, during the great recession. >> a lot of effort getting every penny from the obama stimulus from washington. and we just made sure that every detail was covered. we did rehearsals about filing. we
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made sure our web sites were up and running. we didn't take any chances at all. >> dan lin time is a former oakland city administrator and a current uc berkeley professor. he says that his team was able to secure more than 100 million dollars in grants during his tenure on it are. houston says bottom line, the city could do more to secure critical grants. >> develop and implement a citywide grant management policy provides prescriptive guidance, right including delineation of roles and response to the audit. mayor sheng thao center sunday mail saying that she takes ultimate responsibility for the failure to secure the grant monies and >> in the meantime, has been working hard to secure more funding to tackle crime and the newsroom tree says stasio kron. 4 news. >> there are 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside white shot from mount tam a pious. sean want to warm beautiful day. it and what does get out there and enjoy
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did? yeah. good out there for a walk so much sunshine all around. warm temperatures. really comfortable. yeah. things are going to and the not too distant future. yeah, it's going to go the other way. but, you know, a beautiful weather we had today around the bay area. lot of sunshine really looking good all the way the coastline, sunny skies, no fog there yet. think this time tomorrow, half moon bay, you may be seeing a couple clouds moving into some of that fog likely to make return. but today it was all about that sunshine. well, above average temperatures, 60 degrees today in san francisco. 73, nice and warm in oakland. 78 degrees in san jose. 80 in la mer 81 in concord, in 81 degrees for a high in santa rosa. so really some nice weather out there and their quality looking good, too. you're all in the green. you get that sea breeze blowing. of course, that clears everything out. so everybody is looking great all around the bay area right now and it's going to stay that way again for tomorrow. i think that ridge of high pressure likely weaken just a little bit tomorrow. and that's going to be tough to see that sea breeze really kicking along the coastline. so it's going to be greater equality for everybody. but a
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big change in the weather certainly coming our way right now, the sea breeze kicking up just a little bit 15 miles an hour in san francisco. 23 at sfo. so some wind along the coastal sections. but overall, the pattern looking good as high pressure setting most of these storms. well, to the north, there's one that's just going to try to drop over the top of that. we've got going weekend, high pressure ridge as we head toward tomorrow. but really just some minor changes going to be along the coastline. think in the bay in the valley. still 70's and some 80's by tomorrow afternoon. really some nice weather. so here's what we can expect about 77 degrees. a beautiful day in san jose. sunny and warm there. oakland looking good about 73 degrees. sunny and nice along the coastline. well, you may see some patchy fog out toward the sunset, but you get inside the bay park of san francisco, a little breezy temperature about 65 degrees over the next couple days. things do change. so how about this numbers? nice through friday, although we'll see more fog on the way, especially along the coastline friday and cooler temperatures by saturday. watch out here comes that rain. thank you.
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giants back at fenway park taking on the red sox next in sports. jason will not just let us know if the bats were working in india, intent.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants game 2 of their east coast road trip looking to bounce back from a loss against the red sox and get a much-needed win at fenway. and hey, it's always hard to win there. let's get right to the highlights. coming up. alright is always something going on outside of the ball park in boston. fun city is always
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something fun to do. it was a party outside of bodies. 3rd inning, no score. tom murphy gets the thrill of a lifetime. that goes over the green monster for his first home run at the giant. it is one, nothing. san francisco, top of 4th giants down 2 to one man on second and 3rd, mike yastremski. now that's about as picture perfect a pub. and as you can lay down that scores, michael conforto, we have a tie game. it 3 to 2 now scores and jalen duren. he has killing the giants over the last couple of days and it continues today. he rips a shot to right. that is stasd-up. triple. it 42. just telling them. all right-y in the 5th. dominic smith to add insult to injury. he hits a
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laser. jung lee. he makes the throw. it does not quite make it. murphy saves it. the run scores socks take game 2.62. after being shut out last night, the giants could only muster up 2 runs on 5 hits. alright pirates an a's in the coliseum. i'm at in time out to get the former giant pitcher ross stripling hasn't won a game since october. first 2022, i'm going with the blue jays desperately wants to win, which could also. give the a's a sweep no score in the second abraham toro hernandez flexed his muscles. that leaves the park his 3rd home run of the game. a's lead one to nothing. more power in the 3rd tyler, nevin. he has been raking. that's out the left 384 feet into the cheap seats pays up to the nothing. meanwhile, who had lost his 10
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starts for a's and giants combined. he pitched 6 scoreless innings only gave up 3 hits. and for good measure, the a's add on in the 8th kyle mccann ropes a single to right that plates. another run a's, win it 14, nothing in complete the sweep against the padres pirates. i'm sorry. mark kotsay. he had nothing but praise for strippling after the game. >> yeah. great out my throw you know, 6 innings zeros from unlimited strikeouts. but that's, you know, that's ross his mix in and out changing speeds, keeping hitters off so there was contact. but, you know, we give up 3 you know, great job and just couldn't be happier for him. get his first win with us today. >> levi stadium will be rocking this saturday for the annual california for speak jason. it's one of the biggest regular season matches on the mls calendar every year. the
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earthquakes. >> they're hosting rival el afc. it's been a rough year for the quakes that's putting it lightly. they're currently last in the western conference standings. but today head coach lou chi gonzalez said a chance to take one against the always tough la fc club could be just what his club needs to turn the season around. >> this is game that is really important that can sparked moments and that we want to continue going in the right direction. but it's not a given that the pfizer it's just it's another but at the end of the day, like we want to approach and knowing that there's a lot of steps in our journey this season. but this is one that i don't have to say much. these guys are so excited to play in this stadium was like i said, this environment against this opponent. i mean, it doesn't get better than us. so we're excited about that. >> all right. should be a good match on saturday down at levi's. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. thank you. jason, in the east bay or india is one of the
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city's at the top of the list in terms of insured household scheduled to be dropped by state farm this summer. >> as kron four's gayle ong tells us it's not only property owners facing challenges finding insurance coverage. the crisis is affecting the real estate industry. i think our government has to get involved. >> this is it's a problem. people need have insurance for their homes were burned or cold around is a realtor at coldwell banker realty basin a city at the top of the list of state farm customers scheduled to be dropped this summer. cold around is not only helping clients navigate the home insurance crisis. just got a text from my neighbor the other day. and he was one of the many homes that have been dropped by state farm by advised him to speak to a reputable broker locally and sorted out with him and get on the list for the fair plan before his termination. the fair plan is available to california residents and businesses in urban and rural areas who cannot obtain insurance to a regular insurance not freaking out. i'm worried, but you know,
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state farm customer and opened a native david anderson is also navigating home insurance coverage options for the booker says i'm learning about the california fair let's talk in august. they'll give us enough time to. >> can anderson is not alone. i was not able to get through state farm. i was also turned down by geico. >> so i'm not really sure what to do. nicole bought a condo in oakland last year and is still searching for home insurance, know online and everything people are just asking, you know, who will ensure us? where can we get insurance? and i just don't know people who have single-family homes, you know, who don't have any coverage or safety. i'm not really sure what they're supposed to do. last month, state farm, the illinois based company and california's largest insurer cited soaring cost the increasing risk of natural disasters like wildfires and outdated regulations as reasons it won't renew the policies of thousands of homes back at coldwell banker realty colder. rome says while deals on homes are still being made.
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>> this home insurance crisis will impact the real estate market as insurance as a key requirement to carry a mortgage for a home. we have to make sure that the buyers are way or >> and get quotes before we go into contract. so that ideally before we go into contract so that they know what they're getting into. meantime, the state department of insurance says the agency has experts ready to assist affected state farm customers. >> reporting in orinda gayle ong kron. 4 news. stay with
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>> all right. one last look at the weather. couldn't resist taking the shot that this to
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golden gate bridge. that's a hard shot to turn down, lawrence, but that image is going to be a little different a couple days. yeah, i think so. we maybe see a little fog creeping there as early as tomorrow afternoon's whether it's going to start to change little bit along the coastline. think all of valleys in the bays looking good around the bay area. beautiful shot from the golden gate bridge down below. it's still nice and clear outside right now. overall, though, the pattern going to begin to change high pressure going to retrograde. that means is going to back off the coastline. tomorrow should be a nice day. another nice one friday. but more clouds on the way. and you can already see that rain begin to roll in. here comes rain moving in as we get into saturday. so if you've got plans on saturday, be prepared, expecting pretty decent rain, especially in the morning on saturday. temperatures tomorrow, 60's and 70's in the san francisco cool 50's along most of the coastline with that patchy fog returning in the afternoon down the peninsula. those temperatures warm up plenty of 70's tomorrow afternoon in the south bay couple low 80's as you head toward the interior valleys, looking like some nice weather head. looks like things are going to begin to cool down a little bit on friday. then this weekend,
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much cooler weather and rain on saturday. eyeball in joint. well, we can. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: mayday mayhem. the new police tactic. coast to coast chaos. >> this is


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