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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> carley: about how it is being run, the plan according to law enforcement sources is the los angeles police department will secure the perimeter and the california highway patrol will enter the encampment and los angeles sheriff's department will be responsible for crowd control or its three different law enforcement agencies all working in tandem an end coordination. you have to wonder who is at the head of this thing and who is coordinating it because it appears they are not quite ready to execute the plan yet. >> and maybe a simple case of too many cooks in the kitchen in that case with three agencies as bill was pointing out to different authorities trying to get a together in various situations
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over the years. again, i'm not a law enforcement tactician, but it is strange that -- how long we have waited here and decision-making protocols a part of that. the unfolding situation as they discover more intelligence about the way the encampment is set up, what if any weapons are in the encampment. law enforcement are confused as to why this is taking so long. that is the bottom line. it's taking a long time. more than 24 hours since we saw a riot in that very spot take place and nothing in effect has been done since then. >> todd: we're all confused.
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jonathan hunt, thank you. 2:01 pacific time. this is thursday morning, you are looking live at campus of ucla, right now lapd and california highway patrol are c confronting protesters on the campus of ucla. the most recent information it appeared the lapd was retreating after initially moving in on some of the ucla protesters. bring in william at the ucla campus for the latest on what he's seeing. william. >> todd, they might be redeploying, we've been here about an hour and bill has been on lockdown, we have been around the perimeter and there are at least 1000 protest supporters in the area. the police line, squirmish line, to protect the six other
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officers if they approach from this direction. there are a number of different entry points into the cencampmet itself. there are several hundred more, basically 360 quad area of the m mall, if you will. they come armed with bats, helmets, gas masks around the perimeter. they are waiting. when police make their movement, we don't know what these people are going to do, that's a mystery. it is a volatile situation, they are saying police, kkk, from the from the river to the sea, free palestine, they are sympathetic to who you are seeing. the things you have been talking about, inkonconsistency we have seen temperature is up to
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chancellor gene block and michael block what happens here. they inn invited police, it is a question, do they go in. if they go in to make an assault hoo here, bill and i have been here since monday or tuesday, the university allow them to r reinforce. they spent yesterday bringing in plywood, zip ties to prevent anyone doing what the counter protesters did last night. you would need a bear cat to get through there. we don't know the plan for police, how they will do it. they barricaded doors on royse
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hall and the library here. around the perimeter, several entry points they can go in. narrow corridors and you are not sure police want to get caught in that situation, they are packed with supporters of the people on the inside. in terms of what happens next, we don't know. it is declared unlawful and allowed people to resupply, they did nothing to weed out the outsiders. you can see people in there, they are not students, they are in their 40s, 50s and 60s and uc president michael block called it unlawful and hours later he said he needed to make an investigation why it took police so long to respond. vice chancellor said there was no police presence here and the
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hypocrisy of those saying we don't want lapd and they were assaulted by counter protesters, they complained, where is police to protect us. crazy things going on as to how this has been handled. >> todd: from the regents c culpability, have a chancellor, it is regents that call the police. uc berkeley is basically under attack and on it is screen, we are watching, helicopter shot, it appears lapd moving in formation, running in formation, apology if that is incorrect, it definitely shows activity. william, you have been a reporter for decades, what has
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changed in the hour that you have been on scene? middle of your live shot, we definitely heard increase in volume from the crowd, the sence in reporter instinct you have, how has it changed in the last 60 minutes? >> actually last three days, the encampment was here and definitely dislocated a lot of students, they had to go around, closed the library until monday, the campus was going on. today it was pretty quiet, they cancelled classes. what we are seeing now, remarkably different. it was obvious police were going to make a move, people came out of the woodwork.
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around the circumferrence who are sympathetic to those inside. a lot of them wanted police to move in, they want to return to their studies. this is a major disturbance. there is four weeks until commencement. if people got hurt after the counter protest, they are responsible for safety ofun stereos. if somebody gets hurt, they will get in trouble. rock and hard spot, do you bring in police? l.a. police and sheriffs will not dedicate resources for this campus and campus police could not protect it. the security they brought in was to protect buildings, not remove people. counter protesters came in and
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campus police scattered, the university can't depend on local law enforcement forever. this is their problem, not lapd problem. they brought them in to help clean up a problem and they have their back up against the wall. the board of regents will meet on friday to discuss what is going on at ucla, uc berkeley and riverside. the chancellor of ucla will make the call whether to go in or don't, after calling everyone out, i think they will do something. >> todd: friday may be too late, maybe have this discussion yesterday so we're not having the same discussion on air today. william, thank you, stay there, we will check back in with you. bring in retired sergeant, betsy smith scomb and rob demico.
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during william's live shots, we saw lapd entering a building. take us inside the mindset of law enforcement, particularly this notion of "retreat" that seems like a passive word, not a positive word. far be it from me to comment on law enforcement tactics, what is happening with law enforcement and chp right now? >> remember, leadership is in the chancellor, mayor, governor, boots on the ground cops we are seeing right now, they are following orders. it seems to be confusing as to what the others are. look at the cops, they have been standing for several hours. you have seen them look at watches, ready to go with gas
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m masks and flex cups, they want to do something. i know every cop on that campus right now is thinking, am i going to get indicted for doing my job this morning? what is going to happen when i do take action? you have serious squirmish lines like bill talked about, arrest teams, perimeter teams, this is a huge operation. a very dangerous operation. everything everyone is seeing on the screen is a weapon. they have those posts, the hammers, wood, the things they should not have been allowed to have. this situation was allowed to get out of control and now the law enforcement, who protesters want to abolish has to come in and clean it up. this is leadership fail beyond law enforcement. >> todd: everybody has a camera these days, waiting to create a
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viral label, of what they label and call police brutality, it is not police brutality, they are following orders and trying to protect these people from themselves. rob, former fbi agent, what is the bureau doing if anything to response to protest? we mention lapd, local, chp, california highway patrol, that is state. what are feds, being led by the fbi, doing right now? >> i think right now issue they are providing support, but on the other side, they are probably looking at online communication. talk about agitators coming in and people agitating the ones that are there and planning stuff. we are probably looking at communications going on between the groups to see if it is organized across the country or from outside the country to see if they are planning something more violent through the people.
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>> todd: betsy, i'm curious with tactics, i know this scene fairly well, our reporters, bill melugin and william described this well. the area where protesters are is basically a football field temperature is a football field surrounded by buildings, not actual football field, a college green area. it is surrounded by tall buildings. bring us to the tactician element of all this. what will law enforcement do as physical setup? green area, size of football field surrounded by buildings with steep steps to the left. stay close together, keep an eye on each other. we want protesters safety, we also have to consider officer safety. this is not just college students, there are outside
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agitators. good chance what happens is nefarious characters start to move in, gang bangers, people who want to deal drugs and hurt cops, sexually assault young women. no idea what is in the crowd, 23409 just a bunch of cheering college students. we have to keep an eye on each other and communicate and this is difficult because you have three, four, five, six different law enforcement agencies. stick to our task. if i'm perimeter officer, stay on perimeter. if i'm on the team that moves into the building, be on that team. this is such an adrenalin dump for these cops, they have all been trained to do this, but when you walk into the unknown chaos and again, i can't emphasize enough, they do not have the kind of leadership
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support by their leadership, governor, chancellor, everybody else, the mayor. they have to think, i have got to act so flawlessly here, it will be on tape, no matter what i do, it will be used to further insight the situation. >> todd: rob, you heard betsy mention the characters, you eluded to online work the fbi is doing to pinpoint ties to terror and the like. how worried are you when you watch a scene like this unfolding, where law enforcement is focused on the things betsy just mentioned, how worried are you that a scene like this and at columbia and all over the land is right for a terror attack from a lone wolf jumping into the chaos to sow more chaos? >> i think that is their main
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goal. they have been doing this across the nation for the information war. more and more violence they can stir up between the two, they get end result they want. when you see these starting to happen at certain periods of time across the country, that is goal to get on the news like they are now. when they can stir up violence in it, they can say the police overreacting, they don't have to be true. they will take one thing, doesn't have to be true, they will run with it, like we saw in gaza, information war coming from hamas. >> todd: beyond that, are you worried we could see these scenes being used as opportunity for terror attack. not saying while we're on air, another day of this, powers that
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be let this foment. could see lone wolf seizing on this to create a terror attack or use this as dry run for one in the future? >> oh, absolutely. when you see these crowds and everything going on and based on what was happening in new york, they made plans altering what they are doing. you have that and you have the lone wolf actor that may take the opportunity to get into this and it is his or her opportunity to do something that they want to personally get that response from. >> todd: betsy 5:16 on the east coast, 2:16 on west coast, many more hours for the sun, how does that play into the calculus? do you want it light out, dark out? are there benefits and detriment
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to both? >> in this situation, operating in the light would be easier for law enforcement professionals. strobe lights are difficult on eyesight. were i the police leader in dh charge, i might button up that perimeter with all that personal and look at, cut off the wifi, maybe the water, power, stop allowing them to enter and exit and wait them out and ultimately starve them out, that might be better tactic. every one of these police departments there you noare short-staffed already thanks to the defund the police movement and they are taking police resources away from the city and county to deal with this n
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nonsense that was self-created by the university. >> todd: that is taxpayer dollars, misuse of taxpayer dollars. you need the cops on campus, you could have avoided this if there was some real leadership somewhere in the state of california. thank you for your time. bring in criminal defense attorney lexi rigdon. those individuals are responsible from enforcing the law on the ground. what are legal ramifications for students and outsi outsidagitato might be arrested at ucla? >> right, hopefully they will be. you name it, smoergace smoros smorgasboard. we have seen soft on crime policy and charges are not
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pursued. this is general comment, not necessarily campus protest, general comment as to lack of enforcement when it gets to the level of charging them. protesters may get a slap on the wrist, a summon s to come to court, who knows how serious, hope there are consequence because this is egregious. >> todd: this is a public campus and anybody quite frankly, has a right to be on it. that gives protesters even another feather in their cap to fight the charges in addition to money spigget turned on by far leftist operations to pay for their defense. they have a right to be on campus, it is a public university and there are free
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speech rights, free speech has a point, famous thing, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater if there is no fire. free speech is not absolute, there are restrictions. if you are making comments and engaging in speech and breaking the law, fact you are engaging in free speech will not save you from facing consequences. >> todd: you and i have talked on and off air about this general concept, macro concept of law and order. looking at the scenes now, what you see is complete function of the fact our society has lost sight of when you do something wrong, there are consequences and to hear your answer, you are exactly right, i don't like your answer, you are right, inevitably, this is a slap on the wrist for these people.
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who will stop them from doing this again and what is to stop every other student who thinks they are aggrieved, every other person who thinks they are aggrieved and making our country look horrible. >> it really does. a lot of schools and it seems like higher elite institutions have more tolerance for this nonsense. sad commentary there are this many people engaged in this type of protest, i venture to guess most of these students could name two countries that border israel and now putting their future and education on the line to be popular and be part of some cause. i almost have more respect if they were showing their faces and out there not making
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demands, don't suspend us. we are willing to risk everything for this. they are not, they are masked and trying to hide themselves and make demands to pro serve their educational future, sad state of affairs. >> todd: there are no consequences, hopefully there are consequences to this action to tap it down. if you asked protesters now, most still couldn't find israel or gaza and couldn't find it on a map. bring back william back live at the ucla campus. william, what are you seeing right now? >> todd, there has not been much change. the big question is what is this crowd going to do if and when police move in for a frontal assault. there are about 1000 people
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here, they are not quite as vocal at the moment. there are still students along side corridors that enter the camp in different spots, those are plugged up with different individuals. what are they going to do? will they go through the building or through the front or backside. what about the other oaudience f taxpayers? the university is trying to please student body, alum nis, i spent my student there and they are not getting education or going to class, do not postpone until monday and closing buildings and you have taxpayers who will have to pay for the clean up, i have been in the buildings, there is graffiti on
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the wall, it is a mess. the university between a rock and hard spot, because of counter protest to both sides with the number of clubs and bats and gas and fireworks and those things happening, the university said we have liability here. if we let this go on, don't get me wrong, they are mostly responsible for the situation we have here. there was piece in l.a. times on sunday and university congratulating itself for taking hands-off approach. we will not be texas. they made the decision to let this happen and they have to live with consequences. they did not want to bring in police, they did not do it and now they have to bring in police and worse situation as this encampment is reinforced itself, bringing in zip ties, tying the
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fences together, are you crazy, letting them resupply? they chose not to do anything, not sure why. the other decision is letting out outsiders in. they have a list. to get inside the encampment, there is door they have to go through and they vet these people and they let students come and go. they allowed it to be in infiltrated by outsiders. when we were saying earlier today, seeing a lot of people that were not students, they might have been faculty, tell faculty, don't do that, didn't happen. they a pickle they are in, it
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could get long and ugly. we have seen streaming video coming from the encampment, they still have wifi, they are gas up with mask, helmet and weapons, police could face that if they go in. >> todd: we knew yesterday that ucla, when you scan the country atz at that point in time, ucla was the bad spot in our country, we knew that was the case. how can the entire rest of the country know and ucla bury their head in the ground offensive ground and not dealing with what everybody knew was inevitable, we are seeing on the screen right now. it makes no sence. >> they are behind the eight-ball, it is perception, this is liberal city and state,
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they did not want to perceive they were stepping on the feet of individuals inside. they are letting them have their say and there were supportive comment of that world view among politicians here. you need to let people have their say and so forth, so they had a different response than texas and florida and that was a choice they are now living with. >> todd: students are going to school at university of florida and students at ucla can't go to school today or tomorrow, maybe monday. when they go back, they will go to buildings full of graffiti, leave to viewer to determine which approach is better. bring in dr. devino, program of ext extremism at george washington univ university. thank you for being here. we've had a number of nonexperts
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on that said this is funded by outsidea agitators. basically hitting people downtrodden in their view on the world and taking advantage of that. you are an expert in this field, why, why do you think protests are happening right now? >> it is correct to say there is vast majority of protesters who are at best well meaning, but very naive individuals or people who bought into the theory white privilege and all this sort of nonsence we have heard. that is majority. what we should focus our attention on and authorities are at this stage, small minority that is brains behind this. there is level of coordination here and what is happening nationwide. there is financing and slogans
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and core of islamist sympathizers, people who have direct connection to hamas and been in the country for a long time and belong to communist organizations, fellow travelers that have been organizing for a long time. there is evidence piling up, just yesterday lawsuit on behalf of october 7 attacks lays out this case well with a lot of evidence. small minority leading young people. >> todd: leave it there, we have activity on campus, bring back jonathan hunt live. i'm sure you saw what looked like dozens of lapd leaving one main building, asppeared to be royse hall, don't quote me on
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that. anything from your sources on this operation? >> jonathan: we are hearing nothing, silence from lapd and chp, makes you wonder if they know what their strategy is. there has to be a method to the mad ness on the campus of ucla while we've watched hundreds of police officers essentially standing there. what we've seen in some movements over last few hours has been a shift change. they have been there so long, had to move the squirmish lines and move people off them and move fresh officers to squirmish lines and we still wait for concerted action.
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you talk about royse hall, look at screen right there, that is royse hall building that is lit up there. we had some thought a few hours a ago, talking about the possibility officers could go in from the backside and come through the middle without going through that plywood barrier the protesters erected, come out, burst through the doors and round people up quickly. we have seen the protesters barr barricaded heavily the doors of ro royse hall, would take movement to break down the doors and come out, they may have made the decision that is not the best way. from layman's perspective, this
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appears to be a plan developed on the fly. compare with what the nypd did at columbia, different situation with gated campus, they could clear more easily. clearly a operation planned over several days. it just looks to us here that the lapd, the chp and the l.a. county sheriff department decided to move in today or yesterday after violence we saw without any clear plan of how they were going to dismantle this encampment and it seems they may still be working out what they want to do and how to do it. >> todd: you have to ask the question articulated by betsy b brentner smith, is this function of defund the police movement?
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is this what individuals wanted? response does not appear to the layman's eye to make any sence at this point. you mention siels sielence, white house is previewing biden toxic lead pipe announcement and lest you think they are not focused on the los angeles area, president biden will expand national monument and snow monument. i don't know, something seems to be missing in what i just read. shouldn't we hear from the president of the united states when a signature university is under assault? >> jonathan: there is a lot of pressure on president biden, point with the white house,
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there is pressure from a lot of different factions of democratic party to speak out. we have seen complete lawlessness on the campuses and there is sfoert support for palestinian protesters. it appears the white house is racked with indecision how to response as lapd and other law enforcement agencies seem to be in terms of how to respond on the ground. we are seeing indecision and i want to address the point of ucla. it simply wrong for anyone to suggest that these law enforcement agencies have to wait for the go ahead. they are on the property and declared this unlawful assembly,
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issues disbursal order. the law enforcement do not have to wait for anything from ucla temperature is entirely in their hands now. it is up to them, they have decided for the moment not to make the final move to disburse this encampment. >> todd: crucial point, if law enforcement sees crime being committed, they can step in, they don't need the ucla chancellor permission. bring in brooke singman as ucla reportedly cancelled class today. >> brooke: the school will cancel in-person class as protests continue to spiral out of control. the school announced campus operation limited today and tomorrow, remote and urged students to asvoid campus. violent protest carried on into
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the early morning hours. ucla president's office said 15 reported injuries, including one hos hospitalization. >> todd: bring back jonathan hunt live in los angeles. tough to go to class with this as your setting. i'm worried, i mentioned with the ucla student we had on at the top, ucla is the trimester and does not have benefit of graduation in nine days to end this, they have weeks left of this. how worried are people of los angeles this will be nightly from now into the near future? >> jonathan: commencement is not july june 14th, long way to go. i think the general view here in l.a. is that this will not be allowed to go on. this is, we are approaching the end of the book in terms of what
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is happening at ucla, we're all, i think, very bemused it is continuing to take so long. look at the buses that law enforcement pulled up hours and hours ago to take away those they will eventually clear from that encampment. those buses have not moved a great deal. you see the officers masking there, which may be another shift change simply because this has been going on so long. i was talking to a security con consultant saying take into account fatigue of officers who have been standing and looking at that encampment for hour after hour, you have to change them out. you are seeing shift changes and hundreds of officers on site in total, but no concerted action to take back central part of the
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campus of ucla. >> todd: make sure the officers have advantage of energy over the people they ultimately will need to control. protesters have been out there for days, they are being fortified, they had a day yesterday to refortify themselves which is insane. look on the screen, definitely seeing movement. go to the core of ucla. the professors and people that make up this institution, let's face it, all colleges and universities unless you are l liberty are liberal, always have been. i know officials i went to ucla with that became law professors and while you can deal with liberalism, you cannot deal with far left marxism, whether on the
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dei front or what we're seeing today. as somebody that lived in l.a. for a while now, do you look at what i said and look at what is happening and saying the seed for this chaos have been sown long before events of october 7? >> jonathan: without a doubt there has been a certain sympathy for the causes for -- and among them the cause of palestinians and we are seeing that writ large now. going to your point of october 7, i think what you are seeing also is a huge propaganda victory for hamas. i was talking about this yesterday, hamas will lose the war in a physical sence, they are winning the propaganda
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battle and we are seeing it on campuses of america. >> todd: breaking news now, i believe we'll head back to william live at the ucla campus, bill, what do we have? >> you can hear the crowd, they have been reignited, i think the number of sympathizers here seem to have thinned out a bit. when police move, you get chanting or see strobes from inside the encampment, they response, as well. there has been shift change or redeployment where officers are. it is hard for us, i got my masters here in terms of lay of the land, don't know where the officers are, okeechp and lapd
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does this crowd do if they move on the frontal assault in this direction? we talked about reinforcement, it will be difficult. we have seen the helmets, gas masks, mace, clubs that officers could face. people inside have a choice, you can leave, you have been told that over the last few hours to leave, it is unlawful assembly, if you will. if they are there, they want to be there. there is a lot of agitators in there, these are professionals, taught and trained, there is organizing 101, how to deal with media and police and that is a big question here. two drones are up, two police drones, giving them a birds eye view. as you mentioned before, you
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have football field where buildings surrounded, we don't know where everyone is in terms of access points along campus and relative to the encampment. not a lot of movement now, we have no idea what they are waiting for, been here a long time, as to what happens next, it looks like there are some of the people inside the encampment have risen above the plywood and looking out this way looking through the plywood and todd, we were out here and that plywood palette, three quarter inch plywood and tried to hammer it together. you try to take down one piece and then it is attached to the next one. how they will get in is a mystery, it could be long and a lot of people could get hurt.
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>> todd: we are getting information from our law enforcement sources on the following. one reporter reporting to us said he's hearing it is go time, we are going in. i don't want to say itthe exact team, that is what one reporter is reporting, that was supposed to happen within five minutes and that was four minutes ago. we are expecting to see activity on the ucla campus. what does appear to me based upon uniform, lapd in their riot gear ready for akction. stay on standby, quickly bring in cheryl casone from our sister network. there is a business aspect, it is this. i'm a parent, i pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to college and university for my
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child, i want that kid to come out and get a job and make money and not join a protest movement. what is this doing to ucla? >> cheryl: what i want to make a point about here, yes, look at cost for four-year degree, $145,000, even tuition and fees, in-state is 30 and out-of-state is higher. amount of money, this is broader story to thousands of students at ucla and families that have sent their children to ucla, now there are no classes, graduation is threatened, remember what protesters are asking for, why are they there? they want endowment fund of ucla to divest who are investing in israel and ump cans that support israel weapons companies, 131
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million endowment, like at columbia, the cost of taxpayers in terms of law enforcement that will have to be on the ground to keep law and order. we saw with columbia, outside agitators come in, outside groups, that is another impact of all of this and what you are seeing, how many of these are students, we don't know. we can guess a lot of these you are seeing right now are outside agitators. this campus taken cue from what we saw at columbia university in new york. numbers are staggering. again, all operations, classes at ucla, disrupted and cancelled because of what we're seeing and that is the financial cost and
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emotional cost to students. >> todd: if i'm a parent of a jewish student, i have to think long and hard about sending my child into this mess. bring back william live on campus, what are you seeing? >> you know, i'm going to tell you, where i'm at, chp and lapd have face shields up now, it is possible they are going to make entry point elsewhere from the front of the encampment. hard to tell right now. there are a lot of side as alle, access point to encampment and areas we talked about, buildings that account tcould try to come they have barricaded main doors. there are spots along this cor corridor mall that could provide
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entry point for police. they have drones up, eyes in the sky, i'm sure lookouts in the building in terms of when they get a go order. i'm not seeing that the officers are in the ready to make an entry from where i'm standing. >> todd: help us with numbers this is evolving situation, if you were to guess what appears to be law enforcement what would you put that number at? couple dozen? >> you know, i would say several maybe 200, maybe more. sheriff's department on the other side, you mentioned, with chp right now, looking at 40 lapd, probably 50 here in the main mall. we've seen people, law enforcement go in and the out basically doing 360 around this
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location, several hundred law enforcement here. well outnumbered by students and those who definitely appear to be sympathetic to the people inside the camp, which when we arrived, it was over 1000, it's thinned out, 2:48 in the morning. the question i've had here, if that crowd wants to come over that fence, that is doable. you have cops here to try to stop that from happening, they would be overwhelmed or bloody if you try to stop protect people making entry point from where we are standing. >> todd: loaded for bear at top of the hour and you used phrase bloody, we hope that does not happen.
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based upon scene we are seeing, you have to consider it a distinct possibility. thank you. bring back in jonathan hunt live in los angeles. jonathan, you are watching same video we are. to the untrained eye and from a very far away vantage point it seems like to a certain degree the encampment is be ing surrounded or partially su surrounded, are you getting that sence? >> jonathan: there is movement from various units of law enforcement. opposite side from william, where you see that big fence william was looking at, the wall they built. screen left is the area where william is, screen right is the
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other side and that seems to be where action is. officers are masked and close-upshot, helicopter shot, we see visors down and beginning to inch their way forward. it is beginning to happen. there is presumably as we were mentioning earlier, method to what appears to the madness over last 24 hours. they do have a plan and are beginning to execute it. we're in the very beginnings of this as we see one person being led away from the scene. there are hundreds they will have to lead away. you compare this again with what
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happened at columbia, that unfolded so quickly once the nypd went in. it will take longer to sweep that encampment than it did columbia in new york. this is not going to be easy by any means. >> todd: that was going to be the case regardless, columbia one building on private university, here ucla, this encampment is on football field surrounded by buildings. william said there are alley ways, it is not as self-contained as columbia is. draw people's attention to what is on tz screen now. you mentioned arrest of an individual. look at the particular potext,
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police sources saying it is go time, we were supposed to have a operation five minutes from that point, it appears it is later than that, if we are expect ing advancement. take us inside for a moment, if you will, this generalized c concept of what happens when the sun comes up today? we cannot have another day where we allow these individuals to regroup and do this all again thursday night into friday. oo i'd say this is definition of insanity. >> jonathan: i don't think this will be allowed to go another
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night. we are three hours from the sun coming up. it may be they delayed waiting for the other crowd that came in to disburse a little. when they realize those in the encampment, police were moving in, they put out call across social media for hundreds to come join them outside the encampment. police have the encampment in front of them and other protesters behind them. you would think they may have disbursed. you look now at screen left, police officers walking back down the steps, not sure if that is taped or live, walking down away from the encampment when you see them walking up that hill, they are going into the
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encamp encampment. that line of officers, a long line, we've seen from a wider shot. they seem to be blocked at the moment. you see protesters with umbrellas there standing directly in front of them and officers are not pushing forward. we are in a standoff and come back to what is the tactic and we don't know what all of these commanders on the scene decided is the best way forward. they are probing various points, this is another one they're looking at now and perhaps they are simply trying to find the weakest point to enter and flood with officers and begin making hundreds of arrests they will need to ultimately clear the encampment. >> todd: thank you for being with me this morning as we
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watched history unfold together, continue to unfold, also potentially watching a powder >> todd: let's bring in congresswoman nancy mace. you work in the hallowed halls of congress. welcome to america do? what can do besides changing the definition of anti-semitism to be broader and besides curtailing funding to schools that allow this kind of unrest to happen? what else can you as a congresswoman do to stop these scenes on our screen right now? >> well, first, i want to say this is joe biden's america. this is the democrat party. these folks wanted to defund the police. we ought to defund these ivy league colleges, these schools where these students are desis he creating the american flag, disrespecting the american flag. desis he creating college campuses because they hate america and they hate jews. these are jew haters, these are
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terrorist loving jew haters, gender studies students who hate our country. and they ought to be defunded. they shouldn't have their student loans forgiven. we should reverse what joe biden announced in the last couple weeks that taxpayers are going to pay their student loans off. this shouldn't be happening. >> todd: in addition to not making a statement, the aforementioned joe biden is reportedly thinking of placing palestinian refugees in our country. congresswoman, how is that going to help quell this unrest? >> it's not. what i would like to see is if these terrorists-loving kids and students hate our country so much, they should take their terrorist flags, they should go to gaza in their crop tops and nose rings and see how long they would last because hamas would chop off their heads, throw them off the roof of a building before they ever have a chance to tell them their pronouns. this is what is going on in this
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country. i want to know where the adults are on campus putting a stop to this kind of violence. they are preventing jewish students from going to class. they are trashing these college campuses. this is -- this is not what america stands for. we stand for freedom and liberty of all people, but this is what biden, this is what the left and democrats, the democrat party created this mess and they need to own it. >> todd: a university of tehran professor, by the way for those of you geographically not inclined, that's in iran, said in an interview that iran likes seeing protests on u.s. college campuses, adding those are their supporters if there is ever a conflict between the two countries. how come our leaders, the quote, unquote, adults that are supposed to be in charge, not only of our government but also of our major institutions, like ucla, don't seem to see that congresswoman? >> right. and iran said the quiet part out loud. these are terrorist sympathizers. they are waiving the flag of
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hezbollah. they are very sympathetic to terrorism in the middle east because they hate jews. and joe biden has allowed this to happen. he hasn't said one word condemning these actions that are happening on campuses across the country. i can tell you this much. i'm givings commencement address at the citadel core of cadets on saturday. these kids, these students wouldn't last 30 seconds at the citadel. this would not be tolerated. that's the kind of man and president we need. we need donald trump back in the white house. >> todd: even if trump can't come pain because he is in court again today around 9:30. scenes of this kind of do the campaigning for him. because you have to ask yourself when you go vote in november or earlier, as is the case in america these days, do you want scenes like this every day on your screen or do you want, presumably, the peace that donald trump campaigns on? i leave that for the voters to decide. congresswoman, before we let you go, you mention you are going to be speaking at a college. you also have kids. i'm watching. this i have got kids.
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i wanted them to go ucla as a law school alum i had a dream of them going here and living the same experience that i did. 20 seconds to you, are you going to let your kids go into this kind of a caldron when they're college-aged? >> well, we are actually looking at college campuses now for my oldest who is done early, and we absolutely will not allow our children to go to a campus, a dei campus that sympathizes with terrorism. we are not going to do it. i think most americans would agree. >> todd: i got a great education there, i'm not going to discount it. based on the scenes i am seeing right now i would be hard-pressed to say any of my kids are going to go there. and that's sad. congresswoman nancy mace, thank you for being with us. our conch of the scene at ucla. awaiting movement by the cops at any moment continues right now. "fox & friends" take it from here. >> steve: thank you very much, todd. it's 6:00 here in new york city. it is 3:00 a.m. in los


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